Autumn rain.

Overnight, the boy's new story spread through the streets of Liyue City.

This time the story is obviously more lethal than the previous ones.

In the streets and alleys, there was a sigh of mourning.

In thousands of households, there are always faint sobs.

This ordinary and great story has undoubtedly touched people's hearts deeply.

Those who hear are sad, and those who listen are weeping.

Countless people sighed for Zheping and grieved for Zheping.

The uneasiness of the audience has also become the uneasiness of countless people.

Overnight, the entire city of Liyue was immersed in an atmosphere of sadness.

The autumn rain undoubtedly made this atmosphere even stronger.

Liyue City, which used to be bustling in the past, was unusually quiet and heavy on this ordinary autumn day.

Pedestrians on the street often have sad expressions when they meet.

"Have you eaten..."



As usual, the greetings are always accompanied by a sigh at the end.

And the stamina brought by Teppei's story is not limited to this.

Some people spontaneously organized themselves, braved the rain to go to the river, and set up ever-bright lanterns to comfort Teppei's soul in the sky.

Some people poured a glass of wine on the floor after eating.

Some people climbed the Yujing platform and burned a lot of paper money.

People expressed their condolences to this young man called "Tetsu 23 Hei" in various ways.

Many people can't tell the difference between stories and reality.

That extremely realistic story makes people fall into it and can't extricate themselves.

People hope it's not true, but they want it to be true.

Emotions are extremely complicated for a while.

The autumn rains continued.

The entire city of Liyue was completely immersed in grief and heaviness.

The last time it was so heavy was when the emperor was assassinated...

Today, Liyue City is a sad city.

But not everyone is sad.

At least one person, still very happy.


Bai An stretched his waist and carried the teapot, and walked out of the house, his face was comfortable and comfortable.

As usual, he took a small bench and sat down in front of the door, and then he called out the system:

"System, Settlement Storytelling Reward~"

Bai An lifted the teacup and took a leisurely sip, his expression was full of grace.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the sixth stage!] 】

[Rewarding Processing...]

Bai An took a sip of tea, not in a hurry at all.

After a short wait, the system sound sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: Blue Pill *1!] 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Superb Crystal Block*300!] 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: Frozen Fruit!] 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Bai An directly squirted out a sip of tea.

"What's that?!"

"Little Blue Pill ?!!"

Bai An was directly stunned.

This little blue pill, could it be the little blue pill I thought?!

Immediately, Bai An didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly clicked on the system description.

[Little Blue Pill: Also known as Viagra, Mr. Vermeer...]

Bai An only felt that it was ridiculous to the extreme.

I need this thing?!!

What kind of hook eight system, dare to question his male male style?!!

Bai An was immediately furious, and immediately wanted to sever the father-son relationship with the system.

But he still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to look back.

[Little Blue Pill: Also known as Wei Ge and Mr. Wittmann, eating it can increase all attributes by 300%. 】

Bai An blinked again.

The teacup in his hand tilted slowly, and the tea poured on his feet, and he didn't react.

He knew he was wrong.

What a big mistake!!

Not only does he have a good father, but he is also the best father in the whole day.

"Daddy! I was wrong! Boom~"

At this moment, Bai An directly turned into a monster.

What little blue pills?

That's the elixir!!

What breaks the father-son relationship?

You raised me, I will provide for you!!

A lifetime of father-son love, forever heart-to-heart!!

Father-in-law! Please accept the cloth... Ann a bye!!

Bai An's eyes were extremely excited. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Looking at the little blue pill on the interface, it's like looking at Diao Chan... No, look at the elixir!!

A 300% increase in all attributes, isn't this an elixir?!

How many meals does it take to live up to the effects of this medicine?!

Such a small pill, after taking it for a month, don't you have to kneel in front of yourself and shout "Long live my emperor" that day?!

Fierce!! It's so fierce!!

It's worthy of the little blue pill, worthy of Viagra, worthy of...


Bai An only felt that his mouth was dry.

"Dad... System, how much does this little blue pill sell for in the mall? "

[This item is a special item and is not for sale.] 】

Listening to the system's answer, Bai An's heart was suddenly extremely lost.

However, this is also reasonable.

After all, such a perverted item is a bit too supermodel after all.

If you can buy it, what do you want other dishes, just take small pills in a row, and within a few months, your own attribute will directly become astronomical.

"Then under what circumstances will this little blue pill be distributed?"

Bai An's heart warmed up again.

【Random Distribution】

Hearing this, Bai An's face was bitter again.

It seems that the reward for this little pill is completely a face...


Bai An said bitterly.

Then he silently adjusted his mood again.

It was already a big surprise to get such a superb product, and he couldn't force it too much.

People who are too greedy can only be overwhelmed by their own desires in the end.

It's good to be content.

If you have it, you will take it, and if you don't have it, you will ask for it.

Immediately, Bai An set his sights on the remaining two rewards.

Crystal blocks.

It's still the same as before, nothing unusual, Bai An skipped it directly.

Keep your eyes on the last reward.

"Frozen fruit...?"

Bai An's eyes were stunned.

He is familiar with this thing.

In the world of pirates, the Pheasant's Devil Fruit.

When consumed, it can give people the ability to drive snow and ice.

Of course, the effect of using Devil Fruits also varies from person to person, and the upper and lower limits of their abilities completely depend on the strength of the user itself.

As strong as a pheasant, a single blow can freeze an entire area of sea.

And the weak, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even throw snowballs.

This is the Devil Fruit.

Let the strong be stronger, let the weak ... Gua sha shaves more happily.

[Frozen Fruit: An ice-attribute talent item, which can make people have the power of ice and snow when eaten, and its use effect is determined by the individual's 177 attributes. 】

The systematic explanation is also no different from Bai An's thoughts.

Bai An is confident that he is not weak.

And under the feeding of the system, his attributes will only get stronger and stronger.

For the development and use of frozen fruits, sooner or later, they will surpass the pheasant himself, and even rise to a new height.

At that time, I will only be so strong that I will explode.

"Well, that's good."

Bai An nodded lightly.

After experiencing the small blue pill before, the frozen fruit now can't make any waves in his heart.

The Frozen Fruit, like the Flowing Blade and the Golden Light Mantra, is just a means of combat.

And the small pill that can triple the value of the attribute is the real treasure.

After all, all means of fighting are based on talent.

As long as the talent is strong enough, you can pierce the sky with a pair of chopsticks.

So between the two, there is no comparison.

Immediately, Bai An'an moved, and a small blue pill and a cold Devil Fruit appeared in his hand.

With a sip of tea, Bai An swallowed the small pill.

Immediately, he looked at the Devil Fruit in his other hand.

In fact, he had always been curious about what the Devil Fruit tasted like.

Then he raised his hand and took a bite.


Under the eaves, there was a sound of retching.

[Devil Fruit: It can give special abilities to the eater, but it is also called "Devil's Fruit" because of its ugly appearance and unpalatable appearance]

The prompt of the system, long overdue....

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