"Mr. Qingcun, what should we do now?" Wei Mingyu Xingming asked.

The ghost is heading towards them, and behind them is the "Blue Higan Flower".

"Let's deal with it, it's almost time!"

Aoki made a decisive decision.

Two days of procrastination was enough.

If you can fool Tsuji Mukai, that's enough. If you can't fool him, it won't be of much use if you delay it for a few more days.

"Flowers! Blue flowers!"

The goblin's eyes were blood red and he dragged his steps forward as he walked forward.


So hungry!

I really want to eat people!

However, there are no people at all on this mountain, and there are very few wild animals.

If you want to eat people, you must leave, but before you can leave, you must first complete the adult's mission.

"Where are the blue flowers?"

The goblin ghost blew out two thick breaths from its huge nostrils.

At this moment, there was someone suddenly in front of him.

The goblin was stunned for a moment.

Where did this person come from?

He didn't see the movement track at all.

Then he put the question behind him.

It didn't matter how the person came, what mattered was that someone came, and his stomach was growling with hunger.

"Wait, that's not right!"

The goblin took a closer look and was stunned again.

This, this seems not to be a human being, but a ghost.

Moreover, he seemed to have seen this ghost somewhere.

"Why is this guy in a daze?"

Aoki glanced at the goblin in surprise.

During this time, there were very few ghosts who did not run away when they encountered him.

Could it be that "ripening" has such a big impact on IQ?

Although he was a little confused, Aoki's actions were not affected at all. He punched out and the air exploded with a sudden explosion.

"I remember, he, he is a defector!"

A flash of fear appeared in the Goblin's eyes, and the next moment his head exploded.

Of course, for ghosts, losing their heads does not mean death.

Just as the goblin ghost was about to struggle, Aoki grabbed his shoulder and activated "Ghost Swallowing", swallowing it up in the blink of an eye.

[Kill a ghost and gain 30 experience points. 】

"not bad."

Aoki nodded.

If the ordinary ghosts are mosquito legs, then the lower-level ghosts can be regarded as crayfish pincers.

If the quantity is large enough, you can still eat enough.

Aoki said hello to Tomioka Giyu and Mingyuyu Xingmei who were on top of the cliff, and teleported away without going up any further.

the other side.

Butterfly Kanae is staring at the eye ghost.

Next to him, Aoki's figure appeared silently.

Butterfly Kanae was shocked at first, then calmed down.

"Mr. Aomura, what happened?"

"The ghost over there approached the blue Higan flower and dealt with it directly."

"What about this?"

"Deal it too, but wait a moment."

Mainly to look real.

If the two ghosts are not together, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to solve them at the same time.

Two hours later, Aoki followed the same method, easily dealt with the eye ghost, and gained another 30 experience points.

Seeing Aoki swallowing the ghost eyes, Butterfly Kanae said: "I wonder how Oniitsuji Muzan will react?"

"It won't take long to find out." Aoki said.

The worst-case scenario is that Oniitsuji Muzan guessed that this was a trap and chose to give up directly.

But he thinks this is unlikely.

The Blue Flower of the Other Side is fake. Anyone who knows this is absolutely trustworthy and will never reveal the true situation.

Even if Muzan Kibutsuji sensed something was wrong, he would never be able to determine the real situation.

The most important thing is that only a few ghosts died.

To Kibutsuji Muzan, this is not worth mentioning at all.

A country road.

"It's him again!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan's face darkened, but he didn't feel any surprise in his heart.

These days, the defector has killed too many ghosts faster than he can create ghosts, and he is somewhat used to it.

This is something that the monster didn't do back then.

However, two groups of men died one after another, but no news was found, which made him instinctively feel that something was wrong.

Go there in person?

He dismissed the idea immediately.

How could such a trivial matter be worthy of him personally taking action?

It's certainly worth the trip if you can catch the defector.

However, without the means to restrain the defectors' ability to escape, even if they were blocked on that mountain, it would be meaningless.

He wasn't going to waste time.

give up?

This thought never appeared in Kibutsuji Muzan's mind.

What does it matter if a few ghosts die?

The meaning of their existence is to find the blue Higanbana for him.

Now, if they sacrifice their lives for the information about the Blue Higanbana, they will be considered a well-deserved death.

"Send another group of ghosts over, more this time!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan made a decision.

If your strength is inferior, then you will win with numbers.

Of course, we do not expect them to unite and defeat the defectors.

But as the number increases, it will become more difficult for the defectors to kill them all, and the possibility of obtaining information will still be greatly increased.

To him, ghosts are the least valuable things.

As long as he can find the blue Higan flower, even if all the ghosts die, he won't feel sad at all.

The location of "Blue Flower".

Kanae the Butterfly slowly descended from above, her butterfly pattern feathers fluttering like a real butterfly.

A young man dressed as a monk heard the voice and looked up.

"Mr. Beimingyu." Kanae the Butterfly asked, "Where is Mr. Aomura?"


Gyoumei Beimingyu clasped his hands together: "Mr. Aomura is out hunting ghosts, and he should be back soon. Kanae, what happened?"

The next batch of ghosts has not arrived yet, but Aoki is not idle and continues to go out hunting ghosts.

Although the experience gained is not much, a mosquito leg is still meat no matter how small it is.

What's more, doing this can also confuse Muzan Kibutsuji.

Kanae the Butterfly said: "Another ghost is coming. Like before, these ghosts should also have power comparable to the lower strings.

However, this time there are 10 ghosts, which has exceeded the limit of our monitoring.

And it seems that there are real lower strings among them!"

"Ten? I didn't expect to hear good news just after returning."

Aoki's figure appeared next to him.

This is exactly the same as his ideal development. Muzan Kibutsuji is quite cooperative.

"You are back, Mr. Aomura." Kocho Kanae breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Those ghosts are actually not difficult for them to deal with.

However, Muzan Kibutsuji may attack at any time. Without Mr. Aomura, they can't deal with it at all.

"Amitabha, Mr. Aomura, what should we do next?" asked Gyoumei of Beimingyu.

Aoki did not answer, and asked again: "Has Kokushibo appeared?"

Kocho Kanae shook her head.

"No trace of him was found, but the area of ​​this mountain is very large, and we can only monitor a small part of it. It is also possible that he has arrived, but we just didn't find it."

Aoki thought for two seconds: "Then deal with this batch of ghosts first!"

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