Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 171 Transactions and Influence


The pieces of meat quickly combined and transformed into Aoki's appearance again, turning to look at Esdeath.

Mokobo Temo? Freeze time and space?

Isn't this a move that Esdeath developed after meeting Tazmi?

He reflected on himself.

The ability to regenerate plus "space travel", plus a certain degree of "prophet". With these abilities, he has indeed been a bit too reckless recently.

Be more cautious in the future!

Other worlds are not as safe as the Demon Slayer world.

In addition, you cannot rely too much on the information in your memory.


Although the process was a bit tortuous, the results were still good.

Aoki grabbed Ernest and threw him into a different space.

"It seems that I won today."

Esdeath stared at Aoki for a few seconds, a seductive blush appearing on his face.

"You won't die if you do this? That's great!"

Aoki: "?"

All right.

This is a real pervert.

From a profit perspective, Ernest's death will bring huge losses to Esdeath.

But it is obvious that she is not a profit-oriented person.

"Come on, let's continue fighting!"

With an excited smile on her face, Esdeath tiptoed and rushed towards Aoki.

Aoki's figure flashed and appeared above the palace next to him, and his heart moved.

"Esdeath, how about we make a deal?"


Esdeath waved her sword, and ice blades flew towards Aoki.

The green wood bone whip flicked, and the ice blade shattered.

"Yes, you help me hunt down a few super dangerous species. After that, I will accompany you to have a good time."

Esdeath appeared behind Aoki and slashed with his long sword.

"Super dangerous species?"

Qing Mumu didn't even look back, his whip flew in the air, blocking the sword blade, and then his figure flashed and distanced himself.

"Yes, four in total."

"Four super dangerous species? Where are they?"

Esdeath had an interested expression on her face.

She was born into the Balutes tribe, which lives by hunting dangerous species.

However, she has only encountered very few of the super dangerous species as she has grown up.

"Think about it."

Aoki's figure disappeared.

Esdeath made no attempt to stop Aoki from leaving.

"Mokobotemo" consumes a lot of money, and even she can only use it once a day.

The soldier stepped forward cautiously.

"General Esdeath, may I ask, minister?"


Esdeath sheathed her sword, turned and left.

The soldiers looked at each other.

The minister was killed!

This is simply a huge event.

Everyone knows that a super terrifying storm is about to break out.

In a luxurious palace.

"Minister, are you dead?"

The little emperor sat down on the throne, his face full of despair.

Bude frowned.

He hated Ernest very much.

But I didn’t want to see Ernest die in this way at all.

Taking a deep breath, Bude said slowly: "I didn't expect that even you couldn't kill that assassin."

Esdeath had a strange smile on his face: "He has shown many new abilities, which indeed exceeded my expectations."

Bud asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"I will continue to hunt for assassins!"

Esdeath glanced at the little emperor, turned and left.

The two people hurriedly entered an inconspicuous courtyard. After closing the door, they could no longer suppress the joy in their hearts.

"Dead! The minister was actually killed!"

"Hahahaha, a good death! He should have died a long time ago. It is already an advantage for him to live for so long!"

"Who is that assassin? The last time he broke into the palace at night was outrageous, but this time he actually killed the minister in front of Esdeath!"

"I don't know. We can talk about that kind of thing later. We have to send the news back to the headquarters quickly. By the way, there are also night attacks."

The two got busy quickly.

Soon, a pigeon flew out of the courtyard, pierced the night sky, and flew quickly outside the imperial capital.

In a secret dark room, a group of people gathered together.

"Ernest was killed! Killed in front of Esdeath!"

"That crazy woman is so arrogant at ordinary times, but she is useless at critical moments. What a waste!"

"Ernest believed in that lunatic and deserved to be killed!"

"Ernest deserved to die, but if this happens, we will be in trouble."

"Stop talking about this, what should we do now?"

"The only way is to elect another minister. Currently, I have the highest position and the greatest possibility of becoming a minister. For the sake of the entire organization, I hope everyone can support me."

"Come on, how did you get your position? Others don't know, but we don't know? In terms of ability and prestige, I am the one most likely to become a minister!"

"If you say so, I..."

The darkroom quickly became noisy.

This is just a microcosm.

The entire imperial capital became undercurrent, and the restless atmosphere spread rapidly.

Over the years, the ministers have allied themselves with Esdeath, Bude has not intervened in politics, and no one in the entire empire can compete with them.

Now, the minister died unexpectedly, the unbreakable alliance collapsed, huge benefits suddenly became available, and everyone went crazy.

Night attack on the base.

Everyone fell asleep and the base was quiet.

The moonlight shone into the room from the window, fell on the bed, and reflected a pair of beautiful girls hugging each other tightly.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the room, and there was a slight sound when its feet landed.

Akahide's eyes suddenly opened, grabbed Murasame, and her red eyes revealed a sharp look.

"Who? Huh?"

After seeing the person in the room clearly, she was slightly startled, and her tense body slowly relaxed.


Aoki said: "Sorry, I disturbed your rest."

"Aoki, why are you back?"

Hei Tong tidied her hair. In fact, she was not asleep. She found Aoki earlier than her sister.

Akahide also reacted.

This time Aoki left to assassinate the minister, and it was expected to take two to three days.

But now he suddenly came back, could it be that...

Aoki said: "I came to tell you that Ernest is dead!"

"So fast!"

Although she had guessed this possibility, Akahide was still shocked.

Going to the palace alone and assassinating the minister, this kind of thing, even if it was her, she had no confidence at all.

Hei Tong was also a little dazed.

The minister is dead.

Although she didn't kill him personally, she felt a little more at peace.

"Please inform Najeta."

Aoki nodded to the two of them and disappeared again.

"Kurotomi, you should rest first."

Akahime got up quickly and left the room in a hurry.

A moment later, all the people in the night raid gathered together.

"What's the matter?"

Maine yawned.

She had just fallen asleep when she was called up.

"Are there any emergency actions?" Tatsumi was excited and nervous. He had not carried out any missions since joining the night raid.

Najeta said: "Aoki just came over and told Akahime that Minister Ernest is dead!"

The room was quiet for a moment.

Including Maine, everyone was shocked and no longer sleepy.

"So soon? Are you sure?" Leone asked.

Najeta nodded and took out a note: "I have just received news from the intelligence personnel, confirming that Ernest was killed in the palace!"

"Isn't it three days? This night hasn't even arrived yet!"

Rabbock opened his mouth wide.

The ultimate goal of their night raid had been set up for a long time but was still far away, but they didn't expect it to be accomplished by others in just a few hours.

This efficiency is a bit too exaggerated.

Najeta was also amazed in her heart.

The intelligence also mentioned that Aoki killed the minister in front of Esdeath.

The highest difficulty, terrifying efficiency.

They had underestimated Aoki's strength before.

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