Chapter 759: Paimon: Clolinde and the Traveler died or something, don’t do that!

Mona:”That’s true.”

Lisa:”(^) Hey, hey, there is no conflict at all between looking for a younger sister and looking for a beautiful younger sister. What nonsense are you talking about? Sora, you say so, cutie.”

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, if you think about it this way, it’s really true.

Candice:”Yes, it is true that this scumbag wants to find a sister, but he is also a scumbag!””

Leila:”But I think the travelers’ singing is quite nice….”

Colombia:”(^o^)/~Yeah, that sounds great.”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*),Yes, it is.”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noelle likes to listen to seniors singing the most.”

Ke Lai:”(*), yes, my husband sings very well.

Candice:”Ahem, I’m not denying this either.”…”

Lady:”In summary, this scumbag is really a scumbag!”

Puppet:”(▽)~What nonsense are you talking about?

Servant:”It’s hard to say otherwise!”

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!” I am really a gentleman, and being a scumbag is just slandering me! If you say that again, I will sue you for defamation!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The speed of light is denied three times in a row.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I was very moved at first, but when I heard you say that you are a gentleman, I immediately came back to my senses, so you don’t have any self-knowledge at all, right?”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Really, I was very touched by Gan Yu just now.”

Shen He:”() I’m a little angry now!”

Xigwen:”Well, although I know everyone is chatting happily, the situation in the live broadcast room seems to have become very bad. Leosley

:”Yes, I just paid attention to the Traveler and almost forgot to look at Clolinde. Wait, what is going on?”

Arataki Yidou:”Damn it, why didn’t you notice just now that there are so many real stinging insects?””

Paimon:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! one, ten, hundred…The number has reached hundreds?”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Why didn’t Miss Clolinde call for traveler support?

Charlotte:”I guess I have no time to be distracted.”…”

Zhong Li:”Yes, it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with so many real stingworms chasing after them. Miss Clolind can persist for so long, which is already very powerful.”

Mandrill:”Miss Clolind’s strength is beyond me I agree, she is really strong!”

Ping:”Yes, for ordinary people, to be able to reach this level is already very powerful!”

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”Compared to this, these The real stingworms actually frightened me. I hadn’t looked at them for a while, but the number had actually doubled from more than twenty to more than a hundred. If they continued, the fighting space would be really crowded.”

Mona:”And the combat power of every true stingworm is very terrifying. If this thing is really placed in the continent of Teyvat, the consequences are really unimaginable.”

Lisa:”No wonder there are clowns in the live broadcast room. Miss Linde should choose her teammates carefully, ordinary people really can’t help much.”

At this time.

The battle space buzzed.

They are all the sounds of true stingworms flapping their wings crazily.

And their speed was extremely fast, each one chasing Clolind crazily.

Although Clolinde’s speed is much faster than them.

But along the way, we have to defend against the attacks of the true stinging insects, and we must also pay attention to attacks from blind corners. to be honest.

She now also felt that her body was gradually getting tired.

Even the speed is much slower.

Clolind knew very well that if this continued.

She must die. at this time.

Clolind’s eyes slightly glanced at the direction of the traveler, and she suddenly gritted her teeth.

She became furious when she thought that while she was busy avoiding attacks, this bastard was still singing or something.

But it seemed that the traveler was really just called here by him forcefully.

Clolind also knew that he really didn’t need to help her.

After all, the traveler had never met him before, so he was called to help him or something.

This is truly a disaster for travelers.

It can be said that it is so.

Thinking that travelers have helped so many other beautiful ladies.

Only when I got here, I didn’t say anything to help (cccb).

Is it possible that I am really so unattractive?

Clolind couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

But just when she was so distracted.

A real stingworm that could self-destruct suddenly rushed forward, its body glowing red.

He obviously looked like he was going to blow himself up.

Clolind couldn’t react in time.

Just as she reacted, she wanted to run away immediately.

But it was already late.

The red light of the explosion was immediately released in front of Clolind. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


A huge explosion resounded throughout the battle space.

Smoke also enveloped the place where Clolind had just been.

But this time, there was no trace of Clolind escaping.

The audience were stunned after seeing it.

Everyone secretly shouted bad!

Then Villette:”This is trouble!”

Leosley:”It’s over, why was Clolind distracted just now?”

Charlotte:”Ahhhh! Clolind was caught in the explosion. , will she be okay?”

Qianzhi:”Clorind, how are you? Please say something quickly!”

Shigwen:”Is Miss Clolind okay?”…”

Navia:”Clorind, if you are okay, come out and speak quickly. Don’t scare me. I have lost many people. I don’t want to lose you again!!!”

Arataki Yidou:”It’s over, it’s over, Something must have happened to Miss Clolinde!”

Bennett:”This explosion…Ordinary people were probably wiped out by the bombing.”


Diona:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh, Diona has never thought about the fact that people will die as a result of this punishment!”

Paimon:”﹏, Miss Clolinde…”

Baizhu:”Hey, where are the travelers?”

Keqing:”Why is Kong missing?”

Xigwen:”﹏, could it be that he is also a traveler?”…”

Paimon:”o(╥﹏- -)oOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,…

Nasida:”Wait a minute, the smoke is about to clear.””

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Clolind, who originally thought she had been killed, did not feel any pain, which made her feel a little strange.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw the familiar and familiar figure at first sight. A handsome man.

Clolind was a little dazed:

“traveler…Weren’t you still there just now?”

“how you…”

I saw Sora holding Clolind at this moment, smiling slightly and saying:

“Fool, even though I’m singing, I’ve always been paying attention to you.”

“It is not the behavior of a gentleman to ignore women who are injured around him!”

After hearing this, Clolind couldn’t help but feel a little touched in her heart. She was also a little embarrassed and angry.

She really wanted to punch him in the face!

If that’s the case, then you should come earlier!.

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