Aoki smiled: "I explained it, it was just a misunderstanding."

There was nothing to hide.

He had no ties in this world, and the only person he had a close relationship with was Hei Tong.

He was not afraid of exposing his true identity.

What's more, once Ernest died, the empire would inevitably be in chaos.

At that time, it was not certain whether he would be taken care of.

Esdeath drew out his sword, his eyes excited: "That kind of thing is not important at all!"

"That's right."

Aoki stopped talking nonsense, and his figure flashed and appeared in front of Ernest.

"Today, Esdeath can't protect you!"

Ernest's face was calm and cold, and he took a step back.


A huge ice wall rose up and blocked the two of them.

At the same time, countless ice cones attacked from behind.

Behind Aoki, eight whips and bone whips composed of white bones emerged, turning into whip shadows all over the sky.

The ice wall and ice cones shattered instantly, turning into countless fine ice crystals, shining beautifully and dangerously under the light.

Minister Ernest's figure reappeared in the field of vision. Qingmu's mind moved, and the eight whips were whipped at the same time.

At this moment, Esdeath appeared behind him silently.


With one cut, the whips broke.

The bone whip suddenly flew out from another angle, and the tip of the bone blade pierced Esdeath's temple.

Qingmu left the bone whip to deal with Esdeath.

The ice condensed and turned into a shield.

But in front of the bone whip, it only resisted for a moment before it shattered.

"Your strength has become stronger, very good! Great!"

The excitement in Esdeath's eyes became stronger and stronger. The long sword flashed, the bone whip broke, and at the same time, ice blades flew towards Qingmu.

"Esdeath, really strong!"

Qingmu's eyes were slightly rippled.

In this world, Esdeath's strength is intermittent.

Najeta said that to deal with Esdeath, 50,000 elite soldiers, plus ten imperial weapon users including Akame, were needed.

Esdeath's strength lies not only in her ability to control ice, but also in her unparalleled physique, and her skills, will, mentality, etc. are all impeccable.

She is a hexagonal warrior!

What's more troublesome is that there is a force in Esdeath's body that will affect the effect of "transparent world".

In fact, this is not the first time he has encountered this situation.

When he faced the super dangerous species, he found that he could not completely see through the bodies of those super dangerous species.

At that time, he thought it was because the super dangerous species were too big and their body structure was too different from that of humans.

Now it seems that it is purely level suppression.

The super dangerous species is a three-star power, while the "King of the White Walkers" is only a two-and-a-half-star profession, and the quality of the "White Walkers" is only two stars.

In fact, he has long realized that the quality of the profession affects not only the level limit and free attribute points, but also the skill effect.

For example, the "blood boiling" of the "Hunter" profession can bring a huge improvement to his strength at the beginning, and has saved his life twice.

However, as his strength became stronger and his attributes became higher, the effect of "blood boiling" became worse and worse.

After the attribute exceeded 20, it could no longer bring him any help.

The skills granted by the profession are just an ability, not a rule, and the effect will be affected by the outside world.

Today's experience just proved this point again.

The effect of the skill will not only change with his strength, but also be affected by the strength of the enemy.

It can be foreseen that not only the "transparent world", but also the ghost's regeneration ability and "space shuttle" may be affected in the future.

If he wants to ensure his safety and get what he wants in the continuous crossing, his current strength is far from enough.

"So, I need more and stronger extraordinary professions!"

Qingmu said to himself, and then his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared on the other side. Nine whips were whipped towards Esdeath.

Esdeath swung her long sword and wove a sword net, and all the whips could not get close to her.

Various ice attacks were thrown at Qingmu like they were free.

Aoki fought with a whip, "space shuttle", and an incomplete "transparent world".

Although he was at a disadvantage, he showed no sign of defeat with his infinite regeneration ability.

The fight between the two became very intense all of a sudden.


Esdeath snapped his fingers, and ice fell like a mountain.

Then, the whip flashed past.

The iceberg shattered in an instant.

Aoki walked out unscathed.

"Not bad! Really good! You are stronger than Bud, the strongest I have ever met!" Esdeath was full of excitement.

Ernest's face was a little ugly.

Even Esdeath couldn't get rid of this assassin quickly.

Stronger than Bud?

He didn't like the old stubborn, but he didn't want to hear this news at all at this time.

"Come on, let's continue fighting!"

With an excited smile on her face, Esdeath attacked Aoki again.

"Let's stop here today!"

Aoki's figure flashed and appeared beside Ernest, whipping him without hesitation.

He did not forget that he came to Ernest to "ask for directions", not to fight with Esdeath.

Although he had enough physical strength to fight with Esdeath.

However, there will be more and more enemies later, and it will be more and more difficult to kill Ernest. Time is not on his side.

Because of the large-scale iceberg attack just now, Ernest had to retreat, and he was dozens of meters away from the battlefield between the two.

When Esdeath realized this, it was too late.

Even if she was very fast, she could not be faster than the enemy's fist at hand.

"The timing is good, but it's a pity."

Esdeath smiled slightly.


An invisible force swept across, and the entire space and time were instantly frozen, and everyone's movements stopped.

Aoki's whip was less than ten centimeters away from Ernest's head, but it could no longer move forward.

Esdeath walked slowly to Aoki and raised his long sword.

"This is a move I created specifically to deal with people with excellent escape ability!"


Aoki was torn into pieces.

The frozen space and time recovered.

Plop plop...

The broken pieces of meat fell all over the ground.

Ernest was stunned for a moment before reacting and kicking the meat on the ground.

"Hahaha, you rubbish, you want to kill me? General Esdeath, thanks to you this time, you..."

"Wait a minute!"

Esdeath's face suddenly changed slightly.

A series of pipe whips pierced out from the pile of meat, piercing Ernest's heart, head, and limbs.

Ernest's laughter stopped abruptly, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

No, no, no!

How could he die here? How could he die in the hands of such rubbish?

He is the controller of the empire, how could he...

With strong unwillingness, the spirit in Ernest's eyes quickly dissipated.

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