"Okay, let's do it. "

Bai An said with a smile.

Hearing this, several girls immediately smiled.

In their opinion, such a little game is very interesting.

Most importantly, it's fun.

The young vendor's face also showed a heartfelt smile.

Bai An didn't think much about this, but felt that it was the joy that a businessman should have when he received business.

"Let's pick a mask~"

The young vendor greeted with a smile.

Immediately, several people began to pick up on the stall with great interest.

The participants in the game wear the same mask, which symbolizes the fate of entanglement with each other.

On the other hand, it is easier to recognize.

After all, there are other guests playing this game.

Bai An and the others were choosing from the stalls, and all kinds of masks were dazzling.

At the same time, the stall owner also explained the rules:

"Our love for a hundred lifetimes, we must really walk a thousand steps, so that it is enough to work..."

"You can't sneak behind people, otherwise it won't be called fate..."

The stall owner said with a smile, looking at Yelan intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hear me, little wildcat, it's not a prisoner. "

"You have to be sincere. "

Bai An also looked at Yelan with a smile.

"Hey~, just take a step

Yelan pursed her lips, her face slightly unhappy, and then made a grimace at Bai An.

"Anti-510 is I'll definitely catch you~"

Yelan said with confidence on her face.

She never thought that she would not meet Bai An.

My heart is full of confidence in the fate between myself and Bai An.

"Although it is said to be a thousand steps, it is actually not so dead framed..."

"In these thousand steps, as long as you can meet, it is a kind of fate. "

"There are so many guests who meet each other after walking a few hundred steps, and they don't have to walk a thousand steps at all. "

"So rest assured, you're going to meet each other. "

The young stall owner smiled.

The corners of Bai An's lips couldn't help but curl.

He knew that the vendor must be preparing to speak.

"What if you can't meet it in a thousand steps?"

Keqing asked with some apprehension.

"Then... A thousand more steps!"

"If a thousand steps fail to meet, it means that this fate is not ordinary, and there are still many obstacles in between. "

And this kind of fate requires 2,000 or even 3,000 steps to meet. "

This is the so-called good thing and grinding. "

"But I believe that with the fate of a few, it will definitely not take so many steps, hehehe..."

The stall owner said with a smile.

Bai An couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart.

is worthy of a shrewd businessman, this is all over...

(cdfh) "Oh oh, I see..."

Keqing and Ganyu showed a sudden look, and secretly glanced at Bai An, and their cheeks couldn't help but become red.

"Hmph~, I will definitely be the first to meet Xiaobai~"

Yelan clasped her hands, her eyes glancing at Shenhe from time to time, her face full of confidence.

"I'll meet you before you do. "

Shenhe didn't back down.

The two looked at each other, and there was a faint sparkle of electricity in the air.

Looking at the appearance of the two, Bai An couldn't help but sigh silently.

This big and small wife, who has coexisted peacefully for a long time, why did she start to fight against each other again...

"Okay~, let's pick a mask, people are still waiting to do business..."

Bai An said speechlessly.

Immediately, several people turned their attention back to the various masks.

"This looks good..."

"That's not bad either..."

The girls were happily picking out their masks.

Although they were all carefully choosing, most of them still planned to listen to the advice of the teenager.

After all, teenagers are the key to this fate game.

His preferences are a little more important.

There are at least hundreds of masks of all kinds.

Bai An was dazzled, and the choice difficulty was committed.

But fortunately, he still found the mask he wanted.

It was a white fox mask.

Very exotic.

Much like Kazari.

Seeing that mask, Bai An did not hesitate, and even made a decision.

"I want this!"

Bai An shouted excitedly.


The stall owner replied with a smile, turned around and rummaged in the trunk, and then handed five identical masks to Bai An.

Looking at the white fox mask in his hand, Bai An felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

In the game, Kazari has always been uneasy in his heart.

Although he knew that this mask was not Kazari, its extremely similar style still made Bai An feel a burst of joy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmph~, I knew that you would definitely choose this pair~"

Yelan said with a smug smile.

"Huh, why?"

Bai An was stunned when he heard this.

"Bai An, the white mask..."

"A noble and cunning white fox, very much like you, isn't it~"

Yelan's face was full of pride.

Hearing this, Bai An couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head.

Although Yelan didn't guess her true thoughts, I have to say that what she said did make some sense...

Immediately, Bai An sent the mask down.

After everyone put on their masks, they looked at each other, and the only eyes that showed were infinite smiles.

"Okay, the game begins~"

"Just let me be Kangkang, who has the deepest fate with whom~"

Bai An said with a smile.

"A few guests, please choose a direction for each~"

"Also, please go in turn and don't follow ~"

The stall owner smiled and gestured to the intersection next to him.

Immediately, everyone chose their own direction and planned to start the game.

"That, guest... Can you settle the bill first?"

The stall owner rubbed his hands together and smiled.

"Oh, sorry, forgot..."

Bai An smiled awkwardly, and then took out the money bag.

"It's 300 Mora in total. "

Hearing this, Bai An couldn't help but be stunned.

"Isn't it 10 Mora alone?How can you ask for 300?!"

The stall owner scratched his head, and his face showed a bit of flattery:

"A deposit of 50 Mora per mask..."

"After the game is over, you can take the mask back and return..."

"If you don't want to return it, it's equivalent to buying, hehehe. "

Hearing this, Bai An also showed a look of enlightenment.

No wonder it's only 10 Mora to play, it turns out that the mask is not wrapped in it.

Masks also come at a cost.

Although it is a deposit of 50 mora, most people probably won't come back to get this deposit.

After all, the mask itself is a memento.

The deposit of 50 Mora can actually be regarded as a direct purchase.

Not only did they collect money to play games, but they even sold masks.

Bai An once again sighed at the shrewdness of this boss.

Now in his eyes, this young stall owner is completely a shrewd businessman.

Bai An, who was in a relaxed mood, didn't notice more.

Immediately, Bai An didn't think much about it, and paid happily.

"Have fun~"

"Oh yes, if you meet a couple of guests wearing the same mask, you might as well say hello. "

"After all, among these hundreds of masks, picking the same pair can be regarded as a kind of fate, hehehe. "

The stall owner said happily.

Bai An and others responded with a smile.

Subsequently, under the guidance of the stall owner, several people each chose a direction, and then set off in turn to start this game called "fate".

Looking at the figure of the young man who gradually disappeared into the sea of people, the enthusiastic smile on the stall owner's face gradually cooled down.

Immediately, he picked up the white fox mask from the stall, turned around and disappeared into the night.

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