Aoki and Butterfly Kanae stand side by side.

A headless corpse lay at their feet, turning into black smoke and quickly dissipating.

In order to avoid premature exposure of traces, this ghost was solved by Butterfly Kanae.

However, the experience of this ghost could not exceed 3 points at most, so Aoki didn't care and looked at it with interest.

"Is this what a ghost looks like after being beheaded?"

This was the first time he saw with his own eyes the ending of a ghost who was beheaded by the Nichirin Sword.

Butterfly Kanae put away her long knife.

"A ghost is coming. It seems that Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan has noticed the news we released. The first step of the plan was successful!"

Aoki shook his head and poured cold water on it: "Not necessarily. The ghost originally had the mission to find the blue Higanbana flower. It's also possible that the ghost heard the news and decided to investigate on its own."

"Mr. Qingcun, what you said makes sense!"

Butterfly Kanae was slightly disappointed, but quickly recovered and turned to look at the city not far away.

"If this ghost is following the order of Onibatsuji Muzan, does that mean that Onibatsuji Muzan is in this city?"

Aoki said: "It is indeed possible, but even if Muzan Kibutsuji is here, it will be difficult for us to find him!"

In the vast sea of ​​people, it is almost an impossible task to find a ghost that can change its appearance and breath.

Afterwards, Aoki and Butterfly Kanae separated and used space to shuttle to a flat area on the mountainside.

There is a small sea of ​​flowers here, but there is only one kind of flower. Its shape is similar to the flower of the other side. It is blue and looks charming and beautiful.


If you observe carefully, you will find that the posture of these flowers will not change, even if the wind blows, they will not move.

Because these are artificial flowers, artificial flowers specially made by Uyashiki Yaoya.

Not to mention just fooling ghosts, if you just look at the appearance, even flower experts will not be able to recognize that it is a fake flower without looking closer.

"Mr. Aomura."

A young man dressed as a monk came out with his hands clasped together.

"Mr. Mingmingyu."

Aoki nodded slightly.

Although they are not real blue Higan flowers, these fake flowers are very important in the plan.

Normally, he would be in charge personally. If he had to leave for something, the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Squad, Ming Yuyu Xingmei, would be in charge.

Aoki found a place to sit down.

He very much hoped that the ghost just now was sent by Muzan Kibutsuji.

This is their second attempt.

When I tried it for the first time, the news spread for a long time, but no one noticed it.

In order to avoid exposing their flaws, they terminated the plan, moved here, and started their second attempt again.

This time I was lucky, and a ghost came to my door the next day.

However, it remains to be confirmed whether the one who bit the hook is Muzan Kibutsuji.

Aoki didn't have to wait too long.

More than an hour later, a petite figure floated over.

Butterfly Ninja looked serious: "Mr. Aomura, we found traces of ghosts again!"

Aoki perked up: "How many are there? How strong are they?"

"There are two of them in total. Their strength may not be weaker than Xixian, but there is no word in their eyes."

"I'll go there now!" Aoki stopped talking nonsense and stood up quickly.

Two waves of ghosts appeared in a short period of time. Although it is not 100% certain, there is a high probability that the ghosts caught Tsuji Muzan.

Recruiting Mingmingyu Xingmei again, Aoki took Butterfly Ninja through space and came directly to Butterfly Kanae.

"How about it?"

Butterfly Kanae didn't speak, she slightly raised her chin and gestured downwards.

Aoki took a step forward, looked down, and saw an alien monster with eyes on its head coming into view.

Even ghosts rarely turn into such a completely unrecognizable human form.

"Is it a monster that Oniitsuji Muzan forcibly created with blood?" Aoki's eyes moved slightly.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan can quickly create lower-level ghosts.

However, now it seems that this ability is not so invincible.

"Sister, why is there only one left?" Butterfly Ninja asked in a low voice.

Butterfly Kanae explained: "They split up and the other one is now being watched by Mr. Tomioka Yoshiyu."

"Very good, don't do anything yet." Aoki said.

Oni and Hashira at the lower level are far different.

Now, a large part of the Demon Slayer Squad's power is concentrated on this mountain. It is actually very simple to deal with these two ghosts.

However, in this way, it is likely to alert the snake and make Oniitsuji Muzan aware of the problem.

Waiting for a while will allow things to appear more natural.

Of course, this is only relative.

As long as these two ghosts are killed, Oniitsuji Muzan may be alerted.

Plans are never 100% successful.

The three of them quietly followed the alien ghost.

Aoki quickly noticed the problem.

"This ghost seems to have a bad head."

Butterfly Kanae nodded: "To be precise, it's because the spirit is not normal. Not only this, but another ghost also has the same problem.

In addition, although their aura is comparable to Xixian, they are much inferior in other aspects.

For example, sentience, if it were a true understring, would have spotted us long ago. "

Aoki was thoughtful.

"It seems like this is another side effect of ripening."

Of course, in the final analysis it is still a question of potential and talent.

If one is talented enough and can easily carry the blood given by Kibutsuji Muzan, these side effects should not occur.

However, geniuses are rare.

The same is true for geniuses who become ghosts.

This mountain was specially selected by Aoki and the Demon Slayer Corps. It is neither big nor small.

There is only a small piece of "Blue Blossom Flower". It is not easy for two ghosts to find the right position.

Aoki is very patient and waits silently.

If you want to catch a big fish, you must be prepared to play the fish for a long time.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

"His spirit has become worse!" said Butterfly Kanae.

Aoki said: "He should be very hungry. He has started to eat wild animals to fill his hunger. It seems that he is about to lose his mind!"

"When do we start?" Butterfly Kanae couldn't help asking.

Aoki was about to say something, and his expression changed.

"Miss Kanae, this is up to you."

After that, without waiting for Kanae's response, his figure suddenly disappeared.

"Is there any movement over there, Mr. Tomioka?"

Butterfly Kanae was a little expectant in her heart, and her eyes returned to the evil ghost below.

We must keep an eye on it and can't let it run away.

On the cliff.

Tomioka Giyuu and Beimingyu Xingmei hid behind a rock, the former holding a broken wooden sign.

Below the cliff, a tall, ferocious-looking monster was quickly heading in the direction of the two.

Aoki's figure quietly emerged.

He glanced at it and knew why Tomioka Giyuu summoned him without asking.

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