The two entered the hotel smoothly.

Leona patted the guard on the shoulder at the door: "Sadie!"

The guard looked up: "Leona, why are you here so late? Do you want to stay in the hotel?"

Leona waved his hand: "I have something to do with my friends. They haven't left yet, right?"

The guard shook his head: "No, I almost didn't go out all day today."

"Hehehe, thank you Sadie, I'll treat you to a drink later."

Leona took Akahime to the room where Aoki and Kurohime lived.

As they got closer, both of them showed puzzled expressions and looked at each other.

The room was quiet and there was no movement.


Leona raised his finger.


"Aoki, it's me! I have something to talk to you about!"

There was still no movement inside.

Akahime walked forward, and the knife flashed.


The door slowly opened.

The two looked inside at the same time, and under the moonlight, the scene in the room was clear at a glance.

There was no one in the room, the things were cleaned up, and there was no sign of sleeping on the bed.

Leona took a look and immediately made a judgment.

"She's been gone for a while!"

Akatō asked, "Did Leona reveal any flaws yesterday?"

Without any greetings, even the hotel guards didn't know, she disappeared silently.

Her first reaction was that Hei Tong and the others had discovered Leona's abnormality and left directly.

Leona was not angry about Akatō's suspicion. In fact, she had similar thoughts.

Leona recalled for a while, shook her head, and muttered softly.

"I don't think so! When we first met, I did try to test their ideas.

But, I really just came to drink yesterday and didn't do anything."

Akatō walked into the room and swept her eyes over every corner.

A day ago, Hei Tong lived in this room.

Unfortunately, no matter how she looked, she couldn't find any trace of Hei Tong.

"What should I do now?"

Leona asked.

Akatō thought for a while and said, "Let's wait a while. Maybe they just went out quietly for something and will be back soon."

She was unwilling to leave without seeing Hei Tong.

"Well then!"

Leone sat down on the bed.

Akame looked out the window silently.


In the different space.

Qingmu looked at the pile of reports in front of him thoughtfully.

He had not been to the palace for the past few days, and most of his energy was put into studying the four Rakshasa ghosts.

Qingmu found that the bodies of the four Rakshasa ghosts had indeed undergone some mutations.

In simple terms, part of their bodies had become dangerous species.

This should be the same phenomenon as the erosion and assimilation of the imperial weapon.

In this case, the way they eat dangerous species is worth discussing.

"Eat it raw?"

Qingmu smacked his lips.

He is a ruthless person.


For him, this seems to have no effect.

Anyway, he is a ghost, and he can't taste anything whether it is cooked or raw.

But there is another problem. The four people have been eating dangerous species for a long time, and their bodies have mutated little by little, and finally reached the current level.

But he has a very strong recovery ability.

Even if the body mutates, it will probably recover immediately.

Unless he eats those dangerous species that can make him unable to recover.

Can the super dangerous species work?

Qingmu shook his head.

Even if the power of the super dangerous species reaches three stars, it is only half a star higher than the "King of the White Walkers".

At most, it can slow down the recovery speed a little, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

"It seems that this method will not work."

Qingmu collected all the experimental reports.


The human body can indeed transplant the blood of dangerous species, this is certain.

At this time, Hei Tong came over with a strange look on his face.

"They are almost awake!"

"It's quite fast!"

Qingmu walked inside: "Help me organize the experimental reports!"


Hei Tong didn't ask any more questions.

Qingmu entered the room.

The four Rakshasa ghosts have been completely unrecognizable, with bloated bodies and weird looks, and they don't look like humans at all.

Three of them are still in a coma, and the ghost at the edge, who looks like the Hulk, has woken up, his eyes rolled back, his face is ferocious, and his mouth is drooling, struggling desperately.

She is Ma Tou, the black-skinned and silver-haired girl.

However, Qingmu cleared her memory, and after she became a ghost, her personality was seriously distorted. It can be said that she died in the palace.

The reason why she became like this was of course because Qingmu injected too much blood.

There are two ways for ghosts to realize their potential.

One is to eat people, and the other is to accept the transformation of the ghost ancestor.

The advantage of the former is that it is more stable, safer, and the final strength is also stronger.

The latter is a quick product, and the advantage is that it is fast.

Qingmu couldn't let them go out to eat people, so he could only choose the second way.

He didn't pursue extreme blood transfusion, so the four Rakshasa ghosts didn't die.


The former horse head made a beast-like sound.

Qingmu didn't waste words, and his figure appeared in front of her in an instant, raised his palm, and with a puff, his five fingers pierced her forehead.


An invisible vortex emerged, and a powerful attraction burst out, swallowing the ghost in an instant.

[Kill a ghost, get 720 points → 820 points 0 experience points. ]

"820 points?" Qingmu was surprised.

The Hantengou only gave him 800 experience points back then.

Moreover, he is now level 20.

The other three ghosts woke up one after another, and Qingmu dealt with them one by one without any accidents.

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost, get 850 experience points. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost, get 900 experience points. ]

[Congratulations on your upgrade! ]

[Physique +1. ]

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill a ghost, get 1010 experience points. ]

The system prompts kept ringing in his mind, and Qingmu was also surprised.

When he swallowed the third ghost, he had already upgraded.

After swallowing the fourth ghost, he not only got a free skill point, but also an attribute point.

This time it was another big harvest.

The harvest is greater than a half-star profession that I have worked on for a year.

Qingmu's mind moved, and a deep blue screen appeared.

[Name: Qingmu]

[Strength: 29]

[Constitution: 29]

[Intelligence: 28]

[Agility: 28]

[Profession: Hunter, King of the Others, Martial Artist, Doctor]

[Free attribute points: 2]

[King of the Others]

Quality: ★★☆

Level: lv21 (1625/2100)

Skills: Ghost Blood VI, Space Shuttle II (Extreme), Transparent World II, Ghost Devourer II, Soul Shock (Not yet learned)

Free skill points: 4

Qingmu first added two free attribute points to intelligence and agility, reaching 29 points in all attributes.

Then he looked at the skill points.

This time he got 4 free skill points in one go.

It takes a total of 6 skill points to learn "Soul Shock".

Very close.

"I still have to kill elite monsters. I'm afraid I won't get such a big reward even if I kill ordinary monsters for two months."

Aoki is still not satisfied: "It would be best if I could get a mission."

Leveling up by killing monsters alone is still too slow.

The two missions "The Last Days of the Lower Moon" and "The Last Days of the Upper Moon" gave him the pleasure of leveling up three levels in a row, and he still can't forget it.

Thanks to "54 Killing Super God" for the 1,100 coin reward, "Fox Fox Yingying" for the 500 coin reward, and "Anonymous_Ba" for the 100 coin reward. Thank you very much!

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