Aoki looked at the army of evil spirits in front of him.

He thought that Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei might break the plan and show up in advance, and thought that Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumei might bring Black Death Eyes with him.

But I really didn't expect that Tsuji Muzan would bring so many people here at this time.

In this way, the power on their side is a bit insufficient.

Butterfly Kanae said: "Mr. Aomura?"

Others also looked towards Aoki, their faces very serious.

Aoki glanced at them, not polite.

"I need you to hold Oni Wutsuji Muzan and the other ghosts for 10 seconds. I need to deal with Heishimou first!"

There is no one in their lineup who can match Hei Simo.

If he concentrates on fighting Muzan Kibutsuji, Black Death Mou will be in a situation where no one can stop him.

Killing Hei Shimo first is the most appropriate method and the method that maximizes benefits.

"10 seconds?"

Everyone showed surprised expressions.

That's part of the winding process. Is 10 seconds enough?

"Can it be done?" Aoki did not explain.

"No problem, leave it to us!" Purgatory Xingjulang said loudly.

Immortal Kawakawa Saneya grinned, with murderous intent in his eyes: "It's only 10 seconds. If you can't do this, then you might as well just die."

Mingyu Xingming said: "Don't worry, Mr. Qingcun, we will never let other ghosts disturb you before you deal with Hei Shimo!"

The other pillars did not speak, but their eyes were equally firm.

It’s only 10 seconds. On average, everyone only needs to hold on for 1 second.

No matter how strong Kibutsuji Muzan is, no matter how hard they risk their lives, they can still stop him for just one second.

No one communicated anymore, the evil ghost army had already arrived.

"Mouse, we caught you again!"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Aoki also did not hide his murderous intention: "Kibutsuji Mukai, I told you that the next time we meet is the day you die! I wanted you to live for a few more days, but I didn't expect you to be so anxious and take the initiative to die!"

Just as Kibutsuji Muzan was about to say something else, his eyes glanced at the blue flowers behind him, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

"Blue Higan flower! It's really a blue Higan flower!"

After thinking about it day and night, searching for thousands of years, I finally found it!

Kibutsuji Mumei didn't care about anything else at all and rushed straight towards the blue Higan flower.

At the same time, all the pillars took a step forward in unison, blocking the front of Muzan Kibutsuji.

"If you want the blue Higan flower, you must pass our level first!"

"Get away!"

There was strong impatience on Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's face. He waved his hands and turned them into two thorn whips, while a pipe whip stretched out from behind him.

The whip whipped and the wind roared, making people shudder.

Aoki glanced at Kibutsuji Muzan and then withdrew his gaze.

Next, it’s up to the Demon Slayer Squad.

His figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of Hei Shimo.

"Am I the target?"

Hei Shimo's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly unsheathed his weapon.

The slash covered with tiny moon blades was like a giant crescent moon, occupying the field of vision. Aoki did not dodge, clenched his fists, stretched his body into a long bow, and struck down hard.

"Aoki-ryu, Judgment!"


The unparalleled power destroyed everything in an instant.

The slash collapsed, and the God of Xuwei was cut off directly from the middle. The left half of Hei Shimo's body exploded into blood mist, and he rolled and flew out, his pupils trembling.

How can it be? How could it be so strong?

"2 seconds!"

Qingmu thought silently in his heart, and his figure flashed and appeared above Hei Shimo again.

The two ghosts next to him immediately pounced on him.

at this time.

"The breath of love, the shape of one, the trembling of first love!"

"The breath of an insect, the dance of a butterfly, teasing!"

The pink blade flashed, and the evil ghost on the left suddenly moved its head.

Blood flowers sprouted from the evil ghost on the right, and the flesh and blood at the wound turned black and purple and rotted rapidly.

"Don't disturb Mr. Aomura!"

Ganluji Mili drank softly, holding a strange pink soft knife in her hand.

The butterfly ninja didn't say anything. He twisted his wrist and with a pop, the long knife pierced the other ghost's forehead.

Hei Shimo didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation. The pressure put on him by the defectors left him no time to be distracted.

"The breath of the moon, the shape of six, the lonely moon in the night, endless!"

Xu Crying God has returned to his original state. While he is in the air, he draws his sword and slashes continuously. Arc-shaped arcs full of fine moon blades spurt out, as if they want to tear everything in front of him into pieces.

"Aoki-ryu, storm!"

Aoki didn't even look at Xu Crying God, he closed the distance, and his fists, elbows, legs and knees fell like a violent storm.

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless wounds instantly appeared on Qingmu's body, and holes exploded in Hei Shimo's body.

However, the wounds on Qingmu's body healed instantly, but the holes on Hei Shimo's body continued to bleed.

Hei Shimo felt that the air was extremely heavy, and every breath required a lot of effort.

He understood that this was pressure from the bottom of his heart.

Only a few months have passed, but the strength of the defectors has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming unimaginably powerful.

The threat of death follows him like a shadow, and he cannot get rid of it no matter what method he uses, just like the knife he used to face Yuanyi back then.

"6 seconds."

Aoki exhaled, crossed the space, and appeared in front of Hei Shimo.

"The shape of fourteen, ferocious changes, the sky is full of crescent moon!"

Black Death Mou turned around suddenly, swung his sword backwards, and slashed one after another to form a terrifying whirlpool, surrounded by countless tiny moon blades.

However, before the vortex slash fell, Aoki's figure disappeared again.

"Aoki style, feast!"


Kokushibo's head exploded, and he took a step back, but his posture did not collapse. The transparent world clearly reflected the defector's movements, and the hollow crying god calmly slashed down.

The sharp slash cut through the air, leaving a deep scratch on the ground, but did not touch Aoki at all.

In the transparent world, Aoki also predicted Kokushibo's prediction.


The heavy punch fell, Kokushibo staggered, his right shoulder exploded, turned into a ball of blood mist, and the hollow crying god flew out.

A swordsman, losing his weapon, loses most of his strength.

Aoki's figure flashed several times in an instant.

Bang bang bang...

Kokushibo's left shoulder, left and right legs, and chest exploded almost at the same time, and the blood mist around him was bloody and weird.

Aoki's figure appeared again, as if he had never moved, but Kokushibo's body was riddled with holes and fell down with a bang.

"8 seconds." Aoki said silently in his heart.

After "Space Shuttle" no longer has a cooldown time, the speed and power of "Feast" have increased again.

"But it's not over yet."

Aoki looked up.

"Am I going to die?"

The shadow of death spread and turned into a huge palm, grabbing his heart. Heishime felt a little breathless, and at the same time, a strong sense of unwillingness broke out in his heart.


Why are there always such powerful people in the world?

It was like this with Yoriichi back then, and it is also the case with the defectors now.

If Yoriichi is the favorite of all gods, then what about the defectors?

As a demon, why can the defector gain more powerful power than Lord Muzan?

Most importantly, why can't he do it?

Abandoning the identity of a human, becoming a demon, practicing for hundreds of years, in the end, still unable to fight back in front of the enemy, what is this?

Kokushibo's body suddenly swelled up, and those places without wounds, flesh and blood multiplied rapidly, trying to grow arms.

"As expected of an upper rank."

Aoki exclaimed, then crossed the space without hesitation, came to the side of Black Death Eye, and stretched out his palm.

An invisible vortex emerged.


The two arms growing out of Black Death Eye's chest waved, but still could not stop being swallowed.

In the blink of an eye, Black Death Eye's body completely disappeared, and Aoki put away his palm.

"10 seconds, just right."

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