Kanae Butterfly opened the door, and the bright sunlight instantly filled the room. She raised her hand across her eyebrows to simply block it.

"What a nice weather."

There were two people standing under the cherry tree in the yard, one of whom was wearing a wide hat.

At this time, she already knew that it was a special prop called a sunshade hat, which could protect ghosts from the sun.

Before overcoming the sun, Mr. Aomura relied on it to move in the sun.

At the beginning, he also deceived Shinobu.

Thinking of this, Kanae Butterfly smiled and walked towards the two.

"Mr. Aomura, Ms. Tamayo, what are you talking about?"

Aoki said: "Discussing future plans."

Kanae Butterfly asked curiously: "What's the result? What are Mr. Aomura and Ms. Tamayo going to do in the future?"

"I'm a doctor, and I'll still do my job in the future." Tamayo said.

Aoki said, "I also plan to learn some medical skills. I hope you two will teach me in the future."

Kanae Butterfly's eyes lit up: "Mr. Aomura, are you interested in medicine?"

Aoki nodded: "Not just medicine, I am very interested in many industries, and I am considering learning them all and becoming a master of all professions."

Although the "White Walker" has advanced to the "King of the White Walkers", there are no monsters to kill, and it is difficult to upgrade.

There is no pressure from the enemy.

He will have a lot of free time next, and he can consider his previous ideas.

That is, collect more half-star professions, accumulate skills, and stack attributes.

In addition to improving strength, this is also a way to pass the time.

No need to eat, drink, defecate, and urinate, the demand for food, clothing, housing, and transportation is almost non-existent.

If you don't find something to do for yourself, you will be very bored in the long years to come.

"Master of all professions?"

Kanae Butterfly blinked her eyes, and thought that Mr. Aomura had a long life, and she didn't think it was exaggerated.

"Where is Miss Kanae?" Aoki asked.

Kanae Kocho pursed her lips and chuckled: "Shinobu and I should continue to run the Butterfly House, but in the future, the Butterfly House will be an ordinary clinic."

While the three were talking, Shinobu Kocho came in from outside with a huge package in her hand.

Aoki felt that this scene was a little familiar and asked: "What is this?"

Shinobu Kocho said: "A gift for a friend."

"Are you in such a hurry to meet your friend?" Aoki was surprised: "You just defeated Muzan Kibutsuji yesterday, don't you plan to take a break?"

"I didn't do much to beat Muzan Kibutsuji, so I don't need to rest. I want to tell Takina this good news as soon as possible."

Shinobu Kocho said, waved her hand, and walked inside.

Aoki looked at her back: "Miss Shinobu and that friend are very good friends!"

Kanaae Kocho smiled: "Yes, the two have similar personalities and get along very well."

Aoki thought about it, it's true.

Takina is serious about her work and has a sense of rigidity. Shinobu Kocho is also serious and serious.

He retracted his gaze and said, "Ms. Tamayo, I'll take you home now."

Tamayo nodded: "I was just about to talk to Mr. Aomura about this, and it's time to go back and tell Yushiro the good news."

"Are you leaving now?"

Kanae Koucho was a little reluctant.

She admired Miss Tamayo's profound knowledge, kind personality, and intellectual and elegant temperament, and felt like she had found a confidant.

Tamayo smiled and said, "Ms. Kanae is welcome to visit Asakusa in the future."

She also had a good impression of Kanae, who was an extremely gentle girl.

Muji Mutsuji died tragically, and all the demons disappeared. From now on, they don't have to hide anymore, and can live openly in the sun.

Aoki interrupted: "It's not easy to meet, just tell me."

The two were stunned, and then smiled at each other.

After agreeing to visit each other frequently, Aoki took Miss Tamayo away.

Yushiro was feeding Chachamaru, and suddenly heard a slight sound of the door opening. He quickly put down his work and walked over.

He came to the living room and saw the two people in the room at a glance.

Tamayo heard the noise and turned his head to look.


"Master Tamayo."

Yushiro looked at Aoki and suddenly realized something: "Master Tamayo, could it be?"

Tamayo smiled and nodded: "Muzan Kibutsuji is dead!"

"He actually did it!"

Yushiro looked at Aoki and felt a little admiration in his heart.

He didn't know how strong Muzan Kibutsuji was.

However, from Master Tamayo's description, he knew that it was an extremely terrifying existence and almost no one could compete with it.

"I'll come to drink with you later."

Aoki nodded to the two of them, activated the "space shuttle", and instantly returned to his room in the Butterfly House.

"I wonder if Shinobu Kocho has set off."

He thought as he walked outside.

When he opened the door, a figure suddenly came into view.

"Ms. Kanroji?"

"Mr. Aomura, I'm here to say goodbye to you!"

Kanroji Mitsuri put down her hand that was about to knock on the door.

She was wearing a brown Demon Slayer uniform, with a bulging chest and black stockings on her legs, which formed a strong contrast with her fair skin.

Her long cherry-colored hair was braided into two pigtails, and she had a bright smile on her face.

"What are you going to do?" Aoki asked.

"Go home!"

Mitsuri Kanroji looked happy.

Aoki suddenly realized.

He was not in a hurry to find Kocho Shinobu, so he led Kanroji Mitsuri into the room, poured her some tea, and asked casually, "Miss Kanroji, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Kanroji Mitsuri tapped her chin with her fingers and shook her body unconsciously.

"I haven't thought about it yet. It's a good thing that there are no more ghosts, but it seems that ghost hunters are useless. The Demon Slayer Corps should be disbanded, right?"

Speaking of this, her eyes lit up and her tone became lighter.

"These days I find that using my own power to help others is indeed a very happy thing, so next I may... open a restaurant."


This turn caught Aoki off guard: "What is the relationship between a restaurant and helping people?"

Kanroji Mitsuri opened her eyes wide: "Helping others does not necessarily require brute force. I hope to use cooking to make others feel happy."

Your name is actually Kanroji Subaru, right?

A strange thought suddenly appeared in Aoki's mind.

If Kanroji Mitsuri's restaurant goes bankrupt in the end, it is probably because he eats too much and spends more than he earns.

Kanroji Mitsuri is a big eater, she can eat and loves to eat.

Of course.

Being able to let go of her obsession with her own strange power is a huge growth for Kanroji Mitsuri.

"Maybe I can research food that can be eaten by ghosts in the future!"

Kanroji Mitsuri's eyes curved into crescents, and her tone was full of longing.

Aoki was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I am looking forward to it."

The second chapter will have to wait, the transition chapter is difficult to write, but don't worry, it will be over soon, and the new plot will start right away.

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