Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 180 Preparing for Hunting and Skill Effects

There is a table in a luxurious palace filled with delicious food.


The door opens.

Two girls walked in side by side.

Tazmi, who was playing with Ma Yin, raised her head and waved: "Red pupil, black pupil, you are here!"

The two nodded to him.

Rab crossed his arms and leaned back on the elegant chair casually.

"Chitong, do you know why the boss suddenly called us here?"

The night raid was disbanded, and their relationship with the Revolutionary Army was buried, forever unknown.

However, the members of Night Raid all received their due treatment.

Chitong pulled out the chair.

"I don't know either."

Heitong sat down next to her sister, with a curious expression on her face.

Although she often spends time with her sister, she doesn't have much communication with Ye Raid, and she has never attended any of Ye Raid's parties.

I don’t know why I called her here specifically this time?

After everyone chatted for a while, two more people walked into the room.

One of them is, of course, Nadjeta.

Everyone showed surprised expressions when they saw the other person.

Black Tong, who was playing with the knife and fork boredly, suddenly stood up and ran over in surprise.

"Aoki, you're back!"

"I didn't expect it would take so long."

Aoki smiled and looked towards the dining table again.

Leonai, Brand, Tazmi... As expected, there are no less members of the Night Raid.

"Long time no see everyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Leonai hugged his neck and said with a smile: "You are finally back! It has been more than a month since you disappeared. Do you know how worried we are about you?"

"Feel sorry."

Aoki glanced at her and said in surprise: "Where is your Lion King?"

Leonai hammered his chest and said angrily: "It's not all your fault!"

Next to her, Nadjeta explained: "Since I received your reminder, we are now very cautious when using the Teigu, especially Leonai. I have banned her from continuing to use the Teigu.

Now that the empire has been overthrown, although the war is not completely over, Leonai will not go to the battlefield again unless there are special circumstances! "

Aoki turned around and saw Leonai looking depressed.

Although she is not a fighting maniac like Esdeath, she is still very keen on fighting and has the gene for violence in her bones.

"That's a good decision!" he said. "Continuing to use The Lion King is a slow death."

Leonai snorted twice and waved his fists: "If you don't need the Teigu, you don't need it. These fists are enough!"

"Dinner is ready!"

A tall man wearing an apron walked in carrying a dinner plate and interrupted their exchange.

Nadjeta said: "Aoki, let me introduce to you, this is Susano'o."

"Bio-type Teigu?"

Aoki looked.

Biological Teigu are similar to summons and have very powerful regeneration capabilities.

But compared with ghosts, there is one more fatal flaw.

All biological Teigu have a core within them. As long as the core is destroyed, the biological Teigu will die.

This was quite a surprise.

Susanoo's male abilities are very good. After using his secret technique, he can even briefly compete with Esdeath, allowing Esdeath to use "Mokobotemo".

It is a good aid when hunting super dangerous species.

In addition, in addition to fighting, Susano'o is also versatile in housework and has both fighting and daily functions. He is a perfect nanny.

Susano'o suddenly put down his plate and walked towards Aoki. With a serious look on his face, he stretched out his hand and brushed off the dust on his clothes.

"It's much more comfortable this way."

Aoki smiled.

Well, except for his somewhat old-fashioned personality.

Everyone took their seats.

Nadjeta said: "I'm calling everyone here this time for two reasons. One is to help Aoki catch the wind and wash away the dust, and the other is to hunt for super dangerous species!"

Everyone looked towards Aoki.

Aoki glanced at their faces: "I'm planning to start in the next few days. I hope everyone is ready."

Everyone's expressions were condensed, but they did not show any expression of reluctance.

Aoki had already killed the ministers and even the emperor as agreed. He was indispensable for the revolutionary army's ability to overthrow the empire so quickly.

Now, it's time for them to deliver on their promise.

"When exactly?" Chitong asked.

Aoki said: "In three days!"

Firstly, it was to give him time to prepare for the night attack, and secondly, he had to wait for the "ultimate form" to be fully charged.

"It looks like there's going to be a big battle!"

Brand smiled heartily and said: "Tazmi, stay close to me when the time comes, so that I can protect you!"

Tazmi's face turned red and she smiled dryly: "Thank you, brother, but I will protect myself."

Ma Yin glared at Brand angrily.

"Boss." Leonai looked at Nadjeta longingly.

Nadjeta smiled: "You can use the Lion King this time."

"Yeah!" Leonai shouted excitedly.

Labo trembled: "Super dangerous species, I feel so terrible. Do you want to confess to Nadjeta before this?"

Hill looked at everyone without speaking, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The black pupils looked to the side.

"Sister, we can fight side by side again. My strength will definitely shock my sister."

Chitong smiled and said: "I already knew that Heitong is very strong now."

When the party ended, it was already late at night.

Aoki sat cross-legged.

This is the residence that Najeta arranged for him, next to the room of the sisters Black Eye and Red Eye.

He still has some questions about "Infinite Dragon Beast" that he has not figured out.

"Soul of Vengeance", "Dragon Breath", "Swallow", Qingmu's eyes swept over these three skills, and a series of information emerged in his mind.

"Dragon Breath" is the simplest, it is an attack skill, simply put, it is an energy-type attack spit out from the mouth.

This is basically the standard of super dangerous species,

which makes up for his shortcomings of not having long-range attack capabilities.

"Swallow" is similar to the previous "Swallow Ghost", but there is still a big difference overall.

"Infinite Dragon Beast" is a profession formed by the fusion of a large number of super dangerous species bloodlines. It can continue to swallow "bloodlines" to strengthen itself.

There is even a chance to improve the quality of the profession.

However, not all bloodlines can be absorbed and fused, and it is very difficult to improve the quality of the profession.

Although it cannot directly increase combat effectiveness, the importance of this skill is unquestionable.

The most interesting one is the skill "Soul of Vengeance".

Whether it is a half-star profession, or a "White Walker" or "White Walker King", the skills are basically the embodiment of the power or characteristics of the corresponding profession.

However, "Spirit of Vengeance" is different.

This skill comes from the anger and hatred of those super dangerous species.

After being killed, the flesh and bones are also refined into weapons.

Although they are dead, the hatred of those super dangerous species has not disappeared, and has been integrated into the blood and turned into "Spirit of Vengeance".

The effect of "Spirit of Vengeance" is also very interesting.

After reading it, Aoki did not hesitate and directly raised the priority of "Spirit of Vengeance" to the highest level.

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