Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 126 The truth is revealed, and Wuzan collapses

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan grabbed a handful of blue Higan flowers and threw them away, then grabbed another handful and threw them away again, with a look of despair on his face.

Wood, wood, wood!

All made of wood!

This is not a flower at all, let alone a blue flower!

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Aoki looked at Muzan Kibutsuji: "Since we made this plan, I have been looking forward to your expression after discovering the truth, and now I have not been disappointed."

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan raised his head suddenly, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Did you all plan this?"

Aoki said: "Yes, this is a scam from beginning to end!"

Onibutsuji Muzan's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he stared at Aoki: "The blue Higan flower?"

"Of course not!" Aoki said.


The "Blue Higan Flower" shattered, and Tsuji Muzan rushed towards Aoki, his eyes red and his expression ferocious, like a wild beast that chooses people to devour.

The anger of being played, the disappointment of knowing the truth and the fear of death all burst out together, and his sanity almost collapsed.

There are a few people who can explode with greater strength in extreme emotions.

However, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei was obviously not one of them, and his attacks became more chaotic.

Combat is a job that requires you to remain calm at all times.

In the transparent world, all the moves of Onimbutsuji Muzan were invisible. Aoki's figure flashed and appeared in front of him.

"Aoki-ryu, death calamity!"

Aoki pushed out with a palm, hitting Kibutsuji Muzan's chin hard. His body leaned back uncontrollably, and the whip attack was disrupted.


Aoki hit Tsuji Muzan with a backhand punch in the abdomen, and his body bent backwards instantly turned back.

Boom, boom, boom!

The continuous attacks are like heavy waves, layer upon layer, endless.

Severe pain ripped through his body, and Guiwu Tsuji Muzan gradually came to his senses.


A shock wave erupted.

Aoki's movements froze.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan quickly distanced himself from him.

"It's this move again!"

Aoki shook the blood from his fist.

The fact that Oniibutsuji Muzan was able to struggle with him for so long was because of his great skill in the vampire technique.

Although the damage is not great, it can provide a short-term control effect.

Every critical moment, it can bring a glimmer of hope to Oniwu Tsuji Muzan.

"However, it feels like Kibutsuji Muzan used the Vampire Technique this time with a lot of effort. Has his physical strength finally declined?"

Aoki turned to look.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's expression was ferocious, with murderous intent.

The news about Blue Higanbana was false, and this operation was a complete failure.

The battle is over, there is no need to continue taking risks.

"Damn mouse, I remember what happened today!"

Kibutsuji Mu gave Aoki a cold look, and his arms began to swell.

It is impossible to escape directly and escape the pursuit of the defectors.

That ability to cross space is indeed troublesome.

The flesh and blood multiplied rapidly, the arms became like thighs, and blood marks appeared on the skin.

However, the next moment, the expansion suddenly stopped and began to shrink like a deflated ball. In the blink of an eye, the arm returned to normal.

"Can't split? What's going on?"

Kibutsuji Muzan's face suddenly became very ugly, and he quickly thought of the reason: "Is it Tamashi's poison?"

Damn it!

An ant that he didn't even pay attention to actually caused him so much trouble.

The most damning ones are the defectors.

If it weren't for that mouse, he wouldn't be in this situation.


At this moment, a fist punched through Kibutsuji Mumei's body and came out of his chest.

Aoki said: "This is the second gift I prepared for you. How is it? Do you still like it?"


Another violent shock wave erupted from Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's body.

Aoki's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai did not hesitate, turned around and ran away wildly.

The ability to split is blocked, and the ability to escape, which he most relies on, is gone.

The possibility of death suddenly increased countless times.

Run away!

You must do everything you can to escape!

He must not die here!

Dignity, blue Higanbana, etc., all were forgotten by Kibutsuji Muzan.

Now he only has one thought left: escape and survive!

"You have the final say whether you come or not, but whether you can leave or not is up to me!"

A sneer appeared on Aoki's face and he disappeared.

A sharp explosion sounded, and Tsuji Muzan had heard this sound countless times today. He ducked to the side without hesitation, but he still couldn't avoid it. A heavy fist hit his shoulder with overwhelming force. Falling instantly.


Onibutsuji Muzan's shoulders and half of his chest instantly exploded into a mist of blood, and he staggered a bit.

A huge mouth appeared, eating the flesh and blood around the wound, and the flesh began to regenerate.

However, Kibutsuji Mumei's expression suddenly changed: "Why has the regeneration speed become so slow?"

Aoki also discovered this: "It seems that this battle is coming to an end!"

Onibutsuji Mumei's face was twisted with intense anger and fear.

"You disgusting rats..."


Before he could finish speaking, he was hit hard on the head and the left half of his face was torn off.

"You should keep these words in your heart and listen to them yourself."

Aoki's figure appeared and disappeared.

Aoki-ryu, feast!

Whoosh whoosh!

A few shadows flashed away, and blood burst out from Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's body. The little physical strength he had left poured out like a flooded river.

His legs weakened and he knelt directly on the ground.

Aoki happened to appear in front of Onibatsuji Muzan and looked down at him.

"Why are you giving such a great gift? Do you want me to let you go? I'm sorry, even if you kneel down and break your legs, there is no chance!"

Oniwu Tsuji took a breath, swung the pipe whip behind him, and whipped Aoki.

However, both speed and power have dropped significantly compared to before.

Aoki shook his body, dodged the attack, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed a few whips, and pulled hard.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan flew towards him without restraint.

Aoki kicked out.


Oniwu Tsuji Muzan flew back again, and the pipe whip was torn off along with his skin and bones. His whole body was dripping with blood, and there was a hideous wound on his back.

With a "bang", Kibutsuji Muzan hit two rocks hard, with the wound facing downwards. The severe pain caused the muscles on his face to twitch involuntarily.

Whirring whirring……

Onimusuji Mumei felt weaker than ever before, and it even reminded him of the memory of when he was still a human being, when he was frail and sick and had to stay in bed for a long time.

He used his arms to support himself and climbed up. There were only two words in his mind: escape!

He has already felt the shadow of death. If he stays here, he will definitely die.

At this moment, the light suddenly dimmed and a shadow spread.

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