The room was quiet. Hei Tong curled up on the sofa with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.


She opened her eyes suddenly, with a trace of panic between her brows, and it took a few seconds for her to gradually recover.

Hei Tong pursed her lips hard and looked in the direction of the laboratory.

The door was closed, and Qing Mu had not come out yet.

She thought of the four monsters in the laboratory, and it was a little hard to believe that they were the former four Rakshasa ghosts.

However, Qing Mu said that the four Rakshasa ghosts were actually dead, and the four monsters were only resurrected on the four Rakshasa ghosts with his power.


At this moment, the door of the laboratory opened and Qing Mu walked out.

"It's over, let's go out!"

They have been here for almost a day.

"Okay!" The haze between Hei Tong's brows completely dissipated, and she walked a few steps to Qing Mu's side.

Qing Mu grabbed her shoulders, and the figures of the two suddenly disappeared.


In the hotel room.

Leone looked out the window and yawned: "Akatō, it's almost dawn, should we continue to wait?"

Because of Akatō's identity, they must rely on the cover of night to leave the city.

If they don't leave now, they will have to wait until next night.

Akatō was silent for a while and stood up.

"It seems that Hei Tong and the others have really left. Let's go!"

Leone put his hands behind his back and said: "This may not be a bad thing. At least you don't have to make that painful decision now, right?"

The two walked outside.

When they came to the door, Akatō glanced at the room and slowly closed the door.

The invisible air waves spread, and two figures appeared in the room.

Qingmu glanced and narrowed his eyes: "Someone has been to our room!"

Hei Tong's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Who is it?"

Qingmu said: "Not sure, but don't be nervous, it may just be a thief."

When they entered the different space, the doors and windows were locked, and they could only pick the locks to get in, so it couldn't be the hotel waiter.

There are many thieves in the imperial capital.

Just pick a busy street and walk around, you can meet at least three thieves.

On the other side.

Akahima and Leona walked out of the hotel.

The street was deserted, not even a single person was there, only one or two homeless people could be found in the corner buildings.

"Let's go back to the base!" Leona said.

Akahima stopped and looked back at the hotel.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to go back and take a look!"


"I feel like Kurohima will be there."


Akahima didn't say anything else, she went back to the hotel, quickly walked to the outside of Aoki and Kurohima's room, and pushed open the door.


Two eyes looked at her at the same time.

"Wait, wait, Akahime, you said it feels too..."

Leone panted and chased after her. She was stunned before she finished her words and murmured, "You actually came back."

"It turned out to be you!"

Aoki suddenly realized: "I thought there was a thief in the room!"


Akaahime didn't care about Aoki. She stared at the black-haired, black-eyed, and slender girl in the room with mixed feelings.

The next moment.

A black shadow flashed and threw herself into her arms, and a familiar voice sounded in her ears.


Akaahime was stunned.

She had thought of many scenes of meeting Kurokime again.

Maybe they would reminisce about the past, or they might fight directly, but she had never thought that Kurokime would hug her so intimately.

It's not that she couldn't think of it, but she didn't dare to have such a luxury.

Suddenly, she felt as if she had returned to her childhood when they depended on each other.

Leone looked at the sisters hugging each other.

This development is a little different from what she imagined.

Isn't this the scene of a pair of ordinary sisters reuniting after a long separation?

"Come in and sit down." Aoki called.

Leona turned to look at him, looking a little embarrassed.

"Would you like a drink?"

Aoki took out a bottle of wine.

He didn't know what Leona was thinking.

But he had expected that Leona would bring Akahime here. To be precise, this was exactly the purpose of his contact with Leona.

Akahime gradually came back to her senses.

"Kurotome, what's going on?"

She had too many doubts in her heart.

When she was at the base, she felt that Kurohime was different from before when she heard Leona's description.

After seeing Kurohime in person, she found that it was not just different, Kurohime was completely different from before, from body to spirit.

Kurohime raised her head and turned to look at Aoki, and Akahime also looked over.

"Because of him?"

"Yes! It was Aoki who saved me!"

Kuroito chuckled: "Sister, I have left the empire!"

Akato could no longer control her emotions. She grabbed Heito's shoulders and stared at her closely. Her red eyes were full of excitement: "Heito, is it true?"

Heito nodded heavily.

"That's great!"

Akato hugged Heito tightly.

For her, there was no better news than this.

She couldn't help but look at Aoki again.

Is love really so magical?

She was very grateful to Aoki, but at the same time, she felt a little jealous.

She tried everything she could but couldn't take Heito away. But this man did it.

Aoki was also looking at Akahime.

Akahime was definitely one of the most dangerous people in the world, and the threat to him might be greater than that of Esdeath.

Akahime's imperial weapon, the demon sword Murasame, was a one-hit kill.

As the name of the sword suggests, if you get hurt, even if it's just a slight scratch on your finger, you'll die.

He didn't have the confidence to be immune to Murasame's damage.

After all, ordinary poisons can hurt ghosts.

After a long time, the two sisters separated.

Akahime tightly grasped Kuroi's hand: "Kuroi, what's going on?"

Kuroi didn't hide anything and told Akahime everything that happened after she met Aoki.

The only thing she didn't say in detail was the power that Aoki gave her, and she just briefly talked about the changes in her body.

However, Akahime had no intention of paying attention to other things at the moment, and her face was full of surprise.

"Is your body completely restored to health, and you've even quit taking medicine?"

"Well, you don't need to take medicine anymore." Kuroi snuggled up to her sister.

After letting go of her obsession, she realized how much she missed her sister.

"Great, Hei Tong."

Aka Tong murmured, her eyes moist.

At this moment, she was finally sure that Hei Tong had gotten rid of all the restraints, and her mind had even become healthier than hers.

She had two dreams, one was to overthrow the empire, and the other was to save Hei Tong.

The second wish was even more difficult to achieve than the first.

Suddenly, her dream came true, and this huge surprise even made her feel a little unrealistic.

Today, she had come with the idea of ​​​​breaking up with Hei Tong.

But things changed so dramatically, from the worst to the best, and she couldn't calm down at all.

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