Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 135 New Occupation, Doctor

Aoki looked at Miss Tamayo again: "In other words, there is no possibility of success in a short time?"

Tamayo asked uncertainly: "Mr. Aoki, what do you mean by a short time?"

"Within a year?"

"Absolutely not at all!"

Tamayo used three adjectives in a row to express her attitude.


Aoki could only give up the idea of ​​finding a breakthrough from Miss Tamayo.

"What happened?"

Tamayo asked curiously.

In her impression, Mr. Aoki rarely had such troubles.

Aoki briefly talked about being urged to get married.

Tamayo suddenly found it very funny.

The super strong man who buried seven upper strings and defeated Muzan Kibutsuji himself was actually worried about getting married.

At this time, she realized that Mr. Aoki was less than 20 years old.

Still a "child".

Tamayo thought about it and said seriously: "I think the most important thing is that two people are willing to be together, and it doesn't necessarily have to have a physical relationship."

As a doctor, and an "old woman" over 500 years old, she didn't mind discussing this issue with Mr. Aoki.

"Platonic love?"

Aoki shook his head.


He knew that Takina would definitely not dislike him.

But he still wanted to solve the problem thoroughly.

What's more, lust is only one of the problems. If it goes on for a long time, there will be more troubles.

"Ms. Tamayo, do you still have the human transformation medicine?"

When he fought Muzan Kibutsuji, the human transformation medicine had not been developed yet, and it was successfully made half a year later.

However, it was no longer useful at that time, so it has been kept by Miss Tamayo.

Tamayo nodded and took out a medicine box with five syringes in it.

"There are five in total, all here."

Aoki said: "Give it to me, if you have time, make a few more."

Tamayo handed him the medicine box: "Mr. Aoki, do you plan to turn back into a human?"

"No plan for the time being." Aoki shook his head.

He wanted the human transformation medicine just to prevent it from being used one day, and he did not intend to give up the power he had finally obtained.

What's more, whether this human transformation medicine can make him turn back into a human is also a question.

In the original work, there are many prerequisites for Tanjiro to change from a demon king back to a human.

First, he sucked Nezuko's blood, and Nezuko's blood has certain antibodies. Secondly, Tanjiro's demonization time is still very short. Finally, Tanjiro himself has a strong desire to change back to a human.

Aoki has none of these.

Tamayo didn't say anything.

No matter what Mr. Aoki plans to do, she will support it.

In the past hundreds of years, her biggest motivation to live was revenge. Now that the great revenge has been avenged, she has no desires and the biggest motivation to live is to repay her gratitude.

Aoki said again: "By the way, Miss Tamayo, I hope you can study how to help people find themselves after becoming demons as soon as possible. It would be even better if you can solve the problem of cannibalism."

Tamayo realized something and was slightly surprised: "Mr. Aoki, can you turn people into demons?"

Aoki nodded: "I basically inherited all the abilities of Muzan Kibutsuji."

He has never told anyone about this.

This ability is too sensitive.

Telling it out will only bring trouble to yourself and add trouble to others.

However, Miss Tamayo is one of the very few people who can reveal it.

Tamayo hesitated for a moment and asked again: "Mr. Aoki, are you planning to turn your relatives into ghosts?"

Aoki nodded calmly: "Certainly not at the moment, but what if one of them is seriously ill? Or when they are about to die of old age?

Although you will lose a lot of things by becoming a ghost, at least you can survive. As long as you are alive, there is hope."

"Okay, next, I will list this as a priority task." Tamayo said.

In fact, she can fully understand Mr. Aoki's thoughts.

Because she chose to become a ghost just to accompany her children to grow up.

Unfortunately, she was deceived by Muzan Kibutsuji. After becoming a ghost, she lost her mind and killed her husband and children with her own hands.

However, Mr. Aoki will definitely not do this.

With her help, she can find herself after becoming a ghost, and she doesn't need to eat people. It can be said that this is the development she dreamed of at the beginning.

"If necessary, I can catch some death row prisoners and turn them into ghosts for you to experiment."

Aoki said.

It is most appropriate to leave this matter to Miss Tamayo. Others, including Kocho Kanae, are not convenient to know.

Tamayo nodded and did not refuse.

Research requires materials.

Anyway, death row prisoners are a group of people who deserve to die. If they can help Mr. Aoki, it can be considered as their contribution. In the next life, they may be reborn into a good family.

Aoki turned his head and glanced at the clock on the wall: "It's almost dawn, I'll come to see patients today!"

"Isn't the time not up yet?" Tamayo asked in surprise.

Aoki smiled self-deprecatingly: "I found that I was too lazy these days. I plan to work harder next time."

He picked up a white coat and put it on. At the same time, a blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 28]

[Constitution: 28]

[Intelligence: 28]

[Agility: 28]

[Profession: Hunter, King of the Others, Martial Artist, Doctor]

[King of the Others]

Quality: ★★☆

Level: lv20 (0/2000)

Skills: Ghost Blood VI, Space Shuttle II, Transparent World II, Devouring Ghost II, Soul Shock (not yet learned)


Quality: ☆

Level: lv4 (158/400)

Skills: Scalpel, Medicine to Cure, Fiery Eyes,

Aoki looked at the system panel.

After studying with Miss Tamayo and Butterfly Kanae for two months, he got the "Doctor" profession as he wished.

Four skills, "Scalpel" adds a series of talents for surgery, "Medicine to Cure" improves the talents of medicine preparation and medicine making.

"Fiery Eyes" is not Monkey King's magical power, but a skill to enhance diagnostic intuition. The last

four skills are of no help in combat.

The way to upgrade "Doctor" is to save people and cure diseases.

However, this year, he no longer felt the sense of crisis and lived a leisurely life. Ten months have passed, but he has not yet reached the maximum level.

Of course.

Another reason is that he is used to the rapid increase in the level of "White Walkers" and the feeling of the sudden increase in attribute points. He is not as concerned about the half-star profession as when he first obtained the "Hunter".

He spent a lot of time learning breathing techniques and upgrading the "King of White Walkers".

In the end, it was a waste of time.

He did not learn any breathing techniques, and did not even get 1 point of experience from the "King of White Walkers".

The only thing he gained was that he confirmed that killing those newly converted ghosts would not gain any experience.

This is the conclusion drawn by ten death row prisoners with their lives.

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