Three days later.

Qingmu, Hei Tong and the Night Raid gathered in a palace.

Everyone was fully armed.

Najeta asked: "Qingmu, how do we get there? If necessary, I can call in the flying dangerous species."

"No need." Qingmu stretched out his arm: "Come, grab me."

Everyone walked towards him curiously.

Although there were a lot of people, they could still fit in after squeezing.

Qingmu thought.

Everyone disappeared in the palace in an instant.

In the desolate primeval forest, eleven figures emerged out of thin air.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Qingmu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried that the teleportation landing point would be disturbed.

However, after analysis, he thought that the possibility was not great.

He had a clear landing point, and the teleportation starting point would not be disturbed. No matter how many roads there were in the middle, it would not affect him.

Only if the entrance was disturbed and he took the wrong road, he might get lost.

However, this was just a guess after all.

Now that he successfully arrived at the secret realm, he was completely relieved.

The hearts of the Night Raid were filled with shock.

Among them, Leone and Najeta knew a little about Aoki's ability, but the others knew almost nothing.

This feeling of the sudden change of the world was quite shocking.

Akahime, who had already experienced "space shuttle", was the calmest. While looking around vigilantly, she asked: "Aoki, is this the place?"


Aoki nodded.

There are many similar environments, but he has only felt this kind of weird space fluctuation interference here.

In addition, his "space shuttle" is unusable again.

However, unlike last time, he doesn't need to run away this time.

Aoki identified the direction.

"Go this way!"

Everyone followed.

On the way, everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Although they didn't bring Esdeath, the strength of their team is still very strong.

Let's not talk about Aoki for now.

After Kurohime became a ghost, his strength increased greatly.

Akahime, Brand, and Susanoo are all powerful people under Esdeath.

Even in the secret realm like the forbidden zone of life, they can basically push through.

Of course.

Relaxation does not mean carelessness.

Along the way, there were constant dangerous species trying to attack them, but they were often killed before they could get close.

However, Aoki did not relax.

Let alone the other three super dangerous species, he was very concerned about the four-winged dragon that controlled the space.

Walking along the way, he did not find any traces of the four-winged dragon.

Because there was no need to worry about the problem of dangerous species, he soon arrived at the edge of the forest.

Through the trees, you can see that there is a strange and shiny beach in front of you, and a huge snail is lying quietly on the beach.

"Is this a super dangerous species?"

Many people showed curious eyes.

Super dangerous species are very rare. For most people on this trip, this is the first time they have seen this legendary existence.

Aoki turned his head: "Main!"

This giant snail is covered with mucus, which is not easy for ordinary people to deal with. Main's pumpkin happens to be a rare imperial weapon with long-range attack capabilities.

"Leave it to me!"

Main took a step forward, set up the pumpkin, and smiled.

"I'll help too."

Tatsumi drew a scimitar from behind.

Brand didn't die, so he naturally didn't inherit the evil spirit, but he still got an imperial weapon, which is the scimitar in his hand.

Moonlight Dance, Wind Blade Sword, can emit vacuum blades, and the power will change with the age of the moon.

Najeta said regretfully: "It's a pity that no one who can use Admire was found."

Admire, the imperial weapon of the imperial general Bud, can control lightning and has terrifying attack power.

"Look at me smashing you!"

Maine held the pumpkin and aimed at the giant snail.


The golden energy condensed at the tip of the pumpkin.

At this moment, the giant snail suddenly looked in the direction of Aoki and the others.


A golden light shot out.

The giant snail's head shrank into its shell.


The golden light hit the shell, leaving no trace.

"So hard!"

Maine's face sank.

This was the first time she encountered a situation where the pumpkin could not cause any damage at all.

Without leaving time for everyone to be amazed, countless tentacles spewed out of the giant snail's shell and flew towards Maine.

Tatsumi raised his scimitar and was about to attack when a black shadow flew by.

Akame swung Murasame.


All the tentacles around were cut off, and black rune chains emerged from the wounds, spreading along the tentacles toward the giant snail.

But the next moment, the tentacles broke in the middle, and the black runes stopped.


Aoki watched silently.

Although a one-hit kill sounds scary, in actual combat, it is always affected by various factors and does not appear to be invincible.


The sea water rolled up, and a large number of snails slowly crawled out, the big ones were more than ten meters long, and the small ones were one or two meters long, covering the entire beach, so dense that people with claustrophobia would have a reaction.

"The giant snail really has little brothers."

Aoki's expression was calm.

Before coming, he had expected this situation.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex had initially driven his younger brother to attack them, not to mention the Super Pterosaur, which was surrounded by numerous dangerous flying species, blocking out the sky and the sun.

How could a giant snail be alone?

This is one of the difficulties of this hunt.

The super dangerous species not only has strong individual strength, but also has many younger brothers.

The Tyrannosaurus rex didn't lead his younger brother to attack them last time. It can only be said that he was too careless.

Giant snails have clearly learned this lesson.

Just as Aoki was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed and he looked up.

Hoo ho ho!

The sound of breaking wind came from the sky, and a super pterosaur with a wingspan of more than fifty meters flew over, surrounded by countless flying dangerous species, like dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun.

Boom, boom, boom!

Heavy footsteps sounded in the forest, and a huge, dangerous species that looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex emerged from it.

Three super dangerous species gathered together, and each super dangerous species was followed by a large number of subordinates.

Everyone looked solemn.

"So fast!"

Aoki frowned slightly.

With the lessons learned last time, he expected that these super dangerous species would not fight alone again.

But he didn't expect that his side just conducted a test, and before they launched an attack, two other super dangerous species came over to kill them.

He also brought a large number of younger brothers with him.


That's not even the worst case scenario.

At least, the four-winged dragon that controls the power of space has not appeared yet. It seems that it should not be here.

Although they had never fought each other, he could feel that the strength of the four-winged dragon was the most terrifying among these super dangerous species.

"Act as planned!"

Aoki shouted low, spread his huge wings behind him, and soared into the sky.

Since they had thought about the possibility of facing this situation, they naturally prepared ways to deal with it.

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