Aoki also noticed that Onibatsuji Muhan was vomiting blood.

"It seems that Miss Juyo's poison has taken effect."

As the saying goes, when someone is sick, you can kill someone.

How could he miss this opportunity?

Aoki's figure flashed and appeared in front of Muzan Kibutsuji.


Kibutsuji Muzan flew out again. This time he didn't dare to be distracted. He quickly got up and vomited blood while waving his arms to attack Aoki.

The fight between Aoki and Mutsuji Onimus suddenly became fierce and bloody.

More than a dozen long whips were flying around. Aoki didn't focus on defense, and wounds appeared on his body from time to time.

But Oniitsuji Muker was even worse.

With "space travel" and "transparency to the world", Aoki can easily dodge Kibutsuji Muzan's attack, but in the face of Aoki's attack, Kibutsuji Muzan is almost unable to deal with it.

However, Onibutsuji Muzan is worthy of being the King of Ghosts, and his body regeneration speed is extremely fast, even much faster than Aoki's today.

Moreover, he can grow mouths all over his body, which can quickly eat the flesh and blood near the wounds caused by Aoki and restart his regeneration ability at an extremely fast speed. At first glance, he seems to be unaffected.

"Swallowing ghosts" will also have an impact on the ghost's body as a whole.

However, Kibutsuji Mumei's capital was too strong, and for a while, there was no obvious performance.

Although the attack is not good enough, Kibutsuji Muzan's blood is really thick.

The battle was at a stalemate for a while.


Aoki was not in a hurry.

Level 2 "Transparent World" is not limited by time and can be turned on and off at any time.

Even if his physical strength is not as good as Mukai Kibutsuji, at his current strength, there will be no problem if he can persist for a few days.

Time was on his side.

The effects of the aging poison are constantly accumulating, and it can make Onibutsuji Muzan age six thousand years in one hour.

At that time, even with Kibutsuji Muzan's physique, his strength will be seriously affected.

The effects of "swallowing ghosts" kept adding up, and Onimusuji Muzan's health bar was shrinking in an irreversible way.


Tomioka Giyu lay on the ground, unable to move.

The shock wave just now was not just a simple impact, it even disrupted his nerves and kept his body in a state of paralysis.

Zhu Shi's figure appeared next to him, took out a syringe, and gave Tomioka Giyu an injection.

"Thank you!"

The paralysis in his body quickly diminished, and Tomioka stood up immediately.

Zhu Shi said quickly: "Don't move, you need to rest now."

"The battle is not over yet," Tomioka said.

Zhu Shi shook his head: "No! Our battle is over, now it's up to Mr. Aomura."

Tomioka Giyu looked up.


All the ghosts were wiped out, leaving only Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzai.

Butterfly Kanae came over.

"Mr. Tomioka, are you okay?"


Tomioka Giyu shook his head and looked at Aoki and Kibutsuji Muzan. His face was still expressionless, but there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

"So strong!"

Before, the eight of them besieged Onibatsuji Muzan, but they couldn't even get close to him.

In the end, everyone was injured in less than 10 seconds.

Now, Mr. Aomura alone was suppressing Onibushi Tsuji and beating him, and Onibatsuji seemed to have no power to fight back.

Only with comparison can you see the difference.

Butterfly Kanae's eyes were bright: "It seems that Mr. Aomura didn't show his true strength when he competed with us before."

Yu Zhuan Tianyuan was carrying two knives with a relaxed posture.

"With the power he has shown now, if he showed his true strength, it would not be a sparring match, but a massacre."

Kanroji Mitsuri's face turned red and she held her hands in front of her chest: "Mr. Aoki is so awesome!"

"Kibutsuji Muzan is also very strong!" Purgatory Anjuro said suddenly.

Everyone nodded slowly.

As they watched Mr. Aomura's heavy fist from afar, they all felt suffocated and were completely unsure of what to do next.

However, Kibutsuji Mumei withstood one punch after another. Although his body would explode into a large piece each time, it would recover again in the blink of an eye.

This powerful physique is also frightening.

After a moment of silence, the deep and firm voice of Immortal Sekawa Saneya sounded: "I feel like I can win!"

Everyone glanced at him and then turned to look at the battlefield, their heartbeats beating faster and faster.


Mr. Aomura clearly had the upper hand.

It is natural that they would not fail to see such a simple situation.

However, I had not subconsciously thought about this issue before.

If Mr. Aomura wins, it means that the war between humans and ghosts that has lasted for thousands of years will come to an end.

Their biggest dream.

The Demon Slayer’s thousand-year pursuit.

Everything will become reality.

This future is so beautiful that they don't even dare to think about it, lest they wake up from such a beautiful future.

However, at this time, he was reminded by Immortal Kawa Saneya, but he could no longer control his thoughts.

Victory seems really close at hand!

Can you walk to the other side smoothly?


Kibutsuji Muzan flew out horizontally, with a huge hole in his chest. His sharp teeth gnawed at the flesh and blood crazily. When he landed, he was back to normal.

"It's really durable!"

Aoki sneered: "But, Wuhan, you only have this ability, can you only be like a sandbag, being smashed around by me?"

This was in return of his previous taunt.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's face was gloomy, and his heart was frightened and angry.

He could feel that the damage caused by the defectors was accumulating in his body.

If you keep fighting, he might really die!

The moment "death" appeared in his mind, Kibutsuji Muzan clenched his fists fiercely, without any hesitation in his heart.


There was no need for him to get involved with these disgusting bastards.

As long as he gets the Blue Flower of the Other Side and overcomes the sunlight, he can exist forever and will no longer be afraid of anyone.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's eyes flashed.


It's not easy to get the blue Higan flower.

The defector is stronger than him, faster than him, and has the ability to travel through space.

"We just have to give it a try!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan slowly adjusted the angle.

Unfortunately, how could his little moves be hidden from Aoki, who has a "transparent world"?

Aoki was a little confused at first, but when he looked at the direction Kibutsuji Muzan was moving, he suddenly understood and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Have you finally thought about the flowers on the other side of the blue? It's worth keeping me for you for so long!"

He remained calm and even took the initiative to cooperate with Oniwu Tsuji Mukai.

After confirming that the blue Higan flower was in the direction behind him, Kibutsuji let out a sigh of relief.

The first step was successful.

He seized an opportunity and took the initiative to meet the defector's fist.

But at this moment, Aoki's fist changed direction and hit him on the head.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's expression changed.


Then the direction must be changed, and all previous efforts will be in vain.


Half of Kibutsuji Muzan's head exploded, he rolled and flew out, and crashed heavily into the sea of ​​blue flowers.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan was ecstatic, but the next moment, his expression suddenly froze.

Thanks to "Fox Fox Ying Ying Ying" for the 1,500-coin reward, and thanks to "Gossip I Shiyu" for the 200-coin reward!

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