Three people walked side by side on the spacious road.

The man in the middle has black hair and golden eyes, tall and handsome, the girl on the left is tall and beautiful, and the girl on the right is petite and cute.

The three of them were very eye-catching as they walked on the road.

After Aoki sent Kanroji Mitsuri back, he happened to meet Butterfly Ninja who was about to go out, and then Butterfly Kanae also joined in.

So the solo trip turned into a threesome.

Butterfly Ninja looked at Aoki: "Why do you have to go with me?"

Aoki said: "It's okay anyway, let's go meet him together."

Butterfly Ninja hesitated for a moment: "Takina is very beautiful, but she already has a fiancé, so don't have any wrong ideas."

The strange expression on Aoki's face flashed away.

"Don't worry, do you think I have the image of someone who can harass girls casually?"

"That's not true."

Butterfly Ninja said: "I just always feel that you are a bit too positive, as if you have some ulterior motive."

Aoki: "..."

Pretty sharp.

Butterfly Kanae said: "Actually, Ms. Takina is quite pitiful."

The Butterfly Ninja glanced at Aoki and explained: "Takina's father was turned into a ghost by Tsuji Muzan and almost killed them. It was Takina's fiancé who left Suanhou alone and bought Takina and her mother time to escape. ”

Aoki lowered his eyes, no one knew this past better than him.

"However." Butterfly Ninja continued: "Things did not develop in the worst direction. Although Takina's fiancé was just an ordinary person, he miraculously defeated the ghost.

But for some reason, he never showed up again. "

It's not that I didn't show up, I just didn't dare to see them.

Aoki asked: "How did you meet?"

Butterfly Ninja said: "My sister and I came back from a mission and happened to meet Takina and Aunt Rie.

Unfortunately, by the time we returned to Takina's house, the battle was over and Takina's fiancé was nowhere to be found. "

Aoki nodded secretly.

Pretty much what he guessed.

Butterfly Kanae asked curiously: "Does Mr. Aomura have any relatives?"

Butterfly Ninja also looked over.

They are all very curious about Mr. Aomura's past.

It was inconvenient to ask before, but now that I have defeated Kibutsuji Muzan, I no longer have to worry so much.


Aoki nodded, with a slight smile in his eyes: "I'll introduce it to you later."


Neither Butterfly Kanae nor Butterfly Ninja noticed anything strange.

Soon after, the three arrived at Bai Yi.

Under the leadership of Butterfly Ninja, they quickly found the courtyard where Takina lived.

Dang Dang Dang.

Butterfly reluctantly knocked on the door.

"Coming!" A clear voice came from the yard.


The door opens.

A young girl appeared in the sight of the three of them. Her long cyan hair was like a waterfall, hanging down from both sides of her fair face. She was dressed in a simple long dress, with a bare face and no makeup, but she was still extremely beautiful.

"Takina!" Butterfly Ninja laughed.

"Shinobu... Hey, Miss Kanae is here too, welcome..."

Takina's voice stopped suddenly, and her expression froze.

Butterfly Ninja was a little surprised.

Why is Takina so excited today?

Just then, she saw Takina open her arms.

Is this going to be a hug?

The Butterfly Ninja was about to reach out, but then he realized that Takina Minami's target was not him, but behind him.

Who's behind?

elder sister?



Aoki opened his hands and caught the girl.

"This, this is?"

Butterfly Shinobi's mouth slowly opened, and Butterfly Kanae's eyes froze.

Aoki felt the body of the girl in his arms trembling violently, and gently stroked her long, silky hair with a gentle look on his face.

"I'm back!"

Takina buried her face in Aoki's arms and said in a dull voice, "Why did you come back now?"

"Feel sorry!"

"From that day to now, I have nightmares almost every day."

"Feel sorry."

"Why did you only send a letter and not come to see us?"

"Feel sorry."

"Mom and I are very worried about you! We miss you very much!"

"I know!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Takina could no longer suppress her cries.

Butterfly Ninja came to his senses, but his heart was still full of disbelief.

After listening to the conversation between Mr. Aomura and Takina, she roughly understood the truth.

Mr. Aomura is actually Takina’s fiancé!

She also understood why Mr. Aomura was so active.

Because he wants to go home!

"No wonder he left only a letter and left, and never showed up again."

Butterfly Ninja stared blankly at the young man and woman hugging each other.

Because he turned into a ghost.

Moreover, he was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Kibutsuji Mukai.

In order not to bring danger to Takina and Auntie Rie, they had to stay away until they defeated Muzan Kibutsuji.

In this case, wouldn't it be possible that the night they met Takina, they were on a mountain with Muzan Kibutsuji?

A feeling of joy arose in her heart.

If she had met Muzan Onimbutsuji, she and her sister would have definitely died, and they would not have met Mr. Aomura later, nor would they have been able to see the day when Muzan was defeated.

"However, he clearly knew everything, but he pretended to be ignorant on the road. This was definitely intentional!"

Butterfly Ninja glared at Aoki, feeling a little envious in his heart.

Kanae Butterfly figured out a problem.

Mr. Aomura has always treated her and her sister differently from other people.

She thought of many reasons.

Today, she found out the truth.

Mr. Aomura should have known that she and Shinobu had helped Miss Takina and her daughter.

"Could it be that Mr. Aomura saved me because of this?"

Kanae Butterfly pursed her lips.

Across the yard, two middle-aged women were sitting.

Both of them stopped their work at this time, opened their mouths wide, and looked at the young man and woman hugging each other across from them.

The slightly fat middle-aged woman's face was full of curiosity.

"Is he Takina's fiancé?"

Not long after moving in, Takina's beauty spread throughout the town, and she happened to be of the right age to get married, so naturally she was soon targeted.

She also had the idea of ​​​​matching her son.

However, news soon came out that Takina had a fiancé.

People had no choice but to give up.

However, as time passed, some people gradually began to doubt this statement.

It has been almost a year since Takina and her friends moved in, but the fiancé has never shown up.

There are even many rumors.

As a neighbor, the fat woman was a little suspicious. She didn't expect that the fiancé would really show up today.

Another woman stared at Aoki.

"He is a handsome man, and he and Takina are a perfect match."

The fat middle-aged woman nodded: "Not only is he good-looking, but he also wears good clothes. He doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"Hehe, those who say bad things about people behind their backs can shut up now. Takina does have a fiancé, and he is very outstanding."

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