Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 145 Three-star profession, super dangerous?

The waves rushed onto the beach and flooded over the giant snail's feet.

The entire coastline was sparkling, as if covered with a layer of silver yarn.

A seabird slowly landed, trying to find a shellfish to eat.

As soon as it touched the beach, its feet suddenly stuck, and its body lost balance and fell down, with its entire body stuck to the beach.

"Chirp chirp!"

The seabird struggled desperately, but the more it struggled, the more it got stuck.

Suddenly, a translucent tentacle passed by at a speed invisible to the naked eye.


The seawater surged up again, but the seabird had disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Qingmu and Hei Tong stood outside the beach, watching this scene from a distance.

"That should be its way of attack." Hei Tong said.

"The response is up to you."

Qingmu nodded, spread his bat wings, and flew towards the giant snail.

The giant snail did not move at all, and a pair of tentacles swayed unconsciously, as if it had no idea of ​​the outside world.

Aoki didn't take it lightly, and quickly approached, punching the giant snail's head.


The giant snail's head shrank back and hid in its back shell.


Aoki's fist hit the shell, making a crisp sound.

The giant snail didn't even move, but his fist was stuck to it.

At the same time.

Tentacles suddenly stretched out from the small holes in the snail's shell and flew towards Aoki, as fast as a black shadow.

"The defense is ridiculously hard, and it will be stuck if you touch it. There are not only many tentacles, but also fast speed. How can people fight it? Are you playing tricks?"

Aoki flapped his wings hard, and with a sudden pull, his fist broke away from the snail's shell, and the flesh on the surface was completely torn off, revealing the white bones, and the body quickly retreated.

The tentacles missed, and the giant snail stuck its head out and opened its mouth.


A mouthful of "thick phlegm" spurted out.

This is for the giant snail. In Aoki's eyes, it is just a huge ball of mucus with a diameter of more than two meters.

Not only is the speed extremely fast, but the timing and angle are also very clever, leaving him no time to dodge.

"On the third day after losing the 'space shuttle', I miss it."

Aoki sighed, opened his palm, aimed at the mucus, and the flesh and blood suddenly expanded to form a meat shield.


The mucus stuck to it.

Aoki cut off the palm covered with mucus, and took the opportunity to distance himself from the giant snail and looked at it from a distance.

The giant snail did not move.

"Super dangerous species, at least the few in this secret realm, if they have a profession, the level should be above level 30." Aoki's eyes moved slightly.

In other words, if the super dangerous species is a profession, the quality should be above three stars.

Of course.

If he obtains the super dangerous species profession, at level 30, he will definitely be stronger than the giant snail.

Just like the ghost is a two-star profession, after he reaches the maximum level, he can beat Muzan Kibutsuji.

In other words, the profession he got is actually an enhanced version of the corresponding power.

This is not the point.

The point is that the profession of "super dangerous species" may really exist.

The leader of the recently rising religion of the Empire, An Ning Dao, is actually a hybrid of human and dangerous species, with the ability to remember everything, predict the future, see through people's hearts, and heal wounds.

This shows that humans can also have the blood of dangerous species.

In addition, fundamentally speaking, most of the power of the imperial equipment actually comes from super dangerous species.

If the imperial equipment is used for a long time, the imperial equipment may also erode humans and assimilate with humans.

Especially the imperial equipment such as transformation and armor.

"Evil Ghost Haunting" has this ability.

Although a thousand years have passed, the muscles of the super dangerous species Tyrande who made "Evil Ghost Haunting" are still alive.

This is not a good thing.

When people are eroded, they will gradually become dangerous species, which is equivalent to the resurrection of the former super dangerous species in humans.

But this is also a way to obtain the blood of super dangerous species.

Aoki stopped thinking.

There are still many problems with this idea.

Dangerous species are not necessarily stronger than imperial equipment users.

At least the giant snails gave him a feeling that was not as good as Esdeath.


He left the Demon Slayer World in order to become a human being. If he became a super dangerous species, wouldn’t that make him even further away from his goal?

Aoki’s attention returned to reality, staring at the giant snail.

“Try it, can you rush over!”

The range of spatial fluctuation interference cannot be infinite. As long as you leave the interference range, you can perform “space shuttle”.

Aoki flapped his wings and flew over the giant snail.

The giant snail did not move at all, like a dead object.

After approaching, Aoki flapped his wings and increased his speed.

The giant snail still did not move.

However, when he reached the sky above the giant snail, Aoki’s face changed and he stopped abruptly.


Countless tentacles suddenly burst out from the giant snail, weaving a dense and airtight giant net in the air.

If Aoki had not stopped just now, he would have directly hit the tentacle net.

“Fortunately, there is a transparent world.”

Aoki retreated without hesitation.

The giant snail didn't, and the tentacles woven a large net to cover Qingmu.

"No, I can't escape!"

Qingmu immediately made a judgment in his heart.

He was too deep.

These tentacles are extremely fast and are covered with mucus. Once you are touched by one, you can't escape.


Aoki's direction suddenly turned ninety degrees, flying upwards like a green onion on dry land, and finally left the attack range of the tentacles before being locked in the direction of avoidance.

Before he could relax, he heard a sharp whistling sound from above and looked up.

Countless pterosaur-like dangerous species gathered together to form a large "dark cloud", covering the sky and the sun.

Among the dangerous species of pterosaurs, a behemoth with a wingspan of more than fifty meters stands out.

"It's really here! But why was there no movement just now?"

Aoki felt something in his heart and glanced at the forest below.

"Is it because it exceeds the height of the forest? So, under the forest, the giant snail is responsible, and above the forest is the super pterosaur?"


A wind blade passed by and cut Qingmu in the middle. He did not dare to delay any longer and swooped down diagonally.

Giant snails and super pterosaurs refuse to give up.

Aoki lowered his head, avoiding countless tentacles and wind blades, and finally returned to the ground.

The super pterosaur glanced at them, turned around and flew towards the forest, and the giant snail stopped moving.

"Are you okay?" Black Tong looked up at him with worry in his eyes.

Aoki shook his head: "I'm fine, but it's probably impossible to leave without fighting."

"Then fight!"

Heitong tightened his grip on Bafang.

"Okay! Let's set off now and go to the other side!" Aoki stopped talking nonsense.

Now that you have figured out the rules, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

For him, this snail is actually easier to deal with.

However, for Black Eyes and her puppets, there is no way to fight this untouchable enemy.

All things considered, the dangerous species in the gray mist is better to deal with.

The two turned and left.

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