"All the top brass?!"

A chorus of exclamations rang out in the room.

Not all members of the Knights of Favonius can be called "knights".

And not all knights are considered high-level.

Now Grand Master Falgar's expedition has taken most of the people of the Knights.

Only a handful of people who remain in Mondstadt, and who can be called core high-level personnel, remain.

And these last few people are already the last pillars of Mondstadt.

Jean is going to take everyone to Liyue?!

Such a decision is completely contrary to the conservative and calm image of the head of the Qin troupe in the past.

It's crazy!

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Captain Qin, isn't this a little too nonsense?!"

Kaeya said with an anxious face.

"I'm not kidding. "

"I mean seriously. "

Jean looked firm.

"Captain Jean, what if Mondstadt is attacked during this time?!"

Amber's face was also full of anxiety, and her eyes were full of worry.

"Although I have to admit that there is indeed this risk..."

"But it's even more important to get to the bottom of the matter!"

"Lord Fengshen is far away from the wind ground, and the mysterious light curtain has an unclear intention..."

"Investigating this matter clearly is the most important thing! It is also the most urgent task at present!"

Qin said categorically, having made up her mind.

"But if Mondstadt is attacked, the soldiers who defend the city alone..."

Amber still looked 23 worried and agitated.

"The Knights of Favonius aren't the only ones in Mondstadt. "

Jean's tone softened.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"I will ask my seniors for help in taking care of Mondstadt during this time. "

Since Jean made up her mind, her anxiety and anxiety have all disappeared, and only a calm and calm faction remains.

Listening to Qin's words, everyone was stunned.

They are no strangers to the "senior" in the piano.

That's the hero of Mondstadt's night, the angel's gift and the owner of Dawn Winery...

Diluc, Grandpa Lou.

Kaeya and Amber looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Looking at the resolute face of the piano, Lisa finally sighed slightly.

She knew that her honest and resolute friend, once she made a decision, she would never waver again if she was persuaded by others.

"So, you've already figured it out, haven't you?"

Lisa sighed slightly.

"The stakes are high, and I have to do it this way. "

The head of the piano said in a deep voice.

"The distance of Lord Fengshen, the intention of the light curtain..."

"It's so important. "

"If something goes wrong with this operation, I will take full responsibility alone, you don't have to worry. "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes changed again.

Lisa sighed slightly.

In fact, everyone knows that no one can afford such a responsibility.

The reason why Jean said this was just that she didn't want to affect everyone.

"Yes, after all, you are the acting head of the regiment, and you bear the main responsibility~"

Lisa sighed inwardly, but when she opened her mouth, she said the opposite.

She knew her friend's personality very well.

The attachment and politeness of hypocrisy and righteousness will only make Qin feel the condemnation and pressure of conscience.

And practical advice can make her feel more at ease.

"Then let's decide like this~, anyway, there is an acting group leader~ people, give us a cover~"

"Oops~, I haven't been out for a long time~"

"By the way, I'm supposed to be a high-level person, right?"

Lisa asked with a smile.

"Of course. "

Qin Rourou said, casting a grateful look at Lisa.

Be a best friend, in your heart.

The meaning of support in Lisa's words is needless to say.

Kaeya and Amber glanced at each other, and each could see the complexity of the other's hearts.

But in the end, the two could only accept reality.

And if you accept it, it means giving it your all.

"Captain Qin, don't worry!!"

"During your absence, I will definitely cooperate with Diluc and defend Mondstadt!!"

Amber's chest slapped with a "poof" sound.

"Amber, you're going too. "

Jean finally had a smile on her face.


Amber looked dumbfounded.

"You're a scout knight, and of course you're indispensable for such an important mission. "

Jean smiled.

Amber's face changed for a while, and then he became solemn, and he saluted a standard knightly salute with a "snap".

"Yes!Knights of Favonius, Amber, Scout Knight!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Kaeya on the side also saluted with a solemn face.

"Knights of Favonius, cavalry captain Kaeya, at your disposal!!"

Looking at the two with resolute faces, Klee's eyes on the side shone with golden light.

She squirmed, suppressed her excitement and asked:

"Captain Jean, Klee... Can Klee go?"

Traveling to Liyue to investigate such an interesting event, Klee couldn't contain her excitement just by listening to it.

Looking at Klee's writhing body, with a look of extreme longing, Jean was happy in her heart, but her face showed hesitation.


Jean feigned a deep groan.

"Captain Jean, take Klee with you~"

"Please~, please~"

"Klee wants to go to Liyue too~"

Klee tugged at the trouser leg of the head of the piano and swayed it vigorously, her big eyes full of pleading, and she looked extremely cute.

The head of the piano was shaken so that his heart was numb.

Then she pretended to sigh and said:

"Okay, I promised you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But you have to be obedient, or I won't take you next time. "

Hearing this, Klee immediately danced and cheered.


"Captain Jean is a good person!!Sister Lisa is a good person!!Sister Amber is..."

The children's joyful voices resounded throughout the Knights' headquarters.

Looking at Klee's cute appearance, everyone in the room couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

Jean was also smiling.

Taking Klee to Liyue was originally part of her plan.

After all, as the only person who has anything to do with this matter, others can not go, and Klee must go.

The reason why I pretended to hesitate was just to wait for this moment and listen to a "good person".

After all, who doesn't like to watch the little sun?

"Jean, what about the other candidates?"

Amid the cheers, Lisa asked.

"Albedo is still in the snowy mountains, I'll let Wood inform him later. "

"Sucrose, too, although the kid is shy, he can actually help a lot. "

"On top of that, we need an entourage to help with daily living, so Noelle called in as well. "

"Plus, in order to deal with the dangers that may arise, we need a priest... So, Barbara should also be brought. "

Jean said as she thought.

At this time, she seems to have changed back to the calm and calm acting head of the regiment, handling things in an orderly and logical manner.

Although he said that he was a high-ranking member of the Knights of Favonius before, the candidates set by Jean obviously include but are not limited to high-level personnel.

But Jean didn't care.

In her opinion, these personnel are all necessary.

"Do you want to call the astrologer?"

"Maybe her ability can also help us a little. "

Lisa asked.

The astrologer in her mouth is naturally Mona.

After being reminded by the other party, Qin's eyes lit up.

"It would be nice if she was willing to help. "

"In addition, I have a few candidates in mind..."

Immediately, with the passage of time, Jean and Lisa finally finalized all the entourage.

The officials are:

Klee, Kaeya, Amber, Albedo, Sucrose, Noelle, Barbara.

And those who are unofficial are:

Mona, Fischl... and Bennett.

The personnel finalized, and Qin also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Notify all those on the list within tonight. "

"For the three unofficial adventurers, it was done in the form of commissions. "

"Tomorrow at noon, all the personnel will meet at the Grand Place in Mondstadt. "

"We must be in Liyue within ten days, and we must make a quick decision!"

Jean's words are uplifting.


Amber and Kaeya stood up straight with solemn faces.

"Jean, within ten days, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reach Liyue in 920~"

Lisa reminded.

"I know it's going to be difficult, but if we do it with all our might, there's no hope that it will be done. "

"Now the situation is urgent, we have to race against time!"

Qin looked resolute and said in a deep voice.

Hearing that she was going to march all the way, Lisa's face turned bitter, and her lazy bones all over her body were screaming.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Jean, I know there is a way to get us to Liyue in three days!"

Hearing this, Qin was stunned: "What method?"

"Te, Wa, Lin~"

Lisa said word by word, her expression particularly proud.

Jean's eyes widened.

If you can take this ride, you will be able to reach Liyue in three days.

But the question is...

Dvalin is a dependant of Barbatos, how can anyone else drive him?

"What would it think if it knew that Lord Anemo had gone to Liyue and was planning not to return?"

Lisa had a wicked smile on her face.

The piano is wonderful.

It's a bad woman, it's too bad...

"It's just a white lie~"

Lisa smirked.

"Yes. "

The upright head of the piano immediately expressed his approval.

The plan is set.

It's just a matter of execution.

The remaining elites of the Knights of Favonius are finally about to march to their neighbors.

Although this is not a war, it is as important as a war.

Tonight is destined to be sleepless.

"Alright, let's go to the people on the list. "

Jean rubbed the corners of her forehead, which was a little sore, and then prepared to go to Diluc.


Kaeya and Amber saluted.

Immediately, the crowd prepared to disperse.

Klee remembered something, and her body suddenly stood upright, following the example of Kaeya and the others, and performed an immature knightly salute.

"Knights of Favonius, Klee, the Knight of Fireworks!

Looking at Klee, who was doing the same, everyone couldn't help but chuckle.

Jean's eyes were gentle and she smiled slightly.

"Leave it at your disposal, maybe it's not appropriate, so let's..."

"Let the wind lead you. "。

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