Chapter 716: Keqing: I love you the most too! Liuyun: A woman in love

Keqing (blackened):”(San) Kong, I won’t care about other women for now. Now you tell me whether I am your wife or not!”


Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, then am I not Ayaka?”

Sora:”Of course, you two are my wives, what’s the problem?”


Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)…anymore question? Kaiya

:”Hahaha, look at what this traveler is saying, I can’t listen to it anymore!”

Servant:”Hahaha, they are all my wife and so on, don’t be too outrageous.””

Puppet:”What a scumbag”…”

Candice:”Oh my god, how can this person say”080″ with a serious face?”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, but the traveler is indeed right, Keqing and Ling Hana is really his wife.”


Kamisato Ayato:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”

Keqing:”(A)Kora, give it back to us Both of them are your wives, right? You are really hopeless!”

Ayaka Kamisato:”(Mosora), I don’t agree with using such ambiguous words, Ayaka!”

Funina:” Kong, you clearly ended up walking together with Linghua behind Keqing’s back, you scumbag!”

Kong:”Linghua in Keqing’s God, are you my wife?”

Keqing:”That’s for sure, that’s not it. Is it something that everyone knows?”

Kamisato Ayaka:”It’s better to say that I don’t like all men except Sora, Ayaka. Therefore, Ayaka, I can’t be the wife of anyone else except you.!” null:”(:) Ke Qinggami Ayaka, I love you very much, no one in the world loves you more than me, I dare to swear this!”

Ke Qing:”(*/ *), ah ah ah, really, I love you too, but now is not the time to talk about this!!!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(*/ *), what did you suddenly say to everyone in the live broadcast room, saying that you love Linghua the most in front of so many people? Even though I have seen Linghua in many big scenes, I am still shy now, but…But Ayaka also loves you very much.” null:”(:) Ke Qinggami Ayaka, now that everything has been resolved, I will go back to sleep.”

Ke Qing:”Well… ok.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”Ah…Fine.

Arataki Yidou:”What the hell, are you going to let the traveler go?””

Ke Qing:”Huh? Wait, I’m a little confused. Why do I feel weird?”

Kamizato Ayaka:”Ayaka…Ayaka feels the same way. The question we just asked is this, but it doesn’t feel like it is this.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), Paimon also felt something was strange.”

Zaoyou:”(⊙⊙), Zaoyu feels the same way.”

Dolly:”(⊙⊙),me too!”

Kavi:” So strange, so strange! What was the problem that Miss Keqing and Miss Ayaka had just now? Have the travelers answered their questions? Why do both of them seem to let the traveler go now?

Candice:”I feel like my brain is a little confused. Why does it feel like the traveler answered, but it seems like he didn’t answer.”

Fa Lushan:”Yes, that’s strange.””

Navilet:”The traveler is really powerful. He is truly the most affectionate person in Teyvat. His speaking skills are very powerful! Zhong Li:”


Doctor:”Haha, you are truly a scumbag!””

Columbia:”What’s going on? I can’t understand anything!

Lady:”What on earth did this guy do?” Why do I feel like he answered, but also didn’t seem to answer!

Doctor:”You are right. The traveler did answer, but he did not answer.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes, the two of them asked the traveler who his favorite wife was, but the traveler in turn asked them if she was his wife to avoid answering the question directly.”

Elhaysen:”The traveler just made the question ambiguous, so it looked like he answered it. In fact, he didn’t answer anything. Miss Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka were also induced by the traveler’s words. , that’s why I didn’t notice it for the first time, and then was taken away by the traveler, causing the original problem to be forgotten.

Paimon:” Okay.”…It was so brain-burning that Paimon couldn’t turn his head around.”

Haoyou:”Haoyou can’t understand it at all………..”

Alice:”Hahaha, anyway, all you need to know is that Kong used his words to change the subject.” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing:”(.)Empty, so this is true?”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(.)Sora, if it were true, you would be dead!

Sora:”Of course it’s true, I love you the most!””

Ke Qing:”(*/ *)Hum, forget it this time, if you let me see this kind of scene again, you will be dead!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(*/ *), since Kongdu said so, if we pursue it further, it would seem that Ayaka is stingy.

Arataki Yidou:”What the hell, have you forgiven the traveler?””

Kamizato Ayato:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuah, my sister, why can you forgive this guy?

Ping:”Keqing, have you forgiven him?””

Kamizato Ayaka:”(*/ *), because Sora said that the person he loves the most is Ayaka!”

Ke Qing:”(*/ *), he said he loves me in front of so many people, so what else can I say?”


Kamisato Ayato:”…….”


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”So women in love are really blind….”

True Lord Cutting the Moon and Casting the Yang:”Indeed…”[]

Wendy:”Song, 嘤嘤嘤, I love you the most too!”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, this one is even more heavyweight!”

Diluc 5.5:”Wendy, Lord Fengshen, I really beg you, can you You can’t be serious!”

Falga:”Hey, our Mondstadt is really hopeless!”

Sora:”Wendy, I……*%*……%……%*%~!”

Daine:”It’s so scolding!”

Skirmisher:”It’s so scolding!”

The screen in the live broadcast room suddenly changed.

Several words suddenly appeared on the screen

【Silence is better than sound here (Part 2)]

After seeing this title, the audience were all confused.

Arataki Yidou:”Huh? What the hell is in the middle?”

Kaiya:”Does this mean that what we just watched is only the first half of the video? Is there a total of upper, middle and lower parts?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It should be!”.

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