Suddenly, a huge monster with a height of more than 200 meters appeared in the sky.

The distance between Qingmu and the super pterosaur was instantly wiped out.

The sharp wind blade fell on him, cutting a few shallow scars, and it was restored in an instant.

The strongest super dangerous species has not yet appeared, and keeping this strongest trump card to deal with the four-winged dragon is the most reasonable choice.

But for Qingmu, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand.

The four-winged dragon is a dangerous species of space, and its ability to escape is extremely strong. Keeping the "ultimate form" may not necessarily kill it.

Looking back and forth, hesitating, dragging it for too long, if the four-winged dragon returns early, it may be a waste of time.

It is better to use the power of thunder to solve one first and get a silver bead, at least there is a bottom line.


The super pterosaur was stunned, and when he came to his senses, he suddenly exploded.

How did the little thing in front of him suddenly become so big?

Not only big, but also exuding a breath that made it tremble all over.

The Super Pterosaur did not hesitate at all. Following its instinct, it flapped its wings desperately and fled far away.

Although its body was huge, as a dangerous species that controlled the power of wind, its speed was very fast, and it was about to completely distance itself.

Suddenly, its head seemed to be hit, and it became blank in an instant.

Soul shock!

Qingmu stretched out his right hand like lightning and grabbed the neck of the Super Pterosaur.

The two behemoths fell rapidly.

The size of bat wings is limited. After the normal dragon body, it can barely fly, but it is completely unusable in the ultimate form.


Like a super-large meteorite falling, a huge sound wave rushed into the sky, tearing the clouds, and the earth broke into pieces, turning into a spider web.

In an instant, everyone looked towards the place where it fell.

The behemoth over 200 meters high was very visually impactful.

"This, is this the trump card that Qingmu said?" Rab's eyes bulged.

At the banquet, Qingmu said that he could transform into a super-large dangerous species.

He thought it was only about 10 or 20 meters.

As a result, it was more than 10 times higher than he expected.

It was like a small mountain!


Tatsumi looked at the ferocious and majestic black dragon man, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of amazement.

Leone and others were also shocked.

Another battlefield.

Not only humans, but also dangerous species were attracted by the huge noise.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex subconsciously turned his head and took a look.

"Good opportunity!"

Akame rushed over instantly.

She was one of the few people who were not distracted.

Unlike other people who changed their careers halfway, she was trained as an assassin since she was a child. She had extremely high combat literacy and faced such a powerful enemy. As long as it did not affect the battle, she would never be distracted no matter how big the noise was.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately realized the danger and waved its claws to slap Akame.

A dangerous species suddenly rushed over and blocked between the two of them.

Akahime recognized that this was her sister's puppet at a glance, and immediately changed her strategy, throwing defense behind her mind, tapping her toes lightly, bending her body, and instantly came to the blind spot of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's attack.


Murasame passed by, and blood splashed.

The black rune spread quickly, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex struggled for a while, let out a mournful cry, and its huge body fell down with a bang.

Akahime turned her head and happened to meet Hei Tong's eyes.

Both of them laughed.

On the other side.

Aoki grabbed the Super Pterosaur's neck like a big goose.

The Super Pterosaur struggled frantically, twisting its neck, flapping its wings, and kicking its claws hard, but it was completely unable to break free from the big hand on its neck.

Aoki pressed the Super Pterosaur to the ground, raised his fist, and smashed it on the head.

The "ultimate form" only has ten seconds, and there is no time to waste.

Boom! !

The earth shook, and the ground suddenly collapsed a few points.

Blood splattered, the Super Pterosaur's head deformed, but the ferocity in its eyes did not diminish at all, and it struggled even harder.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qingmu was merciless and punched three more times.

The Super Pterosaur lay on the ground, its head bloody and fleshy, and it stopped struggling.

The surrounding ground was completely stained red with blood.

Qingmu still did not stop, loosened his fist, and stabbed his claws like a long knife, deeply piercing into the Super Pterosaur's head.

The last time he fought with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although he broke the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head, he failed to kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex because the damage caused was not enough.

However, in the ultimate form, his palm was larger than the Super Pterosaur's head.

After the claws pierced in, the Super Pterosaur's eyes rolled up and completely lost its life.

At the same time, Qingmu's body size shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he returned to a height of three meters. The previous powerful strength also disappeared out of thin air, making him feel lost.

Without immersing himself in this emotion, Qingmu immediately searched in the Super Pterosaur's brain.

After a moment, he retracted his hand, and there was an egg-sized silver bead in his palm.


With this bead, this operation will not be a loss.

At this moment, a strong space fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky.

Qingmu looked up quickly.

A huge creature shaped like a dragon with four wings on its back appeared out of thin air.

"It can really sense the changes in the silver bead."

The four-winged dragon looked down and instantly locked its eyes on Qingmu.

It doesn't look like a human, nor does it look like a dangerous species.

Even though it had traveled all over the world, it had never seen such a strange thing.

Compared with the last time they met, Qingmu's breath, appearance, and taste had all changed dramatically.

The four-winged dragon did not recognize Qingmu at all. Qingmu was the food that it accidentally discovered in the past, slipped away from its mouth, and caused it a lot of trouble.

However, the scene it saw at this time had already made it angry enough.


Silver light condensed.

Qingmu's eyes changed slightly and he quickly retreated.


A silver light fell, there was no horrible explosion, no sky-high fire, but the soil disappeared silently, and a bottomless hole appeared on the ground.

"My perception is indeed correct, it is the strongest!"

Qingmu stared at the hole.

In terms of destructive power, this is the strongest attack he has ever encountered.

And it is extremely fast and silent.

If it were not for the help of the "transparent world" and some signs were discovered in advance, he might not be able to dodge it.

The figures of the four people, Akame and Hei Tong, rushed out of the forest, and their eyes were instantly attracted by the four-winged dragon in the sky.

As for Qingmu's appearance, they had seen it before and were not surprised.

"Is this the four-winged dragon you mentioned?"

"Yes, where is the Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

"It's dead!"

"Awesome!" Qingmu praised.

"No, you are still more powerful!"

Akame glanced at the corpse of the super pterosaur and was slightly shocked.

Flying dangerous species are always troublesome.

Qingmu didn't have Murasame who could kill with one blow.

He actually killed a flying super dangerous species in such a short time.

"Don't flatter each other!"

Najeta reminded: "It seems to be ready to attack!"

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