Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 146: Battle against super dangerous species

Aoki and Hei Tong stood at the edge of the forest, looking at the gray-white ground full of bones in front of them.

It took them another day to get back here.

This is the fourth day they have been here.

Aoki looked to the side: "Are you okay?"

Hei Tong's face was pale, bloodless, her body was trembling slightly, and her mood was very unstable.

She took out a candy from the snack bag with difficulty and stuffed it into her mouth, and the trembling of her body gradually stopped.

"I'm fine."

Her medicine was running out yesterday, so in order to avoid being completely out of medicine, she could only extend the time of taking the medicine.

The body could not take enough medicine and had begun to react. There were waves of severe pain all over her body, as if someone was cutting her flesh with a knife.

"Let's get started as soon as possible!" Hei Tong looked up at Aoki.

"Okay!" Aoki nodded.

In fact, he probably guessed what was going on.

It must be done as soon as possible.

If Hei Tong really lost his ability to fight, he would have to deal with these super dangerous species alone, and the possibility of success would be even lower.

Hei Tong took a deep breath, drew out the eight chambers, and pointed them to the sky.


A ball of black energy appeared at the tip of the Eight Room, emitting black lightning and lightning, surrounding the surroundings.


The ground churned, and figures emerged one after another.

"This is the puppet of the Eight Room."

Qingmu looked over.

The Eight Room can control up to eight puppets.

Among Hei Tong's puppets, there are six humans, a dangerous species like a chimpanzee, and a large dangerous species with only bones left on the body.

Qingmu's eyes stayed on the large dangerous species.

This is Hei Tong's trump card, the super dangerous species, Desta Gulu.

Even if it becomes like this, it still has a strong fighting power.


The feeling he gave him is a big gap compared to the three super dangerous species on this island.

Hei Tong took a breath, and his body trembled again.

Qingmu didn't say anything more and walked out of the jungle directly.

Standing on the gray-white ground, he looked up.

A faint mist enveloped the sky and the earth, and countless corpses were looming.

I don't know what this mist is, as if it will never dissipate.

"How can we find that super dangerous species?" Qingmu looked around.

Of course.

It would be better if that super dangerous species didn't show up, so they could leave calmly.

As soon as he finished thinking, the fog rolled up, and a huge ball of red energy flew out.

Desta Gulu took a step forward, blocking Qingmu, opened his mouth, and a stream of blue energy gushed out.


The red and blue energy collided, and a huge explosion sounded through the sky. Two huge flames rose and quickly merged, turning into a super-large mushroom cloud.

Boom boom boom!

A tall figure dragged heavy steps and slowly walked out of the fog.

Qingmu looked at it intently and finally knew the true face of this super dangerous species.

Its appearance resembled a Tyrannosaurus Rex, with two thick lower limbs supporting the body and a thick tail behind it.

The difference was that it had four thick front claws on its upper body, and was nearly 30 meters tall. Standing in front of him, it looked like a building.

However, compared with the super pterosaur and giant snail, this size is already the smallest.

Hei Tong pointed at the Tyrannosaurus Rex with his eight chambers.



Desta Gulu rushed up first.

Other puppets also attacked from different directions.

Hei Tong did not leave a puppet to protect himself this time.

When the eight chambers are activated, the user's strength will be severely weakened.

In particular, she is now seriously insufficient in the amount of medicine she has taken, and her strength is already only one tenth of it.

Any dangerous species will threaten her life.

But she still sent all the puppets out, including Natara who would stay with her and protect her in the past.

Hei Tong knew very well that this super dangerous species was very strong, and they could not win without going all out.

Desta Gulu opened his mouth, and blue energy was brewing in his mouth.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly turned around, and its thick tail whistled down and hit Desta Gulu's head heavily.


The energy was extinguished, and Destaguru fell down with a bang, cracks on his head.

Chimpanzee Appleman jumped up, waved his fist, and hit the knee of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Other puppets also launched attacks from different directions and in different ways.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared to the sky, raised his right foot, and stepped down heavily.


The earth rolled, the rocks collapsed, and the violent vibration spread to the surroundings.

All the puppets close to it flew out.


Aoki waved his wings and fell from the sky.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex slapped the middle with its two claws.

Compared with its huge body, Aoki was not a mouse, but just a sparrow.

Aoki suddenly folded his wings, and with a tearing sound, the clothes on his back were torn, and eight whips stretched out.

For him, this is the most efficient number of whips at present.

If there are more whips, it will not be able to be controlled accurately, and the combat effectiveness will decrease instead of increase.


The sharp tip of the whip pierced into the claws of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although its skin was also very tough, it was far less tough than the shell of the giant snail.

The eight-bar whip pulled hard, and Qingmu's speed suddenly increased.

The two claws of the Tyrannosaurus Rex hit nothing.

Aoki passed through the middle, approached the face of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in an instant, and punched it.


The flesh and blood exploded.

A small pit suddenly appeared on the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it screamed in pain and shook its head violently.


Aoki was thrown out, swung eight whips, pierced into the flesh of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and drew an arc in the air like a swing.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly turned its head, opened its mouth, and aimed at Aoki.

Red energy gathered.

The air instantly became hot.

A huge crisis sounded in his mind, but Aoki did not panic.


The clothes on his back were torn again, and a bone whip stretched out.

Unlike the finger-thick whip, the bone whip was formed by the extension of the spine and was as thick as an arm.

The bone whip swung through the air, and the sharp bone blade at the end pierced through the chin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Blood splattered.

The mouth was injured, and the energy in the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus dissipated, but a claw slapped down.

Qingmu felt like he was hit by a train, and his body fell like a meteor, hitting the rocks, and the rocks were broken into pieces, and his whole body was bloody.


A ball of blue energy exploded on the Tyrannosaurus, and the bursting flames engulfed it.

After a moment, the flames dissipated, revealing the figure of the Tyrannosaurus. Except for the burn marks where it was directly hit, the rest of the body was unscathed.

"Such a big body, it's really troublesome!"

Qingmu sighed.

Although he and the puppet caused some damage to the Tyrannosaurus, with the size of the Tyrannosaurus, those injuries were actually not painful at all.

Moreover, there was another problem.

His moves were all created based on humans, and they were not easy to use against such a huge monster.

Suddenly, a puppet was accidentally stepped on by the Tyrannosaurus and turned into a ball of meat paste.

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