Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 137 World Travel, Aoki's Departure (6500 words)

Colorful flowers gather into a colorful ocean, shining under the golden sunlight.

"it's beautiful."

Zhu Shi sighed and asked: "Is the blue Higan flower here?"

"That's right!"

Aoki pointed at his feet. There were a few "weeds" growing among the beautiful flowers.

"Which one is it?" Zhu Shi's beautiful face was a little confused. She didn't see the blue flower.

"that's it!"

This time, Aoki pointed directly at one of the "weeds".

"Is this the blue Higan flower?"

Zhu Shi's mouth opened slightly. It wasn't that she didn't expect it, but she just couldn't believe it.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei has been searching for thousands of years, but the treasure that can enable ghosts to overcome the sun is actually just a few "weeds"?

"Although they look inconspicuous, they are indeed blue Higan flowers!"

Aoki said: "Only when the sunshine is strongest every year, the blue flower will bloom briefly. Moreover, due to the influence of temperature, climate, etc., it may not bloom every year."

Zhu Shi stared at the blue Higan flower carefully for a few seconds: "It's not easy for Mr. Aoki to find it."

"I also took some tricks." Aoki shook his head.

If we hadn't opened our eyes, it would indeed not have been an easy task to find the blue Higanbana flower.

Zhu Shi held her skirt with one hand and her sun hat with the other, and squatted down.

"Hopefully it will be open this year."

“It didn’t happen last year, but there is still hope this year.”

Aoki said.

He didn't know what specific conditions the blue other side flower needed to grow and bloom, but one thing was certain, and that was strong sunlight.

As for the area around Mount Untori, it has been sunny for half a month recently.

Zhushi collects data seriously.

Of course she also wants to overcome the sunshine.

That way you can walk in the sun without any worries.

Aoki walked to a blank area next to him and stretched out his hand.


With a loud noise, a huge sofa appeared.

Zhu Shi heard the sound and turned around to look, dumbfounded: "What is this?"

"The sofa!"

Aoki patted the side and said: "Miss Zhuyo, please come and sit too. You may have to wait for several days. Although the blooming time of the blue other shore flower is very short, it is not only a few minutes or a few seconds. You don't have to keep staring."

As he said that, he took out the ghost wine gourd and a small table, and said with a smile: "Just in time, this pot of ghost wine is ready, let's drink and wait."

Zhu Shi walked over, sat down next to him, and asked curiously: "Mr. Aoki, where did you hide this big thing before?"

She thought for a moment, before Mr. Aoki suddenly took out something like today, but it was never this big and the shock was not that strong.

"Do you know Infinite City?"

Aoki asked.

Tamashi nodded: "I know, it was a different space controlled by Muzan Kibutsuji in the past."

Aoki said: "I also have a similar space, it's just a little smaller, but it's no problem to bring some daily necessities. Miss Zhuyo, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Zhu Shi was a little moved, but still refused: "Let's wait until we get the blue Higan flower!"

"That's fine!"

Aoki didn't force it, so he took out two cups and filled them up for both of them.

A peculiar aroma of wine filled the air.

Zhu Shi looked curiously: "What kind of wine is this?"

"Champagne, a foreign wine."

Aoki said: "I asked the owner of the yashiki family to buy it for me."

The business of the Uyashiki family was very large, and they were also very influential in the world.

It is worth mentioning that Aoki also visited the god master through the Uyashiki clan to see if he could get a career.

When the Ubuyashiki clan was about to perish, it was the God Lord who gave them advice and asked them to form a demon slaying team, thereby preserving their bloodline.

And, this method does work.

After Tsujimu Onimusi's tragic death, the curse of the Ubuyashiki clan disappeared.

In the original work, Ubuyashiki Yaoya's son, Ubuyashiki Teriya, even became the longest-lived person.

In this time and space, after the tragic death of Onibatsuji Mu, the curse on Uyashiki Yōya also disappeared. Although the existing injuries were not directly cured, they no longer worsened.

Under the treatment of Miss Tamashii and Butterfly Kanae, her health condition improved significantly.

According to Miss Tamashii, the changes after the curse disappeared were more obvious than she expected. As long as no accidents occur, there should be no problem for Ubuya Shiki Yōya to live beyond the age of forty.

In addition, the Uyashiki clan has always married women from the priest clan, so their offspring are less likely to die in infancy.

All kinds of deeds show that the priest family is not simple, and the god master is not simple.

It seems to have something to do with the extraordinary.

In addition to pursuing extraordinary professions, Aoki also wants to use the priest family to try to explore whether there are gods in this world.

The priest flatly refused his request.

It's not that Wu Biao is too proud. In his own words, it's not that they can communicate with the gods, but that the gods chose them.

Simply put, they do not decide who can communicate with the gods. The priests are selected directly by the gods through a ceremony when they are young.

Aoki even watched a selection ceremony.

Unfortunately nothing was gained.

However, according to his observations, there should be no self-aware gods, but there may be something similar to the pan-consciousness of the world.

Unfortunately, he couldn't reach it.

After repeated attempts to no avail, I finally gave up.

Time passed slowly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Aoki sat on the sofa, flipping through a medical book, while Tamayo was lying on the table writing and drawing, with a lot of modern medical terms recorded in her notebook.

Although she was a person hundreds of years ago, she was not unfamiliar with new things, nor did she reject them. She would even take the initiative to learn and update her knowledge base.

After reading a page, Aoki glanced subconsciously when he turned the page.

Between the flowers, the "weeds" suddenly disappeared, replaced by several gorgeous blue flowers, stretching their beautiful bodies to their heart's content.


Aoki stood up suddenly.

"Ms. Tamayo!"

Tamayo reacted immediately and turned her head to look. The gorgeous blue flowers came into her eyes, and she exclaimed in a low voice.

"Blue Higanbana!"

She had seen the picture, and when she was hunting Muzan Kibutsuji, she had also seen the artificial flowers made by Mr. Aoki.

In terms of appearance, the two sides are exactly the same.

"Finally I've waited for it!"

The two smiled at each other.

"We are lucky."

Miss Tamayo's eyes lit up slightly.

As an excellent doctor, she is very interested in unknown medicinal materials.

And the blue red spider lily, as a magical material that can help ghosts overcome sunlight, has always been one of the objects she wants to study the most.

Aoki said: "Miss Tamayo, pick it."

Tamayo nodded, stood up and walked over, carefully picked a few flowers and put them into the medicine box prepared in advance.

After collecting the blue red spider lilies, the two returned to the laboratory without stopping.

Luckily, Miss Tamayo had seen the notes about the blue red spider lily left by the doctor who helped Muzan Kibutsuji become a ghost.

When he was controlled, Muzan Kibutsuji showed her the notes in order to let her study the medicine to overcome sunlight.

With reference and guidance, Tamayo made rapid progress in making medicine.

Aoki could not help much and might even disturb the hunt, so he returned to Baiyi.

Takina and his master's wife were not there. He sat alone in the yard, and with a thought, he turned on the system.

"The conditions are ripe, and it's time to make a decision."

"You can choose any skill and strengthen it to the extreme!" He has never used this reward from "The Road to the Ghost King".

Strengthening "Ghost Blood" will allow him to transform again, and strengthening "Swallowing Ghosts" may break the embarrassing situation of not being able to gain experience.

Strengthening "Transparent World" should enhance perception.

Qingmu looked at "Space Shuttle".

He obviously got a stronger profession, but he couldn't upgrade because there were no strong enough monsters.

The level of technology and extraordinary power were not high enough to complete the exploration of the essence of power, etc.

The other three skills were all good and powerful, but "Space Shuttle" was the only skill that could possibly break the dilemma he was facing.

"Come on, system, let me see your strength!"

Qingmu made a choice without hesitation.

Strengthen "Space Shuttle" to the extreme.

He had hesitated countless times before, and he had made a choice before opening the system this time.

A cool breath appeared in the body and quickly disappeared, leaving only a message, and...

Aoki raised his left hand, and a silver flower was gradually taking shape. The flower had nine petals, but only one of them was real, and the others were virtual.

Is this the space shuttle after the extreme enhancement?

Aoki felt it silently, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

It was just as he guessed, or even more perfect than he guessed.

"Space shuttle" is his blood demon art, which is rooted in his obsession with traveling.

At level 1, it can only flash within the field of vision.

After level 2, it has the ability to teleport around the world.

But it is still not a real travel.

After strengthening again, can it reach the level of traveling through the world?

This is the only chance he can think of to travel through the world.

He bet right.

After the extreme enhancement of "space shuttle", the ability obtained is called "world shuttle", which is manifested by the silver flower on the back of his left hand.

One petal can record a world coordinate.

At present, the coordinates of the demon world have been automatically recorded, so only one petal is real, and the others are virtual.

The silver flower can also store energy. When the energy is full, it can be pulled by this force to travel through the world.

There are two forms, one is to travel to the world where the coordinates are recorded in the petals, and the other is to travel randomly according to the connection between the worlds.

After traveling through the world, the energy in the silver flower will be exhausted, waiting time, and slowly recharge.

As for the recharge time.


Depending on the different worlds, the recharge speed is also different.

Level 1 is "space shuttle", level 2 is "space coordinate shuttle", and level 3 is finally the real "world shuttle".

Qingmu looked at the silver flower on the back of his hand.

At this time, the silver flower is in a state of full energy and has reached the requirements of "world shuttle".

However, to really travel through time, one more thing needs to be done, to find the pole of the world crystal wall.

According to the information he got from "world shuttle".

Each world is wrapped by the world crystal wall, isolating time and space, blocking cause and effect, and it is almost impossible to cross.

However, there are always exceptions.

There is actually a hole on the indestructible world crystal wall that no one can cross, which is called the pole.

Only at the pole can you travel through the world.

However, the pole is very small and changes with time.

Aoki turned his head and looked northwest.

Although the pole coordinates will not be provided directly, when the energy of the silver flower is full, the approximate location of the pole can be sensed, which greatly reduces the difficulty of finding.

At present, the pole coordinates of the Demon Slayer World are located in the west.

After a moment of hesitation, Aoki activated the "space coordinate shuttle" and instantly came to a sea of ​​flowers.

He and Miss Tamayo just left here.

"The pole is really here, what a coincidence."

Through the silver flower on the back of Aoki's left hand, he can clearly feel that he is standing on the pole and can activate the "world shuttle" to leave at any time.

Tsugikoku Yoshiichi's wife is buried here, the blue spider lily is here, Tanjiro's family lives nearby, and the pole is also here.

This is really the place where fate favors.

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."

Aoki looked in the direction of Asakusa.

A week later

Aoki was enjoying the cool in the yard with Takina.

Suddenly, a strange wave came from his mind. Before he could say hello to Takina, Aoki disappeared suddenly.

Takina took a look and continued to busy herself with her own things.

Aoki appeared in Miss Tamayo's laboratory.

"It actually activated the space coordinates directly once, Miss Tamayo, what happened..."

He stopped before he finished speaking.

Miss Tamayo stood in front of the laboratory table, on which was a medicine box with a layer of crushed ice in it, and cold air was coming out.

On the crushed ice, ten blue potions lay quietly.

"Blue Bianhua?" Aoki asked.

Blue Bianhua is both the name of the flower and the name of the medicine.

Tamayo nodded gently: "This is the blue red spider lily, but it is not certain whether it can help ghosts overcome sunlight."

Aoki said: "Let's find a ghost to experiment."

"No!" Tamayo shook her head: "Let me try it!"

"Wait a minute!"

Aoki hurriedly stopped: "We don't know if there are any side effects yet, so why not find a death row prisoner to experiment?"

"Such a precious potion can't be wasted."

Tamayo pursed her lips and smiled: "It doesn't matter. I have studied the production process thousands of times. At most, it will have no effect, and there will be no harm."

With the physique of ghosts, as long as they are not poisoned to death on the spot, there is actually no need to worry about any sequelae.

Aoki sighed: "Why don't you let Yushiro try it."

Tamayo glanced at him with a reproachful look, rolled up her sleeves, revealing a white and slender wrist, picked up a syringe, and stabbed it without hesitation.


The blue potion disappeared quickly.

Miss Tamayo's wrist was still white and smooth, without any change.

Aoki stared at her nervously: "Ms. Tamayo, how do you feel?"

"Very good!"

Tamayo looked a little dazed, but soon calmed down: "I feel that my body has undergone a transformation."

Aoki glanced at the clock on the wall, and the hands just stopped at the number "12".

It was exactly twelve o'clock noon.

"Let's go out and try it!"

Aoki said.

The injection stage is the most dangerous, but it's okay during the test. Even if Miss Tamayo can't overcome the sunlight, he can always take her back to a safe place.

Tamayo nodded happily.

The two hurriedly walked outside, and no one noticed someone greeting them.

When they came to the door, Tamayo grabbed the door with both hands, but her movements stopped.

Aoki didn't urge her, but waited silently.

After only two seconds of silence, Tamayo suddenly opened the door.

The hot sun at noon in August was shining, which was the most terrifying moment for ghosts.

But at this time, Tamayo didn't have any fear in her heart, only a warm feeling from the surface of her skin to the bottom of her heart.

Aoki looked at Miss Tamayo standing in the sun safely, and a smile appeared on his face.

Miss Tamayo turned around.

"Congratulations, Miss Tamayo." Aoki said.

Tamayo smiled: "Thanks to Mr. Aoki."

A great experiment ended just like that, and no one else even saw it.

After returning to the laboratory, Aoki took three blue red spider lily potions and kept the remaining six. .

Tamayo looked puzzled: "Mr. Aoki, you only need to keep one for Yushiro, the others..."

Aoki interrupted her: "I have a very important thing to ask Miss Tamayo."

Looking at his serious expression, Tamayo said seriously: "Mr. Aoki, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Aoki took out a bottle of blood.

"This is my blood, give it to Miss Tamayo for safekeeping, I hope that at the critical moment, Miss Tamayo can help me turn some people into ghosts!"

Although the "world shuttle" ability is very perfect, he is not sure when he can come back, this bottle of blood is insurance.

Even if an accident happened, it wouldn't happen that when he came back, his relatives and friends would be dead bones in the grave.

Tamayo's beautiful face showed some worry: "Mr. Aoki, why don't you do this yourself?"

Aoki didn't hide it: "I'm going on a long trip next, and I may not be able to come back in time."

Tamayo was stunned.

Mr. Aoki's relatives and friends are generally in their twenties and have at least several decades to live.

But he was worried that his relatives and friends would not be able to wait for him to come back.

What kind of distant journey takes decades?

Aoki said: "I can only ask Miss Zhuyo about this matter."

"I see."

Although Zhu Shi was very worried, he still agreed, put away the blue other side flower potion, and said seriously: "I promise that when Mr. Aoki comes back, all your relatives and friends will be alive and well!"

Aoki smiled: "Miss Zhuyo, there is no need to put too much pressure on her. This is just in case."

There is indeed a certain danger in traveling across the world, but he has estimated it and it is still within the tolerance range.


In a restaurant.

Chef Mili of Ganlu Temple was dressed up and busy. There was an endless stream of diners outside, and from time to time there was a burst of admiration.

Whenever this happens, her energy will become stronger.

Although her physical strength is not as good as that of a ghost.

However, with his special physique and breathing exercises, his physical strength far exceeds that of most humans.

It's getting late.

After a busy day, it was not until the store was ready to close that Ganluji Mili felt at ease.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Sorry guest, today's ingredients...Mr. Aomura!"

Kanroji Mitsuri sat up, with an expression of surprise on her face.

Aoki chuckled and said, "It looks like business is going well!"

Kanroji Mitsuri shook her hair, her face flushed: "Hehehe, luckily everyone likes it."

"Is it hard?"

"It's very hard, but also very happy!"


Kanroji Mitsuri stood up suddenly and left in a hurry. After a while, she returned with a plate of cherry cakes.

"Mr. Qingcun, please try it. This is my special cherry cake."

Aoki did not refuse her kindness, picked up a piece and took a bite.

Hmm...still like sand.

Kanroji Mitsuri's expectant expression suddenly fell, but before Aoki could say anything to comfort her, she became full of energy again.

"It doesn't matter. If you fail this time, just keep thinking of ways. I will definitely make food that ghosts can eat!"

After closing the shop, the two of them walked side by side towards Mitori's house in Ganluji Temple.

Kanroji Mitsuri kept talking about her experience in preparing to open a store, and she reluctantly stopped until she came to her door.

"Mr. Aomura, you must come early next time."

"I will!"

Aoki waved his hand and watched Mitsuri Kanroji enter the house and leave.

Butterfly House.

Butterfly Kanae yawned.

Since she no longer had to hunt ghosts, she felt that she had been living too leisurely, her body had become sluggish, and she overslept today.

When she left the house, she saw at a glance that Chanel was having a "fierce battle" with a young man under the cherry blossom tree named "Bi Sheng" in the yard.

With a bit of surprise in her eyes, Kanae quickened her pace and walked over: "Mr. Aoki."

Aoki stopped what he was doing: "Miss Kanae."

Chanel's eyes were wide open and her breathing was a little quick.

Butterfly Kanae rubbed her hair and said with a gentle smile: "There is no need to kill ghosts anymore. I haven't asked Kanae to practice these days, but she doesn't seem to be relaxing."

Aoki thought for a moment: "Becoming stronger is not a bad thing, but you can also find something else to do for Chanel."

Butterfly Kanae nodded slightly.

At this time.

Butterfly Ninja came from outside.

"Sister, I bought it...hey?"

"Long time no see." Aoki waved his hand.

Butterfly Ninja glanced at him: "How long has it been? I just saw him at your house three days ago!"


A smile appeared on Aoki's face.

He stayed at Butterfly House until evening before returning to Bai Yi.

Suddenly there was a figure in the yard, and Takina, who was washing clothes, looked up.

"Aoki, you're back!"

Aoki looked at Takina.

The eighteen-year-old girl has completely lost her childishness, and she has bright eyes and white teeth, and she stands tall and graceful.

"Takina, where is the master's wife?"

Aomura Rie walked out of the room: "What's wrong, Aoki?"

"I have something to say."

Aoki paused: "I'm going to go out."

The expressions of Aomura Rie and Takina changed slightly, realizing that the going out he mentioned this time was different from the previous outings.

Before they could speak, Aoki added: "I plan to solve my problem, which may take some time."

Rie Aomura was a little at a loss.

Takina looked at him seriously: "Is it dangerous?"

"There is some risk, but it's bearable."

Aoki said calmly: "However, if an accident occurs, I may be trapped and it will take a long time to come back."

The charging time of the silver flowers was his biggest concern.

Takina's tone was calm and serious: "It doesn't matter, I will always wait for you to come back."

Aoki looked at them: "Master, Takina, if I don't come back for a long time, you can go to Asakusa to find Miss Tamashi and ask her to help you become a ghost."

"Become a ghost?" Rie Aomura was shocked.

Takina nodded without hesitation: "Okay!"

Aoki smiled: "It shouldn't be to that extent. That's just preparing for the worst."

At night, he carefully explained the ghost thing and his plan to Takina and his wife.

Of course, I didn't say that I was leaving this world.

After listening to this, Aomura Rie, who had been somewhat at a loss, also calmed down a lot.

Aoki did not leave immediately, but stayed with Takina and the master's wife for another week.

Seven days later, before dawn, he quietly went out before they woke up.

Looking back, Aoki activated the "space shuttle" and instantly crossed the sky and earth to Kumotori Mountain.

The pole has not yet moved.

Aoki raised his left hand, feeling a little restless.

The life over the past year has been very leisurely, but also a little boring.

He must admit that he still likes a life with waves.

Even if there were no current difficulties, he might have made this decision in the end.

"Let's start!"

Aoki's mind moved, and the silver flower on the back of his left hand lit up slightly, and his figure disappeared silently.

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