Chapter 717: Wendy: Hey, the traveler stole my heart! Keqing: You are still flirting with Nilu, right?

In the live broadcast room screen.

Familiar scenes reappeared.

But at this time, the characters have changed dramatically from before.

I saw that Sora was not standing with Kamisato Ayaka this time like last time.

Instead, he stood with Nilu. at this time.

After Nilu and Kong looked at each other, they both couldn’t help laughing, with ambiguous colors in their eyes.

When the audience saw this, the barrage exploded instantly.

Partly because of Nilu’s appearance, partly because they were so familiar with this scene.

After all, they just saw the traveler and Kamisato Ayaka flirting like this.

But now the traveler is with Nilu, and the result is obvious!

The barrage filled the entire screen in an instant.

The traveler’s girlfriends were also furious.

28 Especially Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka who just forgave the travelers.

That’s so angry!

Hutao:”(Dan)? Sora, what are you doing standing together with this Nilu?! Why are you two looking at each other so slyly!!!”

Keqing (blackened):”Song! , is it possible that you showed your hands to this girl?”

Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, if it’s true, it’s absolutely unforgivable!!!”

Hayao:”(Ω-Ω)Sister Keqing and Lord Ayaka are so scary….”

Keli:”Keli is also a little scared….”

Diona:”Diona can feel the murderous intention even if she puts the screen down.”

Thomas:”Pssssssssssssss!!! Stop talking, it makes me scared.”

Lady:”Both of them stand We are together, there must be something wrong!”

Servant:”As a woman, I also think there is something wrong!”

Puppet:”(^.^), there must be something wrong!”

Yan Fei:”(mu)kong, death penalty!!! Immediate death penalty!!!”

Funina:”This water god agrees that the traveler will be sentenced to death immediately, you can execute it!”


Zhong Li:”6″



Shadow:”(), I support it too!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh Kong, it was obviously Barbara who came here first, why are you with other women again? Noelle

:”﹏Sora, you don’t want to flirt with other women in front of Noelle!”

Candice:”Traveler, you just stood with Linghua before, right? Now you are flirting with Linghua and Nilu behind his back?” It’s really hopeless!”

Falushan:”Oh my god, this traveler is really a scumbag!”

Disiya:”This traveler is so quick to strike. How could a beautiful girl like Nilu fall into his hands so quickly?” Arataki Yidou said:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuah, Traveler, you really deserve to die!” There are obviously young ladies such as Ke Lai, Ayaka-sama, and Keqing-sama, but now they actually take action against Miss Nilu who is chatting like this? Woohoo, I’m so envious, you bastard!!! Bennett:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuail upntn Little sister, woohoo~ I’m not envious at all, but why can’t my tears stop flowing down, you bastard!

Sora:”I was wronged!” I just stood with Nilu, why did I attack her?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ +1 for daily injustice!”

Dolly:”I feel good, I feel good. Seeing the injustice done by the traveler boss every day, Dolly feels like she can make a lot of money again today!”

Charlotte:”(^.^), I am also very happy to be able to write reports through the deeds of travelers’ scumbags again.”

Baizhu:”Hahaha, you guys just try your best to catch the traveler and pluck his wool, right?”

Keqing:”(Mu) Kong, they all stood together, and they were still flirting with each other like in Linghua’s video just now. Isn’t this definitely an attack on her?”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, betraying Ayaka is absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!…+N

Kujo Sora:”(.)Sora, you are so friendly with Nilu, and you still say that you have no problem with her?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, even I will be angry~”

Qin:”(.)Sora, so you really showed your hands to Ni, right?”

Ke Lai:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah, you big scumbag, you have obviously attacked me, and you have also attacked Nilu, you are dead!”

Tinali:”I knew that when the traveler was teleported to the Grand Bazaar, he must have been eyeing the most beautiful Nilu in the theater!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~, Nasida, I also remember that time, it seemed that it was when the traveler and the wind god teleported to the Grand Bazaar.”

Wendy:”Hey, Traveler, you weren’t looking at me at that time, but at Nilu? 嘤嘤嘤, I’m so sad, you heartless man! Diluc

:”Wendy, Master Fengshen is really begging me, please put your mind on maintaining your image!” Kaiya

:”Hahahaha, I can’t stand it anymore when you say travelers are heartless people or something like that!””

Su Tang:”It seems like the traveler didn’t do anything to Lady Wendy, right?…It shouldn’t be the words of Mr. Fengshen that say a heartless man….”

Abedo:”Yes….But I can’t understand what Master Fengshen is thinking.”

Wendy:”Hey, you don’t understand. The traveler has stolen my heart.”


Zhong Li:”6!” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shadow:”丨丨Although I can’t understand it, I was shocked!”

Funina:”This Barbatos is getting more and more… More and more outrageous…”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Even the Water God said this, so it seems that Barbatos is really outrageous.”

Empty:” Wendy, I will steal from you*%……*……%*……%……%!”

Dyne:”Song, scold the Seven Gods more, I like to hear it!”

Apep:”Song, I also like to hear you scold the Seven Gods, scold them more!”


Kaiya:” Hahahaha, don’t talk about travelers, I can’t stand it anymore!”

Tewarin-chan:”(▼ヘ▼)Wendy, can you stop having other thoughts about my lover?”


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