"Twist off my head?"

Muzan Muzan Muzan seemed to have heard a joke: "Just a mouse like you who can only run away?

Tamayo and those pillars seem to have high expectations for you. Very good, let me break their expectations with my own hands!"

Aoki was not angry. What's the point of being angry with a dead person?

"Muzan, there is an old saying in my hometown, which is that a man should be looked at with new eyes after three days of separation."

Muzan Muzan Muzan said indifferently: "If you have the ability, let me see it."

"You will see it."

Aoki said.

Muzan Muzan Muzan did not speak again.

After a few seconds, a trace of surprise flashed across Aoki's face.

He was waiting for Miss Tamayo's poison to take effect. Muzan Muzan Muzan did not take action. What was he waiting for?

At this time, he noticed the "blue red spider lily" at his feet, and suddenly realized it.

As a considerate person, Aoki decided to leave the truth to Muzan Muzan to explore by himself. His figure flashed and appeared in front of Muzan Muzan Muzan, punching him.

Muzan Kibutsuji heaved a sigh of relief.

If the defector had stayed by the blue spider lily, he would have been timid when he took action.

More importantly, he might have destroyed the blue spider lily.

He had been searching for a thousand years and only found this small patch. Even if he destroyed one plant, it would have been a huge loss.

Fortunately, the defector did not do that.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is also normal.

The defector is also a ghost and wants to overcome the sun. How could he possibly destroy the blue spider lily?

However, when the defector runs away like a mouse again, you have to be careful that he might do something desperate and destroy the blue spider lily.

Muzan Kibutsuji's thoughts fluctuated, but his movements were not slow at all. All the whips whipped towards Aoki at the same time, so fast that even afterimages appeared.

Aoki's eyes were cold, and the boiling murderous intent gradually hid, and his fists continued to push forward.

From this, it can be seen that Muzan Kibutsuji is indeed not good at fighting.

He can use nearly twenty whips freely, but the timing and method of attack are very bad.

However, it is no wonder.

In the past thousand years, Muzan Kibutsuji has never encountered an opponent of equal strength. If there is one who crushes him, the rest will all be crushed by him.

He does not need any skills at all. With just basic speed and strength, he can easily kill everyone in the world except Yoriichi Tsugikoku.

Of course, there is one more "exception" now.


The overwhelming power of Aoki's fist burst out instantly, and the air was smashed through layer by layer, and the sharp explosion sounded straight into the sky.

Aoki Style, Judgment!

The thorn whip and the pipe whip exploded into a ball, and the tip broke inch by inch.

Muzan Kibutsuji flew backwards, his face changed drastically.

Aoki's figure flashed again, and he appeared next to Muzan Kibutsuji, and his hand knife fell silently.

Aoki Style, Funeral!


The left hand was broken from the shoulder.

A mouth grew out of Muzan Kibutsuji's shoulder, and a suction force burst out, and the broken arm flew back instantly.

However, it did not recover.

Just like the wound he was cut by Tsugikoku Yoshiichi that year

"Is this the power of a defector? It's really troublesome!"

The murderous intent in Muzan Kibutsuji's eyes boiled.

Crack! Crack!

The mouth on the shoulder suddenly opened, gnawing the flesh around the wound, and swallowed it all in a blink of an eye. The regeneration ability was immediately restored, and a brand new arm was formed in an instant.

At the same time, the pipe whips on his upper body all lashed towards Aoki.

Aoki thought, crossed the space, and appeared directly on the other side of Muzan Kibutsuji.

But as soon as he appeared, Muzan Kibutsuji's pipe whips on his lower body lashed over.

"You've learned to be smart! But it's still not enough!"

Aoki took two steps back, suddenly reached out, grabbed one of the pipe whips, and pulled it hard.


The whip was pulled out directly from Muzan Kibutsuji's back, with bones and flesh at the end.

Muzan Kibutsuji groaned, and the new whip grew rapidly, while controlling other whips to attack Aoki.

Aoki did not use space shuttle this time. He retreated and advanced, accurately passed through the heavy whip curtain, and rushed to Muzan Kibutsuji.

Their eyes met.

Muzan Kibutsuji's pale face could not hide his astonishment. If you look closely, you can still see a little panic.

The development of the battle was a little different from what he expected.

Aoki naturally didn't care about Muzan Kibutsuji's psychological fluctuations, and he would only be happy if he knew.

His fists, elbows, legs and knees fell like a storm.

Aoki style, storm!

Bang bang bang!

Muzan Kibutsuji tried to resist, but was quickly defeated, large pieces of flesh and blood exploded on his body, his feet kept retreating, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and roared silently.


A powerful shock wave erupted, like a cannonball falling.

Aoki's blood and qi rolled, and his movements froze.

There happened to be a demon fighting with Tomioka Giyu nearby.

The shock wave swept over, and the former's body instantly became broken, and Tomioka Giyu was also hit hard, spitting blood and flying out.

The battlefield was quiet.

The pillars had actually been paying attention to this battle, and their expressions were slightly condensed at this time.

It turned out that Muzan Kibutsuji had this trick.

If it was used on them just now, I'm afraid they would all be seriously injured in an instant.

Looking at Aoki, who was almost unscathed, had suffered some injuries and had recovered, Muzan Kibutsuji's face darkened and he quickly distanced himself.


At the same time, a large number of mouths grew on his body, quickly eating the flesh and blood near the wounds caused by Aoki, and in a blink of an eye, his body's regeneration ability was restored to its original state.

However, Muzan Kibutsuji's face was still extremely gloomy.

He was sure.

The power of the defector exceeded his.

How is this possible?

Last time in the Infinite City, the defector could only flee around like a mouse in front of him.

Now, only a few months have passed, and the power has become stronger than him?


This is not a matter of time.

He is the source of the demons, and the defectors are just inferior products he made casually. Even if there are some mutations in their bodies, how can they surpass him?

Muzan Kibutsuji's expression suddenly became ferocious.

He had long known that there was a secret in the defector.

He also tried to capture the defector, but failed several times. The threat and trouble caused by the defector were getting bigger and bigger.

Until today, he has surpassed him in strength.


Muzan Kibutsuji spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression suddenly froze.

What happened?

Why did he spit blood?

Was he angry?


He is not as fragile as humans.

Tamayo's face suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was what Tamayo had just injected into his body!

Was it poison?

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

It turned out that they had prepared it!

The dangerous atmosphere suddenly became strong.

After the man died, he felt the threat of death again.

Muzan Kibutsuji's body trembled slightly, and this uneasy feeling made him extremely disgusted.

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