Chapter 756: Excited Ying! Charlotte: This traveler has gone crazy! Movie: 丨丨I’m so shocked!

In the punishment live broadcast room.

Clolinde’s veins burst out in her forehead, and she wanted to go over and beat the traveler right away.

But now she was being besieged by a swarm of true stinging insects, and she had no time to distract herself, so she was forced to fight and retreat at the same time.

There is simply no way to quickly deal with these true stinging insects.

And at this time.

The True Insects also realized that this number of combat power alone was not enough to defeat this human being.

So they began to divide again.

The fleshy bodies of the seventeen true stingworms began to split from the middle, and the split bodies on both sides transformed into true stinging worms at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are even a few true stingworms with the ability to self-destruct among them.

This short-term change.

Clolind, who was already feeling troubled, became horrified.”Five Zero Zero” She originally thought that this split value-added ability could only be used once.

After all, it is simply impossible from a biological perspective that such a powerful true insect can split twice in a short period of time.

But now she didn’t expect that this true stingworm could actually split twice.

The number suddenly changed from seventeen to thirty-four.

When I faced seventeen true stingworms just now, I already felt a little bit in trouble.

Now he was facing thirty-four directly. The difficulty was probably more than doubled!

Even if she faced this situation, even if she wanted to solve it all, she would have to have a certain amount of luck.

Not only was Clolind shocked by the powerful value-added ability of this true stingworm, but the audience was also confused.

Tinari:”What the hell? This true stingworm can actually divide for the second time in a short period of time? I remember that the interval is only more than ten seconds, right?”

Kawei:”This value-added ability is too abnormal, if it still If it can increase in value for the third time, that would be simply terrible!” Albedo:”It should be impossible. After all, the ability to increase value has an upper limit. No living thing can continue to divide.”

Elhaysen:” This creature started to feel dangerous to me.

Before, it swallowed the body of its companions and then increased in value.

It can be said that additional energy is provided to increase in value.

However, after the second time, we did not see this true stingworm obtain other energy at all.

The source, and even the strength of each one after splitting is almost the same as before, without any fluctuation at all.

From this, I came to a conclusion, that may be that this creature does not need additional energy to grow infinitely.

Naxi Da:”Well, I just deduced it, and I think they might be able to continue to divide for the third and fourth time in a short period of time. If this continues, it won’t be long before the true stinging insect swarms… If this fighting space can be completely packed, Miss Clolind will probably have no place to escape.”

Charlotte:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Now that it’s over, doesn’t it mean that if Clolinde doesn’t defeat all the true stinging insects in a short period of time, they will continue to regenerate and the number will increase?

Nacida:”Yes, even Nacida has never seen such a terrifying creature in Teyvat. If this creature appears somewhere in Teyvat, the consequences may be unbearable even to Teyvat.”

Doctor:”That’s true, and because they can generate other mutants after increasing in value, if they continue to increase in value, these true stingworms may become stronger and stronger.”

Ms.:”You even said that, doctor?” It seems like this thing is really scary.

Servant:”Well, even I think this thing must not be exiled to the continent of Teyvat, otherwise it will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes.”

Arataki Yidou:”What the hell, you can increase your value infinitely without any energy, and you can also become infinitely stronger?” If this thing continues to increase in value indefinitely, wouldn’t it mean that it could overwhelm Teyvat?”

Bennett:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Isn’t this too terrible?”

Paimon:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! This thing must not appear in the Teyvat continent!

Zhong Li:” Indeed.””

Wendy:”What a terrifying creature. It really shouldn’t appear in the Teyvat continent, otherwise it will definitely cause disaster.

Doctor:”Haha, I think this real stingworm is quite interesting. If it can be controlled, it might become a very useful combat force.”

Tinari:”Hey, if you do this, you must be playing with fire.””

Albedo:”Yes, this kind of creature is not a creature that should appear in Teyvat at all. If it is studied indiscriminately, big trouble will definitely happen.”

Funina:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! This thing is so…Ahem, I already knew that this real stingworm would be so scary, so I sent Traveler and Clolind in. With the two of them, we can definitely deal with this real stinging insect…..”

Keqing:”That’s what I said, but you didn’t even look at what that guy was doing?”

Zayou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Damn it, this traveler really wants to sing!”

Diona:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Crazy, this traveler has gone crazy!

Navilette:”Song, I’m asking you to help Miss Clolind first. I will definitely repay this kindness in the future.””

Xigwen:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Even Lord Villette personally begged for mercy?”

Navia:”O(Mouth) O Kong, don’t think about singing now, come and help Clolinde!

Kong:”They didn’t hit me. I’m too embarrassed to hit them!””(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)…Nothing seems wrong.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! There’s nothing wrong with you, no matter how you look at it, there’s a big problem, okay?

Silk:”Song, then you are quite a nice person.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ This traveler is so interesting.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you are really hopeless.”

Ke Lai:”O(Mouth) Oahhhhhhhhhhhh, I can’t stand it anymore, why do I have such a stupid boyfriend! Kaiya

:”Hahaha, I’m sorry everyone, I know this is a very serious time, but I saw that Traveler 1.5 really wanted to sing, and I really couldn’t hold it in anymore!””

Charlotte:”(⊙⊙;) Crazy, this traveler is really crazy!”

Qianzhi:”丨丨This traveler…”

Shadow:”丨丨I can’t understand, but I’m shocked!”

At this time.

Sora was true to what he said, and had no intention of helping Clolind at all.

Instead, he really started singing. abyss[]

After seeing this scene, Ying felt that her brother was really sick.

But her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and excitement.

Because this is the first time her brother has written a song for himself.

How could Ying not be excited?

And she was more concerned about what kind of song her brother wrote for her than Clolind’s personal safety..

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