Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 178 Dragon Body, Ultimate Form

A thick tail protruded from behind, all black, as if it was made of metal, with a sharp blade at the end.


Where did the tail come from?

My tail?

I have a tail?

Qingmu was a little confused, what had he become?

Being assimilated by the imperial weapon would turn him into a corresponding super dangerous species.

However, his situation was slightly different.

First, the power of the dangerous species was controlled by the system. Second, the "Infinite Dragon Beast" was formed by the fusion of multiple bloodlines, not a single super dangerous bloodline.

Qingmu looked at his sharp claws and thought of another question.

"The previous severe pain, could it be that he was transforming his body?"

Although there was no evidence, he felt that his guess was likely correct.

Qingmu's thoughts moved, and a mirror appeared in his hand, and he looked down.

A black dragon head appeared in the mirror, as if it was made of metal, majestic and ferocious, with golden vertical pupils in his eyes, but the color was more intense, like two balls of blazing golden flames.

There are four horns on the top of the head, which look like a natural crown. The mouth is full of ferocious teeth, like two rows of saws.

Further down is the slender neck, with red lines printed on the chest, a pair of sharp and slender claws, and a ferocious bone blade on each forearm.

The lower limbs are thick and powerful, and the claws are nailed to the ground like nails.

Overall, the body is mainly black, with red lines on the chest and limbs. It is ferocious, majestic, and has a special beauty, like a delicate and dangerous killing machine.


Aoki muttered to himself.

His previous worries became a reality, and he became less human.

"Infinite Dragon Beast", the word "beast" is really genuine.

Aoki carefully checked it and finally figured out the changes in appearance.

First of all, the height.

He didn't notice this before. In fact, he is now three meters tall, a little giant.

Then the appearance.

This dragon-like shape is his real appearance.

His body was completely transformed.

Even his physique became strange, no longer a simple flesh and blood body, like the product of the fusion of flesh and blood and steel.

"Not only did I lose my inner qualities, but I also lost my face."

Qingmu shook his head secretly.

However, if he were to choose again, he would still not let go of this opportunity.

Crossing is a very dangerous thing.

No one knows what will happen next.

Only a stronger power can protect his safety.

He will never give up a four-star profession.

As for turning back to human, he can only think about it in the long run.

In fact, the situation has not become particularly bad.

If the difficulty of retaining his power to turn back to human was 100 before, it may have become 150 or 200 now.

But for him with a progress of 0, is it 100, 150, or 200? What difference does it make?

He has long figured out that it is impossible to solve the problem in one go.

The best choice is to gain power first and then find a solution.

As Qingmu thought about it, his body began to shrink, and his appearance changed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he turned back to his human appearance.

"As expected."

Although his appearance has changed dramatically, he still maintains the abilities of the "King of the Others", including "complete mimicry".

The change in appearance has no effect on him.

"Let's test the combat power first!" Qingmu changed back to the dragon form.

The change in appearance did not put any extra burden on him, but in terms of fighting, the original form would definitely be more comfortable.

Qingmu looked at the rock wall, his figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of the rock wall, punching out.


A fist mark appeared on the rock wall, cracks spread outward, and with a bang, it collapsed completely, leaving a big pit.

A trace of surprise appeared in Qingmu's golden vertical pupils. After thinking for a while, he continued to test.

Bang, bang, bang!

Kick, elbow, tail sweep... After trying all the attack methods, Qingmu fell into deep thought.

He found that his strength was not just as simple as increasing the attribute by 5 points.

This body is now better at exerting force than humans and ghosts.

For example, before, he could exert 50% of his whole body's strength with one punch through various techniques, but now he can easily reach 70%.

The same power, but the effect is greatly improved.

In addition, the sudden increase in size also has a complex impact on strength.

In general, because of the changes in height and body structure, the benefits he gets are far greater than the disadvantages.

Qingmu clenched his fist.

Before, he could only rely on "space shuttle" to entangle with Esdeath.

Now he should have the strength to fight "Esdeath" head-on, or even surpass Esdeath.

Suppressing the shock and surprise brought by the change in appearance, Qingmu looked at the system panel again.

According to his previous experience, skills are often more important than a few attributes.

Not to mention the other three skills, "Ultimate Form" is naturally in an activated state.

Unlike all the skills he had before, there is a progress bar after "Ultimate Form".

It is currently in full state.

He has some guesses in his mind about this, but it still needs to be verified.

"Try it!"

Qingmu did not hesitate, and the idea moved.

Instantly, a terrifying force poured into his body, and his body began to expand rapidly, and everything around him shrank rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a behemoth of more than 200 meters.

"So that's it!"

Qingmu felt both surprised and shocked.

The so-called "ultimate form" is the strongest power of "Infinite Dragon Beast".

In other words, this skill is equivalent to allowing him to reach level 40 in an instant.

Of course, it is just pure power, lacking corresponding skills.

But it is still very terrifying.

Qingmu felt an explosive force rolling in his body, and he couldn't wait to find a vent.

He looked up.

There was a rock above his head, and above it should be the highest palace in the palace.

The Supreme Throne has been displayed, and the starting device inside is useless.


Qingmu roared and punched.


The hard rock was crushed like tofu, and the terrifying force directly penetrated the mountain, chiseled a big hole, and the palace above collapsed.

Bright sunlight shone into the cave.

Dust flew, and a lot of gravel, soil, bricks and rubble fell.

Aoki's figure was obscured by the smoke, and he was amazed.

Too strong!

This destructive power is ten times more than the "White Walker"!

It is worthy of being a four-star profession!

Aoki looked down.

His appearance has not changed, and it is basically enlarged in the same proportion.

His flexibility and agility have not changed much, unlike the giants and behemoths in film and television works, who move slowly.

There are some changes in other aspects.

Aoki was feeling the power of the "ultimate form". Suddenly, his body shrank rapidly like a deflated ball, and in the blink of an eye it became three meters tall again.

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