The joy lasted until the evening.

Immediately, it was a lively dinner.

And not far from the private house.

On the roof of a private house.

A pair of eyes are always firmly locked on the house.

A young man in a cloak with a telescope in his hand...

It's Childe.

At this time, the childe's face was extremely gloomy.

After a whole day of observation, his mood has completely fallen to the valley.

The storyteller was always accompanied by two powerful elemental powers.

These two elemental powers, Childe knows each other.

The Fatui had gathered information about them.

One of them was even more in the limelight in the battle of Bajie.

Goddess, Shenhe.

Mysterious intelligence officer of the General Affairs Division, Yelan.

The strength of these two people is on par with their own.

And judging from the situation, these two have a lot of relationship with the teenager.

I didn't leave the house for almost a whole day.

Childe waited all day, but didn't find any chance to get close to the boy.

Originally, he thought that this was tricky enough.

Unexpectedly, what happened next directly shattered his three views.

Looking at the large number of people in the room, Childe's emotions were extremely complicated.

Those people actually came to the boy's house for dinner...

There are not only Yuheng Xing Keqing, seven-star secretary Ganyu...

There is actually a demon sage, Xiao!

And most importantly...

The Rock King, Morax, is actually ?!!

Childe and everyone are numb.

Combined, this large table of people is more than enough to destroy a country.

What's more, yourself?!

Fortunately, I didn't have impulsiveness.

Otherwise, now...

In the fallen leaves at the door of the house, it is estimated that only a small number of his ashes can be found.

If you can find the ashes, they are all burned with high incense.

Childe couldn't help but swallow his saliva and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It doesn't matter if you don't wipe it, when you wipe it, you find that your hands are cold.

"This guy, what's the end of 713..."

Childe's eyes kept changing, and his heart couldn't stop trembling.

Fear, shock, confusion, and many other emotions crossed his face one by one.

Looking at the large number of people in the house, Childe knew that he was out of play.

At least, when these people stay by the boy's side, they are completely useless.

We can only wait for the favor of Lady Luck to see if the boy will act alone.

Immediately, Childe put away the binoculars, and finally took a deep look at the house.

The regret and unwillingness on his face flashed.

"Alas, get off work~"

Childe sighed faintly and returned to his previous free and casual appearance.

"It seems that this mission is difficult to do~"

The young man sighed as he turned to leave.


Nothing was said all night.



After many days of rain, it finally stopped a little.

The clouds broke through and the sky shone through.

The wind and the sun are beautiful, and the mind is refreshed.

And Bai An also went out of the house alone at noon.

Feeling the sunny sunshine that he hadn't seen for a long time, Bai An couldn't help but feel good.

He's going to Baiji Zhai today.

The old stone given by the old man Zhongli should be sold, and the crystal block given by the system should also be sold.

Moreover, Shi Po's auction is also coming to an end, and I want to take a look at it myself.

Bai An hummed a little song all the way, his face was full of comfort, and he was very good.

The reason why he went out alone was because Xiong Da Xiong Er was not available.

Yelan hadn't been back to the General Affairs Department for a long time, and today she finally remembered to go back.

And Shenhe went to find Chongyun and Yaoyao.

So, he had to go out alone.

It's good to be alone.

As a real man, you still need a little space for yourself.

Bai An walked leisurely all the way, and his mood was empty.

It had been a long time since he had enjoyed solitude alone.

However, although it was alone, there was still some excitement and hustle and bustle on the road.

"Yo~, Brother Bai An! Going out shopping?! "

"Ahh It's Brother Bai'an! Good...... So handsome! It turns out that when you look at it up close, I look so good!! "

"Brother Bai'an! Let's have a bowl of cold noodles! Do it yourself at home, don't need money!! "

"Little brother, little brother! This is our family's balm, for you... What? You don't use balm? It's okay, it's okay, you can use it to pad the corner of the table~~"

Along the way, pedestrians greeted Bai An warmly.

Today, Bai An is already the most famous celebrity in Liyue City, and there is no one who does not know this young man.

Even the dog on the side of the road had to wag his tail twice when he saw the boy.

In this regard, Bai An was both happy and helpless.

Happily, I am very popular with people.

Helplessly, people are too enthusiastic about themselves.

A street that could be walked in five minutes, he walked for an hour.

And there are a lot of extra items on hand.

It's similar to cold powder, rock sugar gourd, balm or something.

The most outrageous of them is that there is actually a newly weaned kitten...

These are the hearts of the people who sent him hearts.

is also a manifestation of the people's love for him.

In this regard, Bai An was extremely helpless in his heart, but he could only bear it with a polite smile.

The boy has more and more things in his hands.

In desperation, Bai An could only put the cat cub in his arms and hold other things with his hands.

The kitten was very quiet, neither noisy nor noisy, just obediently curled up in the skirt of the boy's clothes.

This saved Bai An a lot of trouble.


Through a lot of hardships.

Bai An finally walked to Bai Ji Zhai.

"Zhuzi~, come and help~~"

Looking at a person whose upper body was buried behind various items, Zhuzi had long been suspicious.

It wasn't until he heard his owner's voice that his expression was stunned, and then he became pleasantly surprised.

"Sir, you're here!!"

Zhuzi immediately stepped forward to help.

A good moment passed.

"Huh~~" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Bai An sat down on the stool and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I knew that this alone time would become like this, and he should have brought a mask to go out.

It's terrifying...

"Sir, I haven't seen you for a long time, where have you been all this time?"

Zhuzi poured tea for the young man, handed over a wet towel, and then asked a little faintly.

"Ah, it's been busy."

Bai An wiped his face and said with a light smile.


Zhuzi replied quietly.

Looking at the look on the girl's face, Bai An couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

I should be a little too shaken off the shopkeeper.

I haven't been to Baiji Zhai for almost a month.

It's no wonder that Zhuzi gets emotional.

Which employee can not panic when he sees his boss disappear for a month?

It's not a big store like a teahouse.

In my own small workshop, I usually look at the store by myself, and all the affairs in the store are taken care of by Zhuzi.

A teenage exotic girl who manages a well-known shop every day, and can't see her boss...

Can you not panic?

"Zhuzi, it's almost the day of payroll, right?"

"You're tired during this time, come, here's this month's salary, and bonuses

Bai An smiled and took out a money bag and handed it to Zhuzi.

When an employee is depressed, what does she use to stimulate her enthusiasm for work?

Of course, money is the most practical.

Looking at the money bag handed over by Bai An, Zhu Zi's mood instantly rose.

"Huh? Sir, why are there so many?! "

Feeling the weight of the bag, Zhuzi couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

"You've been doing well during this time."

"Give you a salary increase, three times."

Bai An said with a light smile.

"Ahh This...... Thank you sir!! "

Zhuzi was overjoyed and excited.

Seeing that the girl was about to be moved to tears again, Bai An hurriedly changed the topic.

"Zhuzi, what's the price of that stone amber?"

Listening to the young man's inquiry, Zhu Zi hurriedly ran to get the account book.

"Three million five hundred and sixty thousand?"

Looking at the numbers in the account book, Bai An couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The price was a bit higher than he originally thought.

The bidder is a person named "Uncle Tian".

"Uncle Tian? Celestial Pivot?! "

Bai An's eyes widened.

No wonder the price is so high, it turns out that Seven Stars is also involved.

Immediately, Bai An closed the ledger.

"Zhuzi, the auction will end in three days, and I won't come at that time, just do what you do."

Bai An stood up and walked in the direction of the container at the back of the store.

"I... I'm afraid to be alone... I can't stop the field..."

The girl followed suit, her face nervous.

"It's okay, pay the money with one hand, deliver the goods with the other, you don't have to say anything."

"The buyer is a very trustworthy person and will not embarrass you."

Bai An pulled out a few containers and poured stones into them.

"Well... Well..."

Zhu Zi tugged at his fingers, his expression timid.

It's really stressful to let yourself handle these millions of business.

"Zhuzi, you remember, we are doing high-end business."

"The less you talk, the more people will think we are powerful and respect us."

"Do you understand?"

Bai An said as he poured the stone.


Zhu Zi nodded as if he didn't understand, thinking in his heart.

After a while, Bai An finished pouring the crystal block, and then handed the old stone to Zhuzi.

"These crystal blocks are sold as usual, and this old stone, like Shi Pe, is auctioned."

Hearing this, Zhu Zi nodded obediently.

"Yes, sir."

After everything was done, Bai An stretched his waist lazily, and his mood became relaxed and happy again.


A milky cat meow came from the boy's arms.

"Oops, I almost forgot about you~"

Bai An smiled lightly, then took out the kitten from his arms, hugged him to the table and sat down.

"Mimi~, what's the call for you... Mimi~"

"Wow~~, what a cute cat!!"

Zhuzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he followed the boy on the table and teased the kitten.

"Mimi~, don't eat jelly~"

"Sir, did you pick it up? Or did you buy it? It's so cute~~"

"Someone else sent it... Mimi~, don't eat sugar~"

"Oh~, sir, what have you been busy with lately?"

"I'm busy keeping up with life... Mimi~, let's call you Wangcai in the future~"

"Oh, sir, have you heard, a very powerful storyteller in Liyue City recently told a story about my hometown..."

"Is it... Mimi~"

"Yes, he's talking about a story about a rebel soldier, that story is so tear-jerking, I cried several times when I heard people tell it~"

"Is it so tear-jerking... Mimi~, why are you so white? Are you born so white~"

"Sir, have you ever heard that story? That storyteller named Bai An is really amazing~, that story is so realistic~"


"I heard that the storyteller named Bai An is about the same age as Mr. and is also a teenager, and I heard that he is very good-looking... Mr. is also very good-looking..."


"That Mr. Bai An, really talented, it's the first time I've heard such a touching story, it's still the story of Inazuma, woo~, I want to cry when I say it... Of course, the gentleman is also very talented..."


"By the way, sir, have you heard that story? If you haven't heard of it, will you tell it? "


Bai An was speechless and sighed.

Then he looked at the girl with excited eyes on the side.

"Zhuzi, do you want to think about it... Why am I called Bai An? "

Zhu Zi was stunned when he heard this.

Immediately, the pupils continued to dilate.

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