Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 158 Chi Tong's decision


Leone returned to the base reeking of alcohol.

Najeta held her forehead: "Leone, why did you drink so much again!"

"I got some good news today, so excited!"

Leone asked: "Boss, where is Akahime?"

"She should be in the kitchen!"

Najta felt that this conversation had already happened once, and asked: "The good news you mentioned is not related to Aoki, right?"

"One thing is related, and one thing is not."

"Two things?"

Leone did not answer, but shouted at the top of her throat: "Akahi! Akahime! Come here quickly, I have something to tell you!"

"Leone! "

The first person to come in was not Akame, but a girl with pink twin tails.

The current user of the imperial weapon, Romantic Turret, Pumpkin, is Myne.

Under special circumstances, the attack power she can exert is among the best in the world.

Several people walked into the room one after another.

They are.

The user of All Things Divided, the purple-haired girl with glasses, Hill.

The tall and handsome young man with a crew cut, the current owner of the armored demon-ridden, Brand.

The boy with short green hair, who uses the ever-changing, cross-tailed, Lubbock.

The last one is Akame with black hair and red eyes, who is chewing a large piece of meat.

"Hehehe, everyone is here. I went to the imperial capital today and heard a very shocking news."

Leone took out a wanted order and shook it: "Yesterday, someone broke into the palace at night, made a big fuss, and successfully escaped from General Bud!

I investigated and it was true.

In addition, the assassin may not have been seriously injured. Today, the guards of the palace have more than doubled! "

"Breaking into the palace at night?"

Everyone showed a puzzled and shocked expression.

Why didn't they assassinate the minister?

It's because the palace was too heavily guarded!

Although we don't know how the assassin did it, if he can really enter and leave the palace freely, wouldn't he have the opportunity to assassinate the minister?

Leone sent the wanted order to everyone.

"It is said that it is a pale young man with cat-like, plum-red pupils."

The wanted order was just a simple sketch. Although it can roughly draw a person's appearance, the clarity is far from enough.

After reading it carefully, Najeta said: "Well, then try to collect his information. If there is a chance, you can try to contact him!

But, pay attention to your own safety. We can't be sure whether he is an enemy or a friend."


Everyone responded in unison.

Leone hugged Akado: "There is another news about Hei Tong!"

Everyone looked at Akado, and they knew something about Akado's past.

"What news? "Akagi stared at Leone. She would not take any news about Hei Tong lightly.

"Hei Tong and Aoki are still staying in the hotel I recommended. I will go to find them today."

Leone showed an ambiguous smile on her face: "I found that they lived in the same room!"

No one else reacted.

They only knew that Hei Tong was Akgi's sister, and Aoki was a friend Leone met in the imperial capital.

They didn't have too much gossip about the relationship between the two.

Akagi's action of eating meat gradually stopped.

"Hei Tong lived in the same room with a man?"

Leone shook her head: "According to my observation, it should be like this. "

Akagi's mind was a little confused.

Is Hei Tong in love?

Although they are enemies now.

But, she still loves Hei Tong deeply.

Hei Tong found her other half, she was very happy.

But, there was obviously something wrong with this matter!

The assassination unit is not a place for romance.

Hei Tong and her lover came to the imperial capital in a swagger, drinking and having fun in the hotel, like a vacation, which was even more wrong. When did the assassin's work become so easy?

After thinking for a long time, Akagi looked up at Leone.

"Leone, I will go with you tomorrow. I want to meet Hei Tong."

Leone did not agree casually, and turned to look at Najeta.

This matter is not as simple as the two sisters meeting.

They are Night Raid, members of the Revolutionary Army.

Hei Tong is from the Imperial Assassin Corps, and their relationship can be described as mortal enemies.

She can hide her identity.

But if Akagi goes there, her identity will inevitably be exposed.

Najta looked serious: "Akagi, have you really decided? If you meet Kuroyon now, a conflict is likely to break out. Once the battle of imperial equipment begins..."

The imperial equipment is too strong for humans.

Once two imperial equipment users fight with murderous intent, one of them will almost certainly die.

This is not an absolutely inviolable rule, but it is like a curse that entangles every imperial equipment user, and there are few exceptions.

Akatō looked firm: "Boss, I have made up my mind!"

"Then go!"

Najeta said in a deep voice.

Regarding Kuroyon, when Akatō joined the Revolutionary Army, she specifically mentioned the condition that Kuroyon should be handled by her at her own convenience.

The Revolutionary Army agreed.

After joining the Revolutionary Army, Akatō made great contributions to the Revolutionary Army.

They could not and would not regret it.

Akatō's always calm heart was also surging.

She had no way to blame Kuroyon, because that was the belief they had been instilled with since childhood.

However, after seeing the darkness of the empire with her own eyes, she could not continue to stay in the empire and be an accomplice to the evil.

The two were obviously the closest sisters, but they had to fight each other with swords.

Will someone fall tomorrow?

Although the others were very worried, they did not stop him.

They all know Chitong.

Now that she has made up her mind, no one can make her change her mind.

It was said to be the next day, but in fact Leonai and Chitong set out in the evening.

Different from Leonai.

Leonai's identity has not been exposed and he can enter and exit the imperial capital at will.

However, Chitong was wanted after betraying the empire, and wanted orders were all over the imperial capital.

Only with the cover of night can we enter the city.

The base of the night attack was located ten miles away from the imperial capital, but to the two of them, this distance was nothing.

Chitong's face looked very serious.

After today, only one of her and Heitong may survive.

In her opinion, no matter who dies or lives, this is a tragedy.

However, she had to move in the direction of tragedy.

Leonai was thinking about another question.

She took Chitong there today, and she would never be able to drink with Aoki again.

If Aoki and Heitong were really lovers, and if Heitong died in the hands of Chitong today... Aoki would definitely hate her, right?

Ask her to kill bad guys, and she will show no mercy.

But this was the first time she encountered this kind of thing.

With inexplicable thoughts, the two of them didn't communicate much along the way until they entered the imperial capital and arrived at the target hotel.

"This is it!"

Leonai said.

Lanterns hung from the eaves, lighting up the streets.

"Let's go in!" Chitong stared at the hotel for a few seconds and walked over.

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