Chapter 758: Touched Ying: Brother, he really loves me! Lady: There is no conflict between the traveler scumbag and him looking for his sister!

Clolinde:”(Dan)? Sora, I know you miss your sister very much. Please finish singing. Come and help me after you finish singing!”

Nasita:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Miss Clolinde is also getting anxious.”

Kavi:”Then don’t worry, now a bunch of real stingworms are chasing her, and the traveler is singing here.

Tinari:”It’s really hard to stretch.”…”

Servant:”Normal people don’t seem to be like this, right?…”

Lady:”We fools can’t do such an outrageous thing.”

Puppet:”(^.^), that’s right!

Captain:”Since even the lady said this, it seems that the traveler is really outrageous.””

Paimon:”(*), Paimon thought it was okay, after all, travelers are often like this.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! It’s often the most outrageous thing, hey!”

Diona:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Diona, I don’t know where to start complaining. Kaia

:”Hahahaha, I can’t hold myself any longer. It seems that Miss Clolind can’t help but want to call the traveler.” Leosley

:”Hahaha, I’ve known Clolind for so long, and this is the first time I’ve seen her break through her defenses.””

Xigwen:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Me too.”

Qianori:”It seems that a cold and stern beauty like Miss Clolind can’t stand people like Traveler.

Charlotte:”Hahaha, it’s mainly because Sora’s ideas are different from others.””

Navia:”(⊙⊙)Charlotte, weren’t you called Traveler before? Why are you called Kong now?”

Qianzhi:”I’m also curious.”

Charlotte:”(^^), the traveler’s name is Kong, and as a reporter, isn’t it normal for me to occasionally report on the traveler’s own name?”

Navia:”……is that so.?”

Chiori:”I always feel like something is wrong……” at this time.

After Sora sang the last line.

I saw the corners of his eyes filled with tears.

Kong expressed his longing with great affection:

“Ying, brother, I really miss you.”

“If you can hear my song, please come back to me quickly”

“Brother, I will always be waiting for you.”

After Sora finished speaking, he couldn’t help but put on an extremely sad and longing look.

He wanted people to know that he really embarked on the journey for his own sister.

Not for Kamisato Ayaka and Keqing. , Gan Yu, Barbara, Qin, Yan Fei, Qi Liangliang, Xiao Gong and so on, the beautiful ladies.


Ying heard his brother’s song and those last words.

Her extremely pretty little face couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Ying wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looking a little choked.

She didn’t expect that her scumbag brother actually missed her so much.

Even to find herself, And at such a dangerous time, I even composed a new song for myself.

Especially when I heard my brother say that he misses me very much in the lyrics.

I really want to tell myself all the grievances I have suffered over the years. Brother.

But she knew that the time had not yet come.

If her brother had not left his traces in the Seven Kingdoms, he would never have been able to leave Teyvat. He would never have known the truth about that year.

So even if Ying herself really wants, wants, wants to go out and get to know her brother immediately.

But that’s not possible. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if she has five hundred She has missed her brother very much over the years, at least not yet, not yet.

But although Ying can’t officially stand with her brother yet, at least she now knows that her scumbag brother is not really here for The other beautiful girls only embarked on the journey.

But they really did it for themselves.

Thinking of this, Ying felt extremely happy.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

Arataki Yidou:”Wow Woohoo~ I’m so touched, the traveler really wants to find his sister!

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuah~ No, I also want to help the traveler find his sister!””

Baizhu:”Traveler, he is real, I cry to death!

Kawei:”Traveler, he is really, I cry to death!””

Leosli:” Traveler, he is really, I cry to death!”

Ke Qing:”Song, wuwuwu~ It turns out you are a fool who misses your sister so much, no! Your sister is my sister, and I have to find her as soon as possible!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o, woo woo~ No, Barbara needs to find her sister-in-law as soon as possible.”[]

Noelle:”﹏, woohoo~ Noelle too!”

Qin:”Sora, her name is Ying, right? Don’t worry, I will definitely find my sister-in-law!”

Amber:”(﹏), please wait for me, I will definitely reunite you with Sora!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^), letting Sora reunite with his family is also what I, as a wife, should do.”

Kamizato Ayato:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurdst Ayahua said that she is a traveler’s wife, etc. You don’t want that kind of thing! Kaiya

:”Hahaha, good guy, as soon as the traveler sings, everyone will go to help find his sister.”

Diluc:”But I have to say that it is really efficient for the traveler to find his sister like this.””

Rich man:”Indeed, I’m envious. Being able to post advertisements in a live broadcast room that is broadcast live throughout Teyvat will definitely be very effective. It’s just a pity. It seems that except for travelers, others can’t often do it. It’s on the live broadcast room.”

Haoyou:”o(╥﹏- -)o, Zaoyu didn’t expect that the traveler really wanted to find his sister.”

Qiqi:” Touched…Want to cry.”

Ping (that’s good)):”Hahahaha, if the traveler hadn’t trashed beautiful little sisters from three countries in a row, I would really believe that he really wanted to find his own sister.”

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”After all, there is no conflict between looking for your own sister and looking for other beautiful sisters.

Kawei:”It seems so. Travelers have ruined a lot of girls.””

Seno:” Indeed.

Zhong Li:” Indeed.”

Mandrill:”Miss Zhong Li said so, so it seems that there is really no conflict between the two.” Kaiya

:”Hahahaha, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Diluc:”It’s hard to stretch.”…”

Lady:”Yes, he wants to find his sister. What does it have to do with being a scumbag?”

Servant:”That makes sense.”

Puppet:”(^.^)Sora, don’t think that just because you sang this song, you are no longer a scumbag.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), ah this…Nothing seems wrong”

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