Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 136 Conditions for obtaining a career

In the past year, the only gain in combat was that he gained an attribute point at level 3 as a "doctor", which was added to his physique and cured his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Doctor Aoki!"

"Doctor Aoki, are you going to see patients today?"

"Long time no see, Doctor Aoki."

As Aoki walked in the hospital, people kept greeting him.

He has a very high status here.

This is not because of his talent or medical skills, but mainly because he has a close relationship with the dean, Miss Tamayo, and is the only one who can freely enter and leave Miss Tamayo's laboratory.

Although he may be accused of being a gigolo, Aoki does not mind. Instead, he actively exercises his privileges to increase the speed of gaining experience.

After a busy day, he got 10 experience points. When it was completely dark, Aoki finished his work for the day.

He did not feel tired, but decisively chose to go off work.

First, he had to try to behave like an ordinary person, and second, there were fewer patients at night and the efficiency was not high.

After rejecting the invitation of two colleagues to go to the izakaya, Aoki directly "space shuttled" and returned to Baiyi Town.

The master's wife and Takina were used to his sudden disappearance and reappearance, and they didn't even ask.

After chatting with Takina and the master's wife for a while, Aoki returned to the room and thought about the current problem again.

His ultimate goal is to turn back into a human while retaining the power of a ghost.

There is no hope in a short time to achieve this goal through research.

Others may give up, but he still has something to rely on.

The system!

According to Miss Tamayo, the question of the origin of the power of ghosts is too profound, and with the current level of technology, there is no possibility of cracking it.

Even after Aoki described to her the possible development and changes in the medical industry in the future, Miss Tamayo's answer was still impossible.

As for separating the power and characteristics of ghosts, it sounds like a fairy tale and unrealistic. After research, you will find that it is indeed the case.

And the system just has the power to make the impossible possible.

With the help of the system, he got rid of his desire for flesh and blood, and became stronger by killing ghosts. In just one year, his strength surpassed Muzan Kibutsuji.

If you have difficulties, look for the system. Isn't this common sense?


If you want to achieve the goal of "having both" in a short period of time, you must rely on extraordinary power.

And there are only two kinds of extraordinary power in this world, and he cannot control the other breathing method.

In other words, if he wants to rely on the power of the system to solve it, he has to go to other worlds.

"It's very troublesome!"

Qingmu rubbed his eyebrows.

He was sure that other worlds existed.

Because he came from another world.

However, he had no idea where those worlds were and how to get there.


It can't be said that there is no clue at all, only a guess without any certainty.

The more Qingmu thought about it, the more unreliable it seemed.

Even if he could go to another world, how to return?

How long would it take to go back and forth?

If he went to other worlds, would he get the power he wanted?

What about safety issues?

This is just a small part of the problems he thought of.

"Wait and see, once you make a decision, there will be no chance to regret it! It's just right to take advantage of this time to accumulate more power."

Qingmu temporarily suppressed the impulse in his heart.

The next day, he continued to run to be a doctor.

Two months later.

Aoki finally accumulated enough experience and reached the maximum level of "Doctor". It took more than a year, which is the longest time among the four professions.

The last skill point was used to learn the last skill of "Doctor", and the free attribute points were added to strength. The strength reached 29 points, only one step away from 30 points.

Although the "Doctor" profession has reached the maximum level, it does not mean that he is already the strongest doctor.

The skills of the half-star profession improve the talent, and will not directly improve his professional ability.

Simply put, whether it is a doctor, a martial artist, or a hunter, the role of the system profession is to make him from an ordinary person to a genius of the corresponding profession.

To become an expert, all knowledge and abilities must be learned in person.

The system can't help at all.

As a doctor, Aoki's level is already quite outstanding, but it is far inferior to Miss Tamayo and Butterfly Kanae.

He has caught up with or even surpassed their talents, but that must be a long time to learn.

If he has enough time, he doesn't mind studying medicine and becoming a generation of medical masters.

However, now that he has a further goal, he naturally doesn't plan to waste time on this.

In most cases, medical ability, or a nanny, is very important.

But as a ghost, he has his own spring water, and happens to be one of the few people who doesn't need it.

Aoki immediately threw himself into the next job, trying to get another profession.

This time he chose the profession of chef.

But, unfortunately, he failed.

He couldn't get the profession of chef at all.

This time it was definitely not the problem of the mentor. He found one of the most famous chefs in Tokyo Prefecture to teach him through Ubuyashiki Yoya.

In the end, Aoki found out that it should be the reason why he couldn't taste the flavor.

The importance of taste to a chef is self-evident.

This also made him realize that the profession could not surpass his basic conditions.

For example, he got the blood of Muzan Kibutsuji and then got the "Strange Ghost" profession.

If he had always been a human, he would never have been able to get the "Ghost" profession.

In this case, it is understandable that he could not master the breathing method.

Because the breathing method was created based on the human body structure, it is not applicable to ghosts.

In other words, the system only professionalized the power he has or can have, and cannot create power out of thin air.

Based on this, Aoki tried to get the "Sprinter" profession.

"Chef" was out of interest, and "Sprinter" was considered to be helpful in combat.

He failed again.

Afterwards, Aoki summed up the reasons and guessed that it was probably because his physical strength was too high.

If he wanted, he could easily win in all the physical sports in the world.

He does not need the help of a profession, he is already the strongest.

In addition to being based on physical conditions, the acquisition of a profession must also conform to the logic of reality.

In his case, if he wants to increase the success rate, it is best to choose a half-star profession that focuses on skills.

Looking back, it was really dangerous to get the "Martial Artist" at the beginning.

Although it took some time to fail twice in a row, it also summed up two key rules, so it was not a waste.

However, Qingmu did not have time to try to get a career again, because the time of the year when the sun was the strongest was coming.

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