Tonight is destined to be sleepless.


At the moment when the projection screen dissipates.

Yae Miko exhaled lightly, and then lazily got up from the chair.

After listening to the story all night, it's finally time to get down to business.

Kujou Sara's expression had become extremely serious.

Sayu has also stopped crying.

It's time to go.

"Let's go~"

Without any superfluous nonsense, Yae Miko shook the divine flag in his hand, raised his feet and walked out the door.

Kujou Sara and Sayuzu follow suit.

The Inazuma Action Team, which had been lurking for many days, had finally started to act.

Whether you can retire or not, in this move.

The figures of the three gradually disappeared into the night.


Crimson Cloud Slope.

What used to be a wide street has now become a flower street decorated with gorgeous flowers.

All kinds of small stalls and vendors stretch endlessly along the streets, and you can't see the end in sight.

And this gorgeous flower street is already crowded with people at this time.

Countless people crowded around the wide street.

The shouting, the shouting, the laughter, the crying of children... One after another, it seems to be lively.

In the midst of the crowd.

Bai An and the others struggled forward.

For this kind of crowded scene, Bai An didn't feel irritable, only felt very ritualistic.

After all, in the previous life, every holiday, all the attractions were like this.

Bai An has long been accustomed to it.

And in addition, tonight is the Moon Festival, and it is inevitable that there will be more people.

On holidays, it's fun to go shopping.

There are many people to have a festive atmosphere.

There is a sense of ritual.

In the crowded crowd, Bai An walked around, looking left and right, and seemed to be interested in everything.

And the girls behind him were full of all kinds of food in their hands, smiling like flowers, and they followed suit.

"Xiaobai, do you want to try this~, this is a sweet and flowery mooncake~"

Yelan broke a small piece of moon cake and handed it over with a smile.

Bai An took it, and then took a mouthful of it into his mouth.

The fragrance of sweet flowers is extraordinarily strong, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

"Hmm~~, delicious~~"

Bai An nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir, try this~, this is sunset fruity~"

Ganyu shyly handed over a piece.

Bai An did not refuse to come.

"Slightly sour, slightly less sweet, but very appetizing~"

Bai An gave his evaluation with a smile.

Infected by the young man's smile, the expressions on the faces of several girls became more joyful, and they smiled one by one, looking extremely beautiful and moving.

"It's a pity that Liyue's mooncakes don't have meat filling, they are all vegetarian fillings..."

Bai An sighed slightly, a little regretful.

Yelan and the others were stunned when they heard this.

"Mooncakes still have meat filling?"

Keqing expressed her confusion.

"Of course, the minced meat is the king of mooncakes!"

"Do you understand the gold content of Wuren barbecued pork... Forget it, you don't understand, I guess you haven't seen it... ~..."

Bai An deeply regretted.

These people from another world probably have never heard of meat-filled mooncakes.

This is undoubtedly a major loss in life.

There is no five-kernel barbecued pork in the Mid-Autumn Festival, just like there is no roast chicken in the Qingming Festival.

It's just soulless.

"The minced meat... What does it smell like?"

Yelan looked stunned.

"Salty fragrance~"

Bai An replied with a smile.

"Salty mooncakes?!"

When Yelan and the others heard this, their faces suddenly showed extremely stunned expressions.

Mooncakes have always been only sweet, how can there be salty?!

"Can that be delicious?!"

Yelan's face turned white, and her voice trembled slightly.

The others also had a flutter in their eyes.

"Of course it's delicious!"

"You don't understand, the barbecued pork in there is fat but not greasy, supplemented by meat floss..."

Bai An tirelessly popularized science, and said with sparkling eyes while drooling.

Yelan and the others felt sick to their stomachs when they heard it.

In their opinion, the "king-level moon cakes" in Bai An's mouth are simply the darkest dishes in the world.

Yelan and the others turned pale one by one, and they couldn't stop imagining the appearance of the dark moon cakes.

Only Shenhe's expression was still the same, listening to the young man with a smile on his face.

She hasn't eaten mooncakes either.

It was also the first time she ate moon cakes and the first time she had a moon festival.

In her opinion, what the teenager thinks is delicious must be the best.

Wuren barbecued pork is definitely the king of moon cakes!

"Oops~, it's a pity, Liyue doesn't have five kernels of barbecued pork~"

"You don't have a mouth~"

Bai An sighed regretfully.

Yelan and the others turned pale, and there were no regrets in their hearts, only gratitude.

Thank God for not allowing the dark dish of "Wuren Char Siu" to be born in the world...

Shenhe was smiling.

"Xiaobai, will you do it?, let's make it for us to eat when we go back~"

Shenhe smiled softly.

"Hey, great idea, let's try it when we go back!"

Bai An's eyes lit up.

Yelan and the others looked bitter.

"I'll do my best!"

"I must let you feel what a real moon cake is!"

Bai An's face was full of spirit, and his eyes were firm. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yelan and the others looked even more bitter.

It seems that this dark meal can't be avoided...

A few people stopped and ate along the way, eating and shopping.

Along the way, countless people also recognized Bai An.

But maybe it's because of the holidays, maybe it's out of understanding...

No one went up to disturb Bai An.

just greeted the boy with sparkling eyes, and didn't bother any more.

This made Bai An feel extremely comfortable, and once again spoke highly of the quality of the people of Liyue.

Stop and go along the way.

Time passed.

Accompanied by Yelan and others, Bai An visited the flower street, watched the temple fair, and guessed the lantern riddles...

What was once a boring and boring moon festival has become real.

No more boring activities, and bits and pieces of rough stones that are not enough.

Only the purest companionship and happiness.

Bai An only felt satisfied, and he would not change in this life.

The moonlight is getting thicker and thicker.

It's also getting more and more beautiful.

In the sparsely populated alleys, the laughter and frolic of teenagers and girls were louder and more joyful than before.

"Okay, Xiaobai, you will accompany us to fly a kite tomorrow~"

"Got it~, Yelan, I found out that you really like to tie up~"

"Sir, do you want to eat anything tomorrow? I'll go back and ask someone to prepare~"

"Hee-hee, it's the first time I've had such a happy month-by-month festival, sir, let's continue to spend it together next year~"

"I want to think about next year, won't there be a Lantern Festival next~"

"That's right, then we'll have a Lantern Festival together!hee-hee!!"

A few people under the moonlight, laughing and laughing, playing and making trouble.

A piece of time is quiet.

"How many people, do you want to try our love for a hundred years!

"Only 10 Mora per person!"

A young vendor greeted him warmly.

Hearing this interesting name, Bai An and the others suddenly stopped, and leaned over with a novel look in their eyes.

"Is there any way to say it?"

Bai An looked at the various masks on the stall and was curious.

The young vendor happily explains:

"This century-old love affair has a lot of origin!"

"According to legend, two people put on masks and walked a thousand steps each, if they can meet again, then these two people must be entangled for a hundred years!"

"As the old saying goes, five hundred generations pass by, only to exchange for a look back in this life. "

"Then after thousands of steps, the reunion in the sea of people, isn't it a love affair?!"

Young vendors are enthusiastically selling.

When Bai An heard this, his face also showed a look of understanding.

Isn't this just a little game for couples?

This kind of scene often appears in romance dramas.

"I see~"

Bai An smiled clearly.

He hadn't played the game before.

Although he has seen such a scene in the TV series, he still finds it very novel and interesting.

It's just that......

It's a two-person game between a man and a woman.

There are four girls around me, how can I play this?

Not to mention whether anyone is jealous and sour...

Let's just say that in the end, if Shenhe and Yelan are successfully matched, Keqing and Ganyu form superconductivity, and no one meets him alone, then who will reason with him?

Bai An suddenly made a difficulty.

"Let's have a play, little brother~"

"Don't you want to know, which of these four girls has the deepest fate with you?"

The young trader smiled seductively.

Yelan and the others' eyes also became eager.

"Can you still play with four people?"

Bai An asked stunned.

"Of course~, this kind of thing is not just a matter of two people~"

The young vendor winked his eyebrows.

Seeing this, Bai An couldn't help but feel amused.

It's a businessman, but it's really shrewd.

"What should I do if I don't meet in the end?

Bai An asked with a smile.

"Hey, hey, you're laughing~"

"With your blessings, you will definitely meet..."

The young vendor laughed awkwardly.

When Bai An heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head.

It's just a little game.

When encountered, it was natural to push the boat along the river and tie the knot.

It doesn't matter if you don't, it's just a small game after all.

The young boss probably had already prepared his words, and after some persuasion, he sent it away.


It's a game.

"Sir, let's give it a try!"

Keqing blushed and pleaded.

"Uh-huh... I...... I want to play too..."

Ganyu hid behind Keqing, her face was extremely red, and she didn't dare to look directly at Bai An at all.

"Ho ho~, is it a game of fate?"

"Within ten steps, I will catch Xiaobai!"

Yelan crossed her hands on her hips, her face full of confidence.

Shenhe was smiling.

She is also confident that she will definitely be able to meet Bai An.

Ten steps are not required, five steps at most.

Looking at the girls' enthusiastic appearance, Bai An smiled lightly.

"Okay, then let's have a hand~".

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