Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 120: The two armies confront each other, and a war is about to begin (asking for monthly vot

Onibutsuji Muzan is here?

Aoki was silent.

A second ago, I was imagining that Kibutsuji Muzan could cooperate well and send more suitable monsters.

In a blink of an eye, the illusion was shattered.

Although Kibutsuji Mumei's brain is not very easy to use, he is not completely stupid.

Although it was a bit regretful, Aoki was mentally prepared for this and was relatively calm.

Butterfly Ninja added: "In addition, it's not just Oni Tsuji Mukai who is here, there are also one of the upper strings, Heishimou, and many Oni."

This time, Aoki was shocked.

"Kibutsuji Mumei brought all his belongings with him to fight us to the death? Are you so decisive?"

Although this is what he planned, his intention has not been revealed yet.

Why did Onibutsuji Muzan get into stud?

Just because he killed a few ghosts?


Oni Wu Tsuji Mumei doesn't care about the life or death of other ghosts at all.

It's a joke to kill ghosts. Boss Tan has killed more ghosts than Pillar.

How could Onibatsuji Mumei be so desperate as to start a war just because a few ghosts died?

for him?

Not likely either.

If Onibatsuji Mumei had found a way to restrain "space travel", he would have chosen to set a trap and kill him secretly instead of making such a big show of it.

What's more, he didn't think that Tsuji Muzan would be able to find a way to restrain "space travel" so quickly.

For the blue Hibiscus flower?

This is possible.

But the timeline is wrong, they haven't had time to release the news yet.

Aoki had a headache.

Kibutsuji Mumei is not a foresighted person, but this time he made the most correct decision by mistake.

He is ready to eat away at Kibutsuji Muzan's power step by step, weakening the enemy while strengthening himself.

Onimusuji Muzan's early stud, which directly caused his plan to fail, changed from active to passive, and from advantage to disadvantage.

The ghosts brought by Onibutsuji Muzan are most likely to have been ripened.

Although this kind of ghost has its flaws, its power is truly sublime.

Apart from Hashira, there are only a few people in the Demon Slayer Squad who can deal with them.

Even more troublesome is Hei Si Mou.

The Demon Slayer's pillars don't even have markings at the moment, so if they want to compete with Black Death Mou, I'm afraid they have to go together.

No matter how you calculate it, the strength is a bit insufficient.

Butterfly Ninja and Butterfly Kanae had obviously thought of this situation, and their expressions were also very serious.

Aoki's thoughts went through his mind a thousand times, but it actually lasted less than a second.

"Let's gather together first. At least we won't be destroyed one by one. Where are the other pillars?"

Butterfly Ninja said: "Everyone should be rushing this way, but a few pillars are not here."

"I'll bring them here!" Aoki said.

This time they have to work harder.

It just so happened that all the pillars had his spatial imprint.

Aoki didn't talk nonsense anymore, activated "space shuttle", and the figure disappeared instantly.

"Father, I'm going out on a mission!"

Purgatory Anjuro shouted loudly.

He wears a feather with flame patterns at the end, has long yellow hair, but the end is red, like stagnant flames, and his eyes are bright.

The Purgatory family is a ghost hunting family, inheriting the breath of fire, and pillars are born in every era.

Purgatory Anjuro is the current Flame Pillar.

inside the house.

Purgatory Makijuro held the wine flask and drank heavily, turning a deaf ear to his son's words.

Next to him, Purgatory Senjuro was lying by the door, looking at them.


Purgatory Anjuro touched his brother's hair.


A figure appeared in the courtyard.

Purgatory Xingjulang subconsciously held the handle of the knife, and then released his hand after seeing the person clearly.

"Mr. Aomura!"

"Come with me!"

Aoki said.

"What happened?"

Purgatory Anjuro asked loudly.

He knew very well that Mr. Aomura should be executing a plan to deal with Muzan Kibutsuji, and there must be something very important when he suddenly appeared at their house.

"Kibutsuji Muzan has appeared, and the battle will begin early!"

Aoki said.

Purgatory Xingjulang's eyes narrowed and he said without hesitation: "Okay! Let's leave now!"

Purgatory Makijuro and Purgatory Senjuro also looked towards Aoki.

Aoki ignored them, took Purgatory Anjuro, and left directly through "space shuttle".

"Brother!" Purgatory Senjuro suddenly took two steps forward, then stopped, his face full of worry.

As a member of the Purgatory family, he is naturally familiar with Onibutsuji Muzan, and he also understands what this battle means.

Purgatory Makijuro put down the wine bottle in his hand, a worried look appeared in his eyes.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai?

Actually going to fight Muzan Kibutsuji?

Has the situation actually reached this level?

He is the former Flame Pillar, and he is very aware of the power comparison between the Demon Slayer Squad and the ghosts. Can they really defeat Demon Dance Tsuji Mukai?

"Xingjuro!" Purgatory Makijuro's lips trembled, and deep annoyance appeared in his heart.

This may well be a farewell.

At least, you should say some words of encouragement and blessing to Anjuro.

the other side.

Purgatory Anjuro is the last one, and all eight pillars of the Demon Slayer Team are present.

Yes, Demon Slayer currently only has eight pillars.

Aoki glanced away.

Compared with the nine pillars he was familiar with, there were no insect pillars and love pillars, and more flower pillars, but everything else was exactly the same.

However, Butterfly Ninja and Kanroji Mitsuri are also there. They both have the strength to fight against Shitatsu and will also participate in the next battle.

Just as Aoki was about to say something, a group of monsters rushed up from below.

At the front was a handsome young man with a pale face and plum-red eyes, wearing decent clothes. Next to him was a man with six pupils, a heavy imposing manner, and a long knife at his waist.

Behind the two people were a large number of twisted and terrifying monsters.

Onibutsuji Muzan is here!

Aoki looked down and met the eyes of Oniwu Tsuji Muzan.

Demon Slayer Headquarters.

Ubuyashiki Yōya, who was resting, suddenly sat up and woke up Mrs. Amane next to her.

"What's wrong?"

Ubuyashiki Yōya breathed rapidly: "The final battle has begun!"

"The final battle?" Mrs. Tianyin didn't react for a moment.

Ubuyashiki Yōya turned his head and looked in the direction of Aoki and others. His blind eyes seemed to penetrate the space and saw the scene where Aoki led the pillars and the ghosts led by Kibutsuji Muzai faced off.

"That's right, the battle to decide the fate of the world is about to begin!"

Mrs. Tianyin didn't ask how he knew, she just held his hand.

"We will definitely win!"

Ubuyashiki Yōya gradually calmed down and sighed: "The time was wrong, it was too sudden. It was probably Kibutsuji Muzan who took the initiative to attack, and Mr. Aomura probably wasn't ready yet!"

Mrs. Tianyin said: "Now, we can only believe Mr. Qingcun and the others!"

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded slightly.


In this case, they can't be of any help.

All they can do now is pray for Mr. Aomura, Xingmei and Kanae.

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