
Under the eaves, Bai An retched for a while.

This devil fruit was the most unpalatable thing he had ever eaten.

Not one of them.

Stiffly, Bai An gnawed the fruit in his hand in one go.

Eating this Devil Fruit really took all his courage.

The young man's face was blue and white.

The extreme feeling of nausea made him want to retch.

"System, open the personal properties panel..."

Bai An's voice was extremely weak, and his face was also pale.

The system interface appears.

[Host: Bai An]

[Age: 16]

[Power: 2108]

[Dexterity: 1869]

[Stamina: 1570]

[Intelligence: 1768]

[Asset: 802W Mora]

Looking at the values on the panel, Bai An's face finally looked a little better.

Your original value should be between 500~600.

And now it's in the 4 digits, which is obviously the credit of the little blue pill.

The threefold increase is terrifying to think about.

If you want to reach this value with your daily diet, it will take you a year and a half.

According to the results of the last test with Xiao, his current value should have reached about fifty percent of Xiao's strength.

Xiao's overall attribute should be around four or five thousand.

And that's still based on his most important attributes.

After all, not everyone is a hexagonal warrior like themselves.

Even Xiao has its own shortcomings.

Like intelligence and height or something...

If you judge by Xiao's standard, your current level should belong...


Bai An couldn't help but laugh, and then remembered the nickname Paimon had given him.

Half-immortal, electric batons...

It seems that even if I don't tell books in the future, I can still go to a stall to tell fortunes.

Bai An thought funny.

Then my mind returned to normalcy again.

Xiao is undoubtedly the strongest existence in the immortal level.

Under the immortals, he is invincible.

Above the immortals, there are also demon gods.

The value of the demon god is definitely much higher than that of an immortal like Xiao.

But it's hard to say how much higher.

A martial god like Zhongli, Bai An conservatively estimates that he is at least ten times stronger than Xiao.

This is still a conservative estimate.

Ten times, that's tens of thousands of attribute values.

Thinking of this, Bai An couldn't help but sigh slightly.

It's really a high mountain...

This attribute value of oneself is a fraction of that in others.

If there were a hundred more little blue pills...

Bai An shook his head and broke free from his daydream.

Less than the above, more than the bottom.

The current task is to focus on reality, those old people are too far away for themselves, and there is no point in comparing them with them.

Now I should be able to be regarded as an immortal.

At least the mortal womb of the flesh that has been completely detached.

As the values increase, the strength of the body will continue to increase.

In Buddhism, there is a unified term called "becoming a Buddha in the flesh."

And when it reaches this state, its lifespan will naturally be greatly extended.

Hundreds of years, thousands of years.

Systematic feeding, it looks like improving one's physical attributes.

But in Bai An's view, this is more like an immortal cultivation system.

"I can't imagine that in this life, I didn't become the original god, but I cultivated immortals..."

Bai An only felt inexplicably emotional.

With his current strength, he can basically complete all the original gods under the immortal gods.

Except for a few immortals, demon gods, and demon god dependents, other mortal-born Genshin Gods are estimated to only be seconds in front of themselves.

As for the other monsters, not to mention, they will come in a group of seconds.

Now I can finally be called and have the ability to protect myself.


Bai An let out a long breath, his eyes extremely satisfied.

With his current values, combat skills such as Flowing Blade and Golden Light Mantra finally don't have to worry about time restrictions anymore, and they can be used freely.

He has finally become a lasting man.

Bai An only felt refreshed and happy.

"System, settle the points~"

Bai An said lazily, his eyes were always crooked, and he smiled and groaned.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: 120W Mora!] 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining system points: 40 points!] 】

[This storytelling touched a total of 20 people]

[Touching artificial: Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu...]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the system, Bai An's eyes smiled into a slit.

This time there are 40 more points, a bumper harvest~~

According to the original expectation of the system, I need to tell five stories to meet the standard of system upgrade.

But in the current situation, it seems that two or three more games at most will be enough to make up those 150 upgrade points.

Yes, it went even better than expected.

Bai An's heart was happy.

The next moment, his eyes flashed.

Because in the list of touching people, he saw a surprising name.


Bai An's expression was stunned.

All the Genshin Impact characters who came to listen to the book this time were all in his expectations.

Not to mention the 8 characters who received the projection.

Tartaglia alone...

Bai An sat up straight, his expression surprised.

"Childe... Came to listen to me too? (If you read violent novels, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Bai An blinked and muttered in a daze, his eyes full of surprise and surprise.

This was really unexpected.

Bai An always thought that Childe had returned to the Winter Country.

Unexpectedly, this guy is still in Liyue.

Thinking that when he taught those gang members a lesson before, he blamed Gongzi for himself, Bai An couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Those guys, they shouldn't have died..."

Bai An doesn't worry about Childe, he just pities the guys of the Mussel Gang.

Immediately, Bai An's thoughts returned to normal.

After a little thought, he thought of a fatal problem in this storytelling.

Childe is the executive officer of the Fatui.

The reason why I dared to talk about Inazuma at the scene was that I was sure that no one would study the truth of these things.

But Childe is different.

He must have some understanding of the plans of the Fatui in Inazuma.

Publicizing the plans of the Fatui to the public is bound to cause a great reaction from Childe.

This guy is definitely going to come to trouble himself.

Bai An bowed his head and groaned.

He is not afraid of Childe looking for trouble.

Childe is now coming to trouble him, and it is no different from delivering food.

What he's thinking about is...

How to make Childe not trouble him, and obediently stay and listen to him.

Yes, no matter what, Childe is also a head, and he can also provide himself with points.

Whatever can be used, be used.

It doesn't matter if it's a good guy or a bad guy, in front of the profit-hungry capitalists, there is no difference.

In the eyes of others, Childe is a villain.

But in Bai An's eyes, he is a fragrant ATM.


"What do you do..."

Bai An thought to himself.

You can't use too drastic means.

After all, after a person is beaten, he is not willing to listen to the story of the person who beat him.

Nor can we be wronged.

Childe will definitely not have any kindness to himself now.

To let a quiet listen to their own storytelling, and be moved by themselves...

This person, at least, can't have a hateful mentality towards himself.

Preferably, you can also develop some empathy for yourself.

The corners of Bai An's lips raised slightly, and then he had a countermeasure in his heart.

A figure quietly approached from behind the young man, and then hugged the young man.

"What are you thinking~~?"

Yelan asked with a smile, her eyes like silk.

Feeling the rubbing in his ears, Bai An's eyes became soft.

"Sleep well? Little Wildcat~"

"Hmph~, don't call me a little wild cat~, call me Nagasakapo."


Bai An was speechless for a while.

It seems that the story of Zhao Zilong vs. Changbanpo has been engraved into Yelan's brain.

"Xiaobai, good morning~"

Shenhe also walked out.

Looking at Shenhe, who was dressed in loose pajamas, Bai An smiled.

is still the most virtuous, dignified, beautiful and generous...

Shenhe smiled back and sat down on the threshold beside the boy.

"Xiaobai, you got up so early..."

"Are you worried about the audience?"

Today's Shenhe is very different from before, and his face is full of empathy.


Bai An was slightly stunned, and then realized that the other party was talking about yesterday night.

"Sort of..."

Bai An groaned slightly and nodded.

Childe's affairs are also related to the audience.

"Xiaobai, you don't have to worry." (Qian Li's)

Shenhe smiled lightly and shook the young man's hand.

"I know two more people who also have Visions."

"I can pull them over and listen to you."

Shenhe smiled lightly.

The big eyes are full of virtuous and virtuous ladies.

Bai An was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Those two people you're talking about are..."

Bai An asked with suppressed excitement.

"One is called Chongyun, and it's my nephew."

"One is called Yaoyao, who is a disciple of Madame Ping."

"Although I'm not too close to them, if you want to, I can try to invite them."

Shenhe said with a smile.

Bai An couldn't help but be moved and warm-hearted.

is worthy of being the hostess of the house, she is really sensible~~

"Shenhe, I really didn't hurt you in vain~~"

Bai An rubbed Shenhe's face.


Yelan vinegar is full of vinegar, don't go overboard.

"Yelan, what about you, what are you going to contribute to me?"

Bai An turned his head with a smile.

"Hmph~, the person I know who has the Vision of God has long been known by you~ Song"

"Where else is there any..."

Yelan muttered unhappily.

"Tsk, it seems that it still hurts less."

Bai An shook his head noncommittally, and then pulled Yelan and walked to the inner room.

The door of the house slowly closes.

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