Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 172 Intelligence and Accidents

In a different space.

Ernest was lying on the ground, his body twitching constantly.

"I didn't expect this guy to be quite strong!"

Aoki kicked him.

Although he looked fat, Ernest was actually full of muscles. In terms of physical fitness, he was stronger than the previous batch of monsters.


"The King of the Others" has reached the maximum level, and no matter how strong Ernest is, it is meaningless.

Aoki bent down and pulled off the gem decoration on Ernest's head.

He remembered that this was an imperial tool named Ileston.

The effect is to destroy other imperial tools, and it can be used once a week.

In the original work, Leone was tricked by it and fell at the last moment before dawn.

"I didn't expect that the first imperial tool I got would be this."

Aoki shook his head secretly.

He wanted an imperial tool to enhance his strength.

This kind of imperial tool that destroys imperial tools has no meaning to him.

The imperial tool depends on the wavelength fit. This statement is more abstract. There is a more intuitive phenomenon that the first impression is very important.

If you have a bad first impression of a certain imperial artifact, it is basically impossible to get the approval of that imperial artifact.

Of course, even if the first impression is good, it is not necessarily recognized by the imperial artifact.

The first impression is just the foundation.

Aoki's first impression of Ileston was not very good, so of course he did not get Ileston's approval.

After studying it for a while and confirming that it was of no help, Aoki threw Ileston into a corner.

Let him eat dust.

He did not want the imperial artifact he would obtain in the future to have such a natural enemy.

Aoki looked down at Ernest.

"It seems that it will take some time for him to complete the transformation."

Time passed, and Aoki waited patiently.

Ernest suddenly opened his eyes and was stunned for a moment. The memory before he lost consciousness quickly flooded into his mind.

He checked his body.

"I'm not dead? Hahaha, as expected, how could I die so easily?

Was it Esdeath who saved me?

By the way, how is that rubbish now? Next time I must mobilize all my strength..."

A figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and his words stopped abruptly.

"It's not Esdeath, I saved you!"

Aoki smiled.

Ernest felt a strong anger in his heart at first, but soon his face changed, and the strong anger instantly turned into boundless fear.


Before he finished speaking, his expression became dull.

Aoki smiled.

He no longer needed experience, and naturally did not cut off the connection with Ernest.

In front of him, Ernest, who had turned into a ghost, especially said that he resisted, and even couldn't maintain his self-awareness.

The ghost king has absolute control over ghosts.

This trick is definitely a weapon for obtaining intelligence.


This method is not foolproof.

Even if he does not take the initiative to erase his memory, ghosts may lose their memory under strong stimulation.

In addition, a small number of people cannot become ghosts.

But fortunately, at least for Ernest, these situations did not happen.

"Now, tell me everything you know."

Aoki stretched out his hand and grabbed Ernest's head.

After a while, an invisible vortex emerged, and Ernest was swallowed up.

"It's a good death for you!"

Aoki clapped his hands.

In the original book, Ernest was tortured to death.

It was definitely a lucky thing to die without pain like this.

Aoki quickly put Ernest behind his mind and began to sort out the information he had obtained.

Olist knew a lot, and he basically got all the information he wanted to know.

The location of the Supreme Throne was indeed inside the mountain, as he guessed.

He also knew the entrance and the way to enter.

But at the same time, he also got some bad news.

First, the summoning medium of the Supreme Throne is the high platform in the palace at the highest point of the palace, which is closely connected to the palace and the mountain below.

Unless a section of the mountain is cut off, there is no way to take it away.

The Supreme Throne is more than 200 meters high and weighs an astonishing amount. If it cannot be activated, it is almost impossible to take it away.

Second, only the royal family can use the Supreme Throne, and it is almost impossible to bypass this restriction.

Ernest also had his eyes on the Supreme Throne. He mobilized the power of the entire empire and tried countless methods, including breaking the bloodline requirement, transforming the Supreme Throne, etc., but all failed in the end.

"It seems that the method I thought of before is unlikely to succeed."

Qingmu thought, and with a thought, he left the alien space.

The water vapor was diffused and the mist was dense.

The three of them stared at each other.


Chitong pulled Heitong and sank into the water.

However, the clear pool water could not cover up the beautiful spring scenery.

Heitong was still young, and the little lotus had just shown its tip, and she had great potential.

However, she had become a ghost, her body was frozen, and her potential could never be realized.

Chitong, on the other hand, had a perfect figure.

Qingmu turned around: "Why are you taking a bath at this time?"

Chitong said: "Don't we all take a bath before going to bed?"

Qingmu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Has a day already passed?"

"You forgot the time again!"

Kurotō smiled: "Aoki, do you want to take a shower together?"

"Then Akato will probably draw his sword."

Aoki waved his hand and walked outside.

Leone was fiddling with his fingers in boredom. When he heard the sound, he turned his head to look.

"Akatō, you guys are done washing..."

Halfway through her words, she suddenly widened her eyes, looked at Aoki, and then looked into the bathroom.

"Aoki, what's wrong with you?"

Aoki said, "Something unexpected happened."

This accident was entirely to blame on Hei Tong.

Although there were space marks in other places, he had been accustomed to targeting Hei Tong these days.

In fact.

He had mentioned this issue to Hei Tong, asking her to put the space mark in a safe place when doing private things.

Ghosts don't need to eat, drink, defecate, or sleep. Private things basically mean taking a bath.

Hei Tong obviously didn't follow his instructions, which led to what happened today.

Leona smiled brightly and put his arm around Aoki's shoulders: "Hehe, did you see that? Oh, what a lucky guy!

How is it? Akagi has a good figure, right?

Although she eats a lot, she is not fat at all. Her legs are long and straight, her breasts are not too big or small, and they are in a very good shape."

You are a little bit wretched... Aoki glanced at Leona.

The girls in the night raid have their own characteristics and their looks are very outstanding, but when it comes to body shape, Leona is undoubtedly the first.

Leona used his arms to hold Aoki tighter: "Hehe, what? Do you want to see mine too? As long as you ask, you can."

I'm sorry, I don't have that desire... Aoki said: "I do have something to ask you for help."

Looking at his serious expression, Leona was stunned: "What is it?"

"I want to study your body." Aoki said.

When studying the physical changes of the four Rakshasa ghosts before, he also thought of another way to control the Supreme Throne.

However, there are two disadvantages.

First, there is a certain risk, and second, there are too few samples to determine whether this idea is feasible.

Therefore, he did not invest too much energy in this idea before.

Because of Ernest's memory, he realized that the probability of success of the initial idea was very small.

Seeing Leone, he thought of that idea again.

Leone's expression suddenly became ambiguous again: "Oh, this is the same thing!

Hehehe, I didn't expect Aoki to be such a hypocritical person.

I don't care, but will Hei Tong agree?"

What a mess.

Aoki said: "You should know that the imperial equipment is made of materials from super dangerous species and rare metals such as Orichalcum."

Leone nodded and looked at him puzzled.

This is basically common sense, and anyone who knows a little about the imperial equipment knows it.

But why did the topic suddenly jump to the imperial equipment?

Aoki continued, "You may also know that many materials of imperial equipment still maintain amazing activity, and some are even still alive."

Leone thought and said, "It seems that the evil spirit is like this, and it can also evolve automatically according to the environment."

Aoki said, "As far as I know, because of this powerful activity, if the imperial equipment is used for a long time, humans are at risk of being assimilated by the imperial equipment!

Take the evil spirit as an example. Once assimilated, the armor will gradually merge with humans, and Tyrande's muscles will regain the body.

This means that the once super dangerous species, Tyrande, has been resurrected in the body of the imperial equipment user!"

Leone's expression became serious: "Is there such a thing? Then Brand must be careful."

Aoki said, "In fact, the danger of armor-type imperial equipment is relatively low. The most vulnerable to assimilation is the transformation-type imperial equipment!"

When he heard half of it, Leone guessed what he was going to say. After a moment of silence, a bright smile appeared on his face again, and he patted Aoki's shoulder hard.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm still alive and well now, and there are no signs of assimilation."

Aoki said: "You may not have been assimilated, but it is also possible that the assimilation has not reached a certain level and has not yet appeared."

Leone waved her hand carelessly: "It doesn't matter, it's enough to be alive now, don't think about things so far ahead, the most important thing is to live happily every day!"

I don't know whether to say she is free and easy or nerveless.

Aoki smiled: "I didn't say I wanted to save you, I'm just very interested in the assimilation phenomenon of the imperial weapon, and I want to study your body."

Leone was stunned, hugged his neck, gritted his teeth and said: "I knew you were not a good person!"

At this time, the neatly dressed Akame and Kurome walked out of the bathroom and looked at the two.

"You, what are you doing?"

Leone said angrily: "I want to teach this hateful guy a lesson! You don't know how much he just said!"

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