Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 179 Unexpected Developments

What happened?

Has the transformation time ended?

Aoki was stunned and looked at the system panel.

Ultimate form (0/100).

As expected!

Aoki calculated.

From the start of the skill to the end, it was about ten seconds in total.

"This is not as long as Ultraman!" He shook his head secretly.

However, level 1 can exert the power of level 40, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

10 seconds, although not enough for a fierce battle, but at certain critical moments, it is enough to change fate.

Another problem was also clarified. The progress bar behind the "ultimate form" is similar to "anger" and "energy". Only after it is full can the skill be activated.

After use, it needs to be recharged again.

The charging time is about three days.


A chaotic sound of footsteps came from above.

Aoki looked up.

"You are here now, Bud and the Guards are slack."

He broke through the mountain and lifted the palace. It would be strange if the people outside did not react.

In fact, this efficiency was much slower than he expected.

A team of armored soldiers were now above the cave entrance, cautiously sticking their heads out and looking down.

Qingmu was about to teleport away, but stopped again, with a little difference on his face.

Where did these soldiers come from?

He had been to the palace several times.

He knew the situation in the palace very well, but he knew it well.

But he had never seen this kind of armor.

Did Bud transfer people from outside?

However, the strength of these people was far inferior to that of the guards. What was the point of mobilizing them?

Just as he was thinking, a conversation came from above.

"What happened?"

"My lord, the palace here suddenly collapsed, and we came here to find that there was a deep pit below, and there were people in it!"

"Is there someone in the deep pit?" A beautiful woman with short silver hair appeared at the entrance of the cave. She wore an eye patch on her right eye and a mechanical arm on her left hand. She had a capable temperament.


Qingmu looked stunned.

Najta, who was above the cave entrance, was stunned for a moment, and also showed a surprised expression.


Aoki's figure flashed and appeared next to Najeta, scaring the surrounding soldiers and raising their weapons subconsciously.

"Stop, this is not the enemy!"

Najeta shouted loudly, asking the soldiers to put down their weapons, and looked at Aoki in surprise: "Aoki, why are you here?"

"Should I ask you this question?"

Aoki glanced at the soldiers and thought: "Has the revolutionary army overthrown the empire?"

"Yes, thanks to you." Najeta said.

Aoki realized something and asked: "How long have I been away?"

Najeta said seriously: "You have been missing for almost a month and a half!"

"It took so long!"

Aoki was slightly surprised.

It seems that blood fusion and body transformation are not a simple matter.

Luckily he is a ghost.

If he were still a human, he would probably starve to death before the transformation was completed.

Najeta looked at the cave below, her eyes moved: "There is such a big cave here. We have controlled the palace for more than a month, but we didn't find it at all!"

"Not only you, but few people in the empire know this place."

Aoki said.

Najta had many doubts in her heart, but in the end she didn't ask anything and retracted her gaze.

"For more than a month, we have been looking for you. We almost searched the imperial capital, but we didn't find any trace. I didn't expect you to be in the palace."

"Looking for me?" Aoki was surprised. Did the revolutionary army value him so much?

Najta said seriously: "You have made great contributions to overthrowing the empire so quickly. Of course, we will not sit idly by and watch you disappear for no reason."

Although Aoki didn't care, her statement was indeed very comfortable.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. By the way, how are you?"

He slightly emphasized the second "you".

Najta understood: "Although we have experienced a hard battle, fortunately, everyone is safe in the end."

Aoki couldn't hide his surprise.

No one died in the night raid?

He didn't expect them to die, on the contrary, he was worried that something might happen to them.

The deal promised by the night raid has not been fulfilled yet.

He originally planned to hunt the super dangerous species before the war broke out.

As a result, he overslept.

He thought he would lose, but he didn't expect a sudden turn of events.

But is this reasonable?

"Where is Esdeath? How did you kill Esdeath?" he asked.

Najeta's expression became a little more serious and shook her head: "Esdeath is not dead."

"Esdeath is not dead either?"

Aoki had an absurd idea in his mind: "Did you capture her alive?"

Najeta shook her head: "How could Esdeath be captured? In fact, we didn't fight Esdeath at all."

"What happened?" Aoki became more and more curious.

"Esdeath disappeared at the same time as you, and has not appeared until now."

Najeta said in a deep voice.

They have always suspected that something happened between Aoki and Esdeath.

Now it seems that they guessed wrong.

Aoki seemed to know nothing about Esdeath.

The two of them disappearing at the same time was just a pure coincidence.


This answer was beyond Aoki's expectations.

Esdeath must have left on her own initiative.

In this world, the only one who can really threaten Esdeath's life is Akame.

More than a month ago, even he was almost there.

However, according to Najeta's words, it is obvious that they also know nothing about Esdeath's disappearance.

How could Esdeath, a warmongering maniac, miss the war between the Empire and the Revolutionary Army?

What on earth did she do?

Najeta said: "In the past month, searching for Esdeath's traces has always been one of our key tasks, but there has been no discovery."

For the new country, Esdeath is no longer a "hidden danger".

If Esdeath does not die, the country will never be stable.

Aoki is not surprised by this.

Humans are the masters of this world, but they are far from being able to completely control the world.

There are a large number of dangerous species and a large number of uninhabited areas outside the city.

Some secret realms are death restricted areas for humans.

If Esdeath does not want to show up, no one can find her at all.

The question is, why did Esdeath disappear?

"What a pity."

Aoki felt a little regretful.

He really wanted to bring Esdeath with him.

With his current strength, plus a full night raid, he was more confident of dealing with the four super dangerous species.


With the help of Esdeath, it would be safer.

After dealing with the super dangerous species, he could settle the conflict between him and Esdeath.

For him, this was a business that was sure to make money.

Unexpectedly, Esdeath disappeared strangely, which made his plan fail.

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