
There was a painful expression on Heitong's face.

If the doll is destroyed, she will be affected. In this situation, the pain is more than ten times greater.

"Attrition is starting to happen."

Aoki didn't dare to delay any longer and rushed forward again.

Except for Destaguru, all the black-eyed dolls are vulnerable to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

If you want to defeat the Tyrannosaurus rex, you must give full play to everyone's strength.

We can't let those dolls die in vain.

Even with Aoki's help, the dolls still kept dying.

But they also played a role. The injuries on the Tyrannosaurus rex also continued to increase.


The flame cloud rose, and a puppet was engulfed and turned into a ball of charcoal.

Aoki dodged the Tyrannosaurus Rex's claws, pulled away, and glanced at it.

"There are only three dolls left."

Although these three are the strongest, including Desta Guru, they are all injured.

In fact, he was injured more times, but he recovered from them all.

"Keep going like this..."

Aoki turned to look at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although there were many wounds on its body, none of them were fatal.

We can't keep dragging it on like this!

Even if you can't kill it, you still have to inflict some truly impactful damage.


The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth and spat out, and a huge ball of red energy spurted out, turning into a ball of fire the size of a basketball.

Boom boom boom!

The fireball fell and expanded rapidly, like a salvo of hundreds of cannons.

Aoki's eyes narrowed and he advanced instead of retreating.

This move may seem scary, but it poses no threat to him.

As long as he wasn't in the center of the explosion, a little flame wouldn't hurt him.

After unleashing an attack of this magnitude, the Tyrannosaurus rex would inevitably have to take a short breather.

This is a great opportunity!

Aoki quickly approached the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex did not ignore Aoki. It had already discovered that among the enemies this time, this little thing was the most threatening one.

It turned sideways slightly, swept its thick tail towards Aoki, and let out a sharp whistle.

Although its body is huge and its movements are not flexible enough, Tyrannosaurus rex has excellent fighting skills and can make full use of all parts of its body.

Tyrande's muscles can survive for thousands of years after being crafted into a Teigu.

These super dangerous species have lived for who knows how many years, and they have become extremely familiar with combat.

Aoki had already seen the power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail flick, so he didn't dare to take it head-on and was about to dodge it.

at this time.

Another figure suddenly rushed out, with burns all over his body, and hit the Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail without hesitation.

Aoki recognized that this was one of Kurotong's most precious dolls, a companion that she and her sister Chitong had grown up with when they were children.


Hitting the thick tail, the doll's arms shattered and its sternum collapsed completely.

However, the speed of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail also slowed down.

Aoki did not waste this precious opportunity. He bent his knees slightly and with a bang, his body rose into the sky.

In close combat, the bat wings are not suitable.

Although the flight of Bat Wings is already very flexible, it is still far from his own flexibility.

Moreover, the bat wings are too large, which increases the area to be attacked in vain.

Aoki stepped on the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, his height rose rapidly, and in an instant he was level with the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head.

There were wounds all over the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head, two of which were particularly deep and had broken the skull.

These are all his masterpieces.

Whoosh whoosh!

Eight pipe whips flew out and penetrated into the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head, but they were not deep enough and none of them could penetrate the bone.

The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth.

There was a hint of madness in Aoki's eyes.

He hasn't been threatened for a long time, but he never lacks courage when he needs to fight hard.

The spirit seemed to become more condensed, and waves of power emerged out of thin air, pouring into the limbs and bones.

Unyielding intention!

This is the first time he has activated this skill since he learned it.

At first, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei didn't make him feel any pressure at all.


The red energy hit him and expanded into a huge flame, engulfing Aoki.

But the next moment, he rushed out of the flames, and the surface was charred black.

His skin had completely turned into charcoal, and the flames burned through the muscles and poured into his body, and his internal organs were cooked.

Aoki didn't even look at it. He stared at the Tyrannosaurus rex and shook his body.

The bone whip slashed through the air, and with a pop, the bone blade sank into one of the two deepest wounds, cutting the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head open with a wound dozens of centimeters long.

Following the wound, you can see the white brain and a silver bead inside.

"Beads? What are those?"

Aoki was stunned for a moment, but his movements were not slow at all. The whips danced together and pierced into the brain of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in an instant.


The Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, shook its head, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Aoki.

The bat wings spread out, Aoki's figure instantly rose up, and the pipe whip was pulled out from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's head, wrapping around the silver bead.

Regardless of his nausea, Aoki grabbed the silver bead and his eyes changed slightly.

"Is this true?"


Before he had time to think about it, a sharp whistling sound reached his ears. When he looked up, he saw a giant pterosaur-like creature with a wingspan of more than fifty meters approaching quickly.

Aoki frowned.

He had been very careful to control himself, making sure that he had never crossed the limit, not even close.

So, the answer was obvious.

Tyrannosaurus Rex had no martial ethics, and would call for help if he couldn't beat it.

Aoki immediately thought of the roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex just now.

He thought that the three really had a clear division of territory, but he didn't expect it was just a superficial act.

Aoki glanced at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although its head was pierced and the whip had stirred its brain, it was still alive and well, and didn't look like it was dying at all.

Aoki was not particularly surprised by this.

Tyrande's muscles can live for thousands of years, how could a super dangerous species die so easily?

However, he was sure that although the Tyrannosaurus Rex was not dead, it was also seriously injured, and the key was that it had a huge vital point.

If the battle continued, he was sure to kill it.


After taking a look at the fast-approaching super pterosaur, Aoki decisively flew towards Hei Tong.

Another super dangerous species was intact, and another one could be added at any time.

On their side, there were heavy casualties, and only two puppets were left who could fight.

This group battle could no longer be fought.

We had to retreat.


A sharp whistle exploded behind him, and Qingmu glanced at it, his face slightly changed.

Huge wind blades were flying towards him at high speed.

Too fast!

Although he would not die, his steps would definitely be slowed down.

More importantly.

Qingmu looked at the silver bead in his hand.

If he lost it, he didn't know if he would have a chance to get it back.

What to do?

At this moment.

A tall shadow suddenly appeared and blocked Qingmu behind him.

Desta Gulu opened his mouth, and countless blue energy gushed out, wantonly venting his power.

The wind blade was destroyed in an instant, and the whole sky was dyed blue.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex took a few steps back, and the pterosaur also stopped diving.

The attacks of the two super dangerous species stopped at the same time.

But a few seconds later, Desta Gulu's breath plummeted.

Qingmu rushed to Hei Tong without any hesitation, picked her up, and rushed into the jungle quickly.

"What should we do now?"

There was no trace of blood on Hei Tong's pretty face.

The plan to hunt the super dangerous species failed, and her puppets were almost lost.

Do they still have a chance to leave?

Qingmu did not answer, but looked back first.


The super pterosaur did not catch up.

Although its huge body is not suitable for moving in the forest, its speed and attack are too terrifying. If it really catches up, it can still cause them great trouble.

Qingmu looked down at the silver bead in his hand.

It is the size of an egg, feels warm, and is a very standard spherical shape. The surface is flat and smooth without any lines.

It looks like a huge pearl.

At the first glance, he felt that this silver bead exuded a strong space fluctuation.

This is probably the culprit that interfered with his "space shuttle"!

In the past few days, he has been looking for the source of the space fluctuation interference, but he has never gained anything. It is hidden in the head of the super dangerous species. It would be strange if he could find it.

If his guess was correct, destroying the silver bead should eliminate the interference of spatial fluctuations.

Without the interference of spatial fluctuations, he could directly use the "space mark shuttle" to leave.

This is why he gave up the battle without hesitation.

Qingmu moved his fingers.

Although he didn't know what this silver bead was, it was undoubtedly a space treasure.

Space treasures, there should be no garbage.

Qingmu exerted force on his palm.


The silver bead broke into pieces.

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