"Three super dangerous species, the situation is very dangerous."

Ma Yin picked up the pumpkin again: "However, the more dangerous it is, the stronger I am."

The thick golden light beam flew out like a sharp arrow.

The giant snail's head is hidden in its shell, motionless.


The golden beam of light expanded rapidly and turned into a huge fireball.

After the flames dissipated, the giant snail was revealed. One of the shells turned black, leaving burn marks.

"Not broken yet?"

Ma Yin looked solemn.

Such a strong defense, the enemies I encountered before were not at the same level as it.

Is this a super dangerous species?

Whoosh whoosh!

A large number of tentacles shot out of the giant snail's shell and flew towards Ma Yin.

The two people walked out and stood in front of Ma Yin.

The boy on the left is holding a machete, and the woman on the right is wearing a purple dress and holding huge scissors.

Tazmi! Hill!

"Leave it to us!"

Leonai, Brand and Rab also stood up.

According to the plan, the six of them were responsible for dealing with the giant snail.

Nadjeta, Susano'o, Black Eyes, and Red Eyes didn't hesitate, turned around and charged towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The four of them are the main force against the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes showed strong anger and hatred.

It was such a little thing that it almost got killed.

It opened its mouth and spit out, and red energy spurted out.

Chi Tong and the other four dodge.


Like a cannonball falling, the flames expanded, the air waves rolled, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Black Eyes landed lightly, pulled out Bafang, and activated his ability without hesitation.

A ball of black energy appeared at the tip of the eighth room, and black thunder and lightning shot out.


The ground rolled, and huge figures emerged one after another.

Chitong and Nadjeta both had surprised expressions on their faces.

They are all dangerous species, and they are very powerful special dangerous species.

However, what surprised them was not the strength of the dolls, but the number.

A total of sixteen dolls appeared around!

March of the Dead, eight rooms, can control up to eight corpses.

Why are there sixteen dolls?


A ball of red energy passed by, and the upper body of one of the dolls was devoured, leaving only its legs and half of its chest.

But the next moment, flesh and blood spread, and the doll returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Nadjeta and Chitong became more and more surprised.

They all knew that special dangerous species, which did not have such a powerful regeneration ability.

Is this the ability of Bafang?

Since when did Bafang have such power?

Black Eyes smiled slightly.

Bafang has become one with her.

Now she can not only control up to sixteen dolls, but the dolls she makes have ghost properties and can regenerate quickly.

This is her vampire technique, simple yet powerful.

Nadjeta took a deep look at Heitong.

Although she had long known that Black Eyes was difficult to deal with, she never expected that Black Eyes would be so powerful.

Fortunately, Black Eyes left the empire, otherwise it would definitely bring them huge trouble.

"let's go!"

The black pupil pointed the long knife.

Sixteen dolls rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex together.

Susano'o followed closely behind.

As a biological Teigu, he is also not afraid of getting hurt.

Nadjeta knew that her strength was limited and did not step forward rashly.

With the cover of the doll and Susano'o, Chitong quietly came behind the Tyrannosaurus Rex, with calm eyes, Murasame slashed out like lightning.

She is an assassin.

Although he is very capable in frontal combat, he is also good at assassination in secret.

As long as Murasame is injured, even a super dangerous species will die.

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly turned around and waved its claws.


Chitong felt a terrifying force coming towards him, and he didn't dare to take it hard, so he flew backwards.

Although she tried her best to relieve herself, her palms were still numb after landing.

However, compared to its powerful strength, she was more surprised by the performance of this dangerous species in another aspect.

"What a keen sense!"

This super dangerous species definitely didn't know Murasame's abilities, but among the many attacks, it keenly sensed the most dangerous one and made the most correct response.

There are more and more dangerous species around.

The black-eyed puppet had to give up besieging the Tyrannosaurus rex and instead deal with its dangerous little brother.

Seeing this, Chitong's eyes gradually became sharp.

As long as he is injured by Murasame, he will definitely die.

But in order to avoid relying too much on Murasame, she would still give priority to the fatal spot when attacking.

For example, neck, heart.

In this case, even if she loses Murasame, her strength will not drop too much.

However, this also constrains Murasame and cannot fully unleash his power.

Aoki said that there are four super dangerous species in this secret realm.

Currently, three of them have appeared, and there is one that has not appeared, and it is the strongest and most dangerous one.

If that super dangerous species suddenly returns, they don't have enough manpower to deal with it, which may directly lead to the failure of the hunting plan.

A super dangerous species must be dealt with as soon as possible!

Aoki alone dealt with the flying super-dangerous species, while Mayin and the others dealt with the super-dangerous species with extremely strong defenses.

Only they have the conditions for a quick kill.

Chi Tong's gaze swept across the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body.

The huge body and inflexible form meant that this super dangerous species had many blind spots.

When she decided not to restrain herself and Murasame anymore, she found a lot of flaws at once.

"Destroy it!"

Akahime tiptoed and flew out.



Accompanied by a sharp whistle, countless wind blades came at him.

Qingmu flapped his wings quickly, and his figure drew an arc, dodging the attack of the wind blades.

A man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation.

Compared with the last time we met, he was completely different.

When he came here last time, his average attribute was only 28 points, and now it has reached 37 points.

Has his strength improved by more than one level?

The sudden increase in speed, coupled with the prediction of the "transparent world", has allowed him to dodge the wind blades.

The super pterosaur had a cold look in his eyes.

It had an impression of this "little guy".

Although it was small, it was very dangerous.

There was no need to act so hastily.


The super pterosaur retreated, and a large number of dangerous species swooped down and flew towards Qingmu.

"Very cunning."

Qingmu's body swelled, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a three-meter-tall, ferocious and majestic dragon man.

It was a little unfortunate.

After transforming into a dragon man, the tube whip and bone whip disappeared.


The tail can be regarded as an upgraded version of the bone whip, which is more powerful, more flexible and more powerful.

The skills he trained can still be used, the only drawback is that the length is a bit short.

A dangerous species shaped like a vulture approached Qingmu first, exuding the breath of a special dangerous species.

This is a dangerous existence that only a powerful imperial weapon user or the army can fight.


At this time, it is facing Qingmu.

Even when Qingmu first came to this world, he was not a special dangerous species that could touch porcelain.

Not to mention now.

"Get out of my way!"

Qingmu shouted, and his tail swept past, flashing like black lightning.

The vulture dangerous species was split in two from the middle.

Qingmu didn't even look at it, flapped his wings, and rushed into the flying dangerous species like a cannonball.

Broken limbs flew, blood splattered, and a cruel blood rain fell in the sky.

These flying dangerous species were no match for him.

A moment later.

Qingmu's eyes suddenly regained light, and he looked up and saw the super pterosaur was dozens of meters away.


The super pterosaur opened its mouth and spit out wind blades that covered the sky.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was too close, and there were dangerous species all around, so Qingmu had no way to avoid it.

In fact, he didn't plan to avoid it, and there was no need to avoid it.

Ultimate form, start!

Qingmu's body suddenly swelled.

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