Ghost Slayer: Please let me be a human being

Chapter 119: Muzan's attack, aborted plan

There is no reason not to eat the meat that is delivered to your mouth.

This time, Aoki did not play the delaying game again.

Once these 10 demons died, Muzan Kibutsuji would definitely realize that there was something wrong with this mountain.

Those little tricks were no longer useful.

However, he was not worried that Muzan Kibutsuji would give up.

The more you invest, the harder it is to give up.

In this matter, Muzan Kibutsuji invested a lot of time, energy and subordinates. Would he cut off his meat and quit because of a little problem?

That is definitely not Muzan Kibutsuji's style.

Aoki immediately started hunting.

Although ten lower-rank demons are not as good as upper-rank demons, they can barely quench their thirst.

Muzan Kibutsuji suddenly stopped, with a murderous look on his face.

“He hasn’t left yet!”

One of the demons who went to find the blue red spider lily lost contact with him. From the last memory, it can be seen that the one who took action was still a defector.

Whether he didn't leave or came back, it was certain that the defector had set his sights on that mountain.

Continuing to send demons over was tantamount to giving benefits to the defector.

Give up?

As soon as this thought came up, it was torn to pieces by Muzan Kibutsuji.


Wouldn't giving up be showing weakness to that rat?

This was something he absolutely couldn't tolerate!

Let Kokushibo go?

Muzan Kibutsuji had another idea in his mind.

In the past, difficult tasks were given to the upper ranks.

Now the upper ranks only have the Kokushibo.

But he quickly rejected this idea.

He had to admit that Kokushibo might not be the opponent of the defector.

Sending Kokushibo over probably wouldn't be able to do anything to the defector, and he might even be killed by the defector, turning his behavior into a gift.

Muzan Kibutsuji thought about it, and the only choice seemed to be to do it himself.

However, thinking that he had worked so hard to run over, but in the end he could only sit and watch the rat escape, he felt unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

Unless, there are really blue flowers on that mountain.

"Hmm? Wait!"

Muzan Kibutsuji suddenly thought of a possibility.

The defector stayed on that mountain not necessarily to kill ghosts, but also to discover something.

For example, blue flowers.

Logically, the defector should not know about the blue flowers, but the defector himself is very strange, maybe he got the news from somewhere.

The defector is a ghost, and he must also hope to get the blue flowers to overcome the sun.

"There won't really be blue flowers on that mountain?"

Muzan Kibutsuji thought, and the idea grew wildly as soon as it came out.

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt, and the more he thought about it, the greater the possibility.

"I have to go now."

Muzan Kibutsuji made a decision in his heart, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

If the defector covets the blue flowers and refuses to leave, there may be a chance to get rid of the annoying mouse this time.

Moreover, this time he does not plan to go alone, but is prepared to bring enough strength.

Even if the defector has the help of the Demon Slayer Corps, it doesn't matter.


Rather, this is exactly what he expected.

It would be better if all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps were there.

Then he could deal with the defector and the Demon Slayer Corps together, solving two problems at once.


The last link sent to find the blue spider lily was broken, but this time, Muzan Kibutsuji was not angry at all, and his heart was full of desire for the blue spider lily.

[Free skill point +1. ]

[Kill Upper String Five and gain 40 experience points. ]

After killing the last demon, Aoki heard a familiar voice in his mind, and his spirits lifted.

Good, good!

Finally delivered.

Free skill points, this is what he needs most now.

With a thought, the azure blue screen appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Aoki]

[Strength: 24]

[Constitution: 24]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Agility: 24]

[Occupation: Hunter, White Walker, Martial Artist]

[White Walker]

Quality: ★★

Level: lv19 (1317/1900)

Skills: Demon Blood VI, Space Shuttle II, Transparent World, Devourer II

Quest: None

Free Skill Points: 2

“There are still more than 600 experience points left.”

Aoki’s heart was burning.

Two more waves of demons like this one would be enough.

It’s still fun to kill monsters this way.

There are still three free skill points left, and it feels close at hand.

When you reach the maximum level and learn the level 2 “Transparent World”, you can “accidentally” or “accidentally” leak the news of the blue spider lily to Muzan Kibutsuji.

Aoki did not go back, but continued to patrol the mountain.

All ten demons recorded by Kocho Kanae have died, including the newly promoted Lower Moon Five.

However, Kocho Kanae also said that they could not monitor every corner of the mountain, and there might be unknown people who slipped away.

However, after Aoki turned around, he did not find any suspicious people.

Next to the small blue flower sea, two women were communicating.

One was tall and beautiful, gentle as water, and the other was intellectual and elegant, beautiful beyond compare. They were Kocho Kanae and Miss Tamayo.

Aoki promised Miss Tamayo that he would let her see Muzan Kibutsuji die with her own eyes, so he picked a time and took Miss Tamayo over.

Seeing Aoki, Butterfly Kanae immediately greeted him: "Mr. Aomura, you are back, how is the situation?"

"Everything has been resolved!" Aoki said.

"As expected of Mr. Aomura!"

Butterfly Kanae expressed her admiration: "This time there are ten ghosts with lower string power. I don't know what lineup Muzan will send next time."

"I wish there was Black Death Mou."

Aoki said.

Zhuyo took out three fusiform syringes: "Mr. Aomura, this is the final version of the poison. As long as one hits Mukai Kibutsuji, the poison will take effect."

Aoki took it, looked it over twice, and asked: "Is there any change compared to before?"

Zhu Shi said: "The effect has not changed, it is still three types: cell destruction, aging and preventing division.

However, with the help of Miss Kanae and Miss Shinobu, the effect of the medicine was greatly enhanced.

Now one minute can make Kibutsuji Muzan age for 100 years, and the effect of the drug is masked by the cell-destroying effect, making it even harder to detect. "

Aoki nodded secretly.

In this case, even if it becomes a protracted battle, his advantage will become greater and greater in the end.

However, it still has no effect of changing into a human being.

I don’t know if it was not produced or if it was produced but not added.

He was too busy during this period and did not pay attention to the progress of Miss Zhushi's research.

Aoki quickly put these things behind him.

Now is not the time to think about that.

The poison was also obtained.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

You only need to reach the full level and learn level 2 "Transparent World", and then you can start the ultimate battle with Muzan Kibutsuji.

The previous plan went smoothly, almost exactly as he envisioned.

I hope that Kibutsuji Mumei will cooperate well in the future and send more suitable ones in the fourth batch——

at this time.

"Mr. Aomura, it's not good!"

The Butterfly Ninja suddenly appeared, his face solemn.

Aoki asked: "What happened?"

Butterfly Shinobi took a deep breath and said slowly: "Kibutsuji Muzan is here!"

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