Chapter 757: Nacida: Nacida was also moved! Clolinde: After singing, please help me!

Holding the instrument empty-handed, immersed in the ocean of memories.

Under the light of the battle space, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he was in a memory tunnel that only belonged to him and his sister.

Sora’s fingertips touched the instrument lightly, and a soft melody floated in the air.

Sister, Kong’s voice is like the breeze blowing through the willow branches, tender and affectionate.”This is a melody between us, the stories about us, the time we spent together, and the unspeakable emotions.”

His singing started from a low point and slowly rose, as if for their The past opens a long door of time.

In the lyrics of”Yesterday’s Blue Sky”, he recalled every moment the two spent together, the laughter of childhood, the youthful growth, and the ups and downs along the way.

(Suddenly, I grow up in an instant, like a painting blurred by the hand of time.) (

Where are we going? Who can answer the question? It’s such a silly question.)

(I never speak when I miss you, so noisy when I say goodbye when it’s too late.)

( Watch with me the heavy rain falling, my wet heart ticking.)

(Thinking of you again with tenderness, I miss you so much on the windy 22nd night.)

(I miss you so much in the gap between the crowd, do you hear this sentence? I miss you.)

(Can I catch up with your back? The unfinished promises of those names shouted out.) (

All hidden in my heart, lonely flowers bloom. How are you? Why do you have to be separated when you grow up?)

(You Where are you now? How far away are you from me? Are you flying bravely? Is there anyone who loves you?) (

Whenever I think of you, the world suddenly becomes quiet. Are you the same?)

(The presence of you in youth is not to make you absent.)

(I miss you so much. Running wildly along the memories towards your blue sky of yesterday, disappearing into the sea of people with the boy’s wave.) (

Are you there? Can you hear me? I miss you.)

(I miss you so much on a windy night, I’m so sorry) I miss you in the gap in the crowd.)

(Did you hear this sentence, I like you, can I chase your back?)

(Those unfulfilled promises with names shouted out are all hidden in my heart and blooming lonely flowers.)

(You Okay, why do we have to be separated when we grow up? Where are you now, so far away from me.)

(Is there anyone who loves you if you fly bravely? Whenever I think of you, the world suddenly becomes quiet, are you the same?)

(Youth is there You are not here just to make you absent. I really want to rush along the memories to your blue sky of yesterday.)

(Following the boy’s wave and disappearing into the sea of people, are you there? You want to be happy!)

(I miss you!!!)

Every note is like a breath coming from the bottom of my heart, and every lyric is a sincere narration of the good times in the past.

The melody flows, leading the audience through the corridor of their memories.

Kong’s singing is so close to life, as if every note is a time capsule, loaded with memories.

Even the audience who just thought the traveler was mentally disturbed couldn’t help but fall into an emotional resonance after hearing this singing, as if they were in the years they spent together.

As the song progresses, Sora’s emotions emerge in the song.

His eyes gradually softened, as if he saw his past sister moving in front of him.

Every line in the lyrics is like a star, lighting up the starry nights the two spent together, those ordinary yet precious moments.

The song gradually reaches its climax, and the protagonist’s singing becomes more firm and affectionate.

He recalled the alleys they walked together, arousing the audience’s deep desire for family affection.

Every note in the song is like his deep longing for his sister and his unspeakable love.

As the audience watched, the protagonist seemed to have entered a state that transcended time and space. His singing is no longer just a performance, but more like a spiritual dialogue.

Every detail is full of his deep emotions for his sister, as if he is showing the audience a three-dimensional picture about family love, time and precious memories.

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked. They did not expect that the song sung by the traveler was so affectionate.

There was a longing for their sister in it, even they could clearly feel it, and they even vaguely missed their own relatives.

Zaoyou:”o(╥﹏- -)o, although Zaoyou feels that the traveler is a little out of his mind when singing at this time, this song is too nice.”

Diona:”o(╥﹏╥)o, woo woo~ I don’t know why, Diona’s tears fell inexplicably, she felt so touched!”

Kamizato Ayato:”o(╥﹏- -)o, how can it be repaired? Why can I feel that the traveler really misses his sister!”

Linny:”o(╥﹏- -)o, woo woo~ Me too!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Kamisato Ayaka:”(^)”

Dolly :”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Woo hoo ah ah, it makes me miss my long lost best friend. How can I fix it!!!”

Bennett:”Woo woo hoo~ I don’t miss my parents who I have never met at all. , but why can’t my tears flow down uncontrollably, bastard!”

Nasita:”o(╥﹏╥)oIt sounds good, it really sounds good. I don’t know why, Nasida couldn’t stop crying!”

Zhong Li:”Even I can clearly feel the longing contained in the song. It seems that the traveler really misses his sister.


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”How can this traveler be such a scumbag, yet he has so many talents? Moreover, his singing is so beautiful, it makes me want to sing a song.”

Ping:”Haha. Haha, I also think the traveler’s singing is so beautiful that I even want to play it for him myself.”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o Kong, woo woo~ My husband sings so beautifully, Barbara, I’m so touched. I didn’t expect Kong that you really miss your sister. Sorry, I thought you were lying to me before. , after hearing your singing this time, I finally believed what you said! Noelle

:”﹏Sora, woohoo~ Noelle also wants to say sorry to you. Before, Noelle also thought that you were using the excuse of looking for your sister to go to other countries to pick up beautiful girls. But after listening to your song, Noel felt ashamed and felt that he had wrongly blamed you. It turns out that you really want to find your sister!”

Ke Qing:”I might have complained about you two before, but now…Indeed, I can tell that Sora really wants to find his sister.”

Ning Guang:” Indeed…”

Gan Yu:”Although I really want to refute…But after hearing this song, I couldn’t refute it.”[]

Charlotte:”Wow~ I’m so touched too, but have you forgotten that Miss Clolinde is still fighting the real stingworms now?”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), yes! Clolind

:”(Dan)? Kong, I know you miss your sister very much. Please finish singing. Come and help me after you finish singing!””.

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