There are three types of rewards in "The Path of Ghost King".

The profession has been advanced, but there is no way to upgrade; new skills have been obtained, but there are no skill points to learn; the opportunity to get the ultimate enhancement has been obtained, but the choice difficulty has occurred.

"Let's add some points first."

Qingmu thought, and looked at the system again.

10 free attribute points.

Evenly distributed, strength and constitution each increase by 2 points, agility and intelligence each increase by 3 points.


A powerful momentum burst out, and the surging power flowed through the body. Qingmu even felt that he could smash the world with just one move.

In fact, this was just an illusion caused by the increase in strength in a short period of time.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 28]

[Constitution: 27]

[Intelligence: 28]

[Agility: 28]

[Occupation: Hunter, King of the Others, Martial Artist]

[King of the Others]

Quality: ★★☆

Level: lv20 (0/2000)

Skills: Ghost Blood VI, Space Shuttle II, Transparent World II, Ghost Devourer II, Soul Shock (not yet learned)

Almost all attributes are 28 points.

Aoki showed a satisfied expression.

If he fights Muzan Kibutsuji again now, Muzan Kibutsuji will definitely not be able to hold on for that long.

After confirming that there are no other omissions, Aoki shut down the system and looked out the window.

Unknowingly, the sky has dawned.

Ding Ding Ding.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Aoki opened the door and looked, and immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Ms. Tamayo?"

Tamayo took off her sun hat and smiled: "It feels so good to walk in the sun."

"We can only stand in the sun after we get the blue red spider lily and develop drugs to overcome the sun." Aoki led Miss Tamayo into the house.

He had worn the sun hat for so long, and he knew very well that walking in the sun with a sun hat was not a pleasant experience.

The deadly sun was all around, and it felt like walking on a tightrope thousands of feet high in the sky with only a safety rope.

Although there would be no danger as long as there were no accidents, the fear would always linger in my heart.

Tamayo said: "Mr. Aoki, let's go out for a walk."

"Okay... eh?"

Aoki subconsciously wanted to agree, but halfway through the words, he realized the problem.

"Mr. Aoki has overcome the sun, right?" Tamayo looked at Aoki and said slowly.

Although it was a question, her tone was very certain, and it didn't sound like a guess at all.

Aoki was silent for a moment, then nodded calmly: "How did Miss Tamayo find out?"

Tamayo smiled: "It's because of the blood that Mr. Aoki gave me.

Compared with the blood of ordinary ghosts, those bloods are almost like coming from two different creatures.

Compared with previous research, I guessed that the owner of the blood has probably overcome the sunlight.

Who else could it be except Mr. Aoki?

If it was any other ghost, Muzan Kibutsuji would have gone crazy and would not have appeared there last night."

"I didn't expect that I was the one who exposed myself."

Aoki sighed, looking at Miss Tamayo, hesitant to speak.

Now, is her reason to live gone again?

Tamayo seemed to see through Aoki's thoughts, smiled with an elegant look: "Actually, I came here to talk to Mr. Aoki about this today."

Aoki was thoughtful, and the situation didn't look that bad.

Tamayo put on a sun hat: "Mr. Aoki, let's go out and talk while walking."

"Okay." Aoki nodded, followed her and walked out of the room.

The bright sunshine makes people feel warm all over.

After entering November, the weather is getting colder and colder, and there are fewer and fewer warm days like today.

"Maybe the gods are happy to see that Muzan Kibutsuji has been defeated!" Miss Tamayo smiled.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Aoki's heart moved.


Is there a god in this world?

He discussed this issue with Ubuyashiki Yoya. Ubuyashiki Yoya believed in the existence of gods, but he had never seen gods appear, nor had he ever heard of gods directly intervening in human affairs.

The two walked a few steps and stopped at the cherry tree "Must Victory", but it was a pity that it was not the time for flowering, and it was just a bare tree.

Tamayo looked at Aoki and said, "Mr. Aoki, don't worry, I won't commit suicide. I can live, why should I die?"

Aoki frowned slightly.

This sounds like a bigger problem, right!

Tamayo's expression became more serious: "I'm not being perfunctory to Mr. Aomura. Although my wish has been fulfilled, I have no regrets even if I die now.

However, I have not yet repaid the favor owed to Mr. Aoki. When Mr. Aoki no longer needs me, I will consider suicide."

After a pause, she said, "If I really wanted to commit suicide, I wouldn't be here today."

Aoki nodded.


For ghosts, suicide is very simple. Just stand under the sun.

Miss Tamayo came wearing a sunshade hat, which has already shown her attitude.

"Miss Tamayo, although I have overcome the sun, I do have something very important that I need your help with. The matter of the blue red spider lily is not a lie."

Tamayo nodded gently.

"Mr. Aoki defeated Muzan Kibutsuji, which is a great favor to me. You can tell me if you have anything."

Aoki had a headache.

Although Miss Tamayo seems to have no problems, in fact, she is immersed in serious negative emotions.

It gives people a feeling that living is more painful than dying.

If it weren't for repaying her gratitude, she might have committed suicide.

This won't work.

Saving people becomes like harming people.

Moreover, it is difficult to guarantee work efficiency in this state.

However, he is not good at comforting people, which is simply embarrassing him.

Aoki considered his words.

"Miss Tamayo, although I don't know the details about your husband and children, I know that they must hope that you look forward and don't indulge in the past."

Tamayo's eyes fluctuated and she pursed her lips.

"Thank you, Mr. Aoki."

Aoki said again: "As for the other people who were killed by you, I will make the decision and pardon you!"

Tamayo was stunned.

"What? Am I not qualified?"

Aoki smiled: "In terms of strength, I am the strongest in the world. I can change the dynasty by myself.

In terms of merit, although I did it mainly for myself, objectively speaking, I was the main force that defeated Muzan Kibutsuji.

Isn't this merit enough to offset Miss Tamayo's crime?"


Tamayo looked at him in a daze.


Aoki said again: "In the process of killing Muzan Kibutsuji, Miss Tamayo also made enough contributions.


Miss Tamayo, from now on, you can put aside all your guilt and sense of guilt and live with your head held high."

Tamayo was silent for a long time, and smiled: "Then don't I owe Mr. Aoki more favors? I feel like I can never repay it."

"Then be prepared to work for me for free forever!" Aoki said.

He didn't know if his persuasion worked.

But it doesn't matter, take your time.

They have plenty of time.

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