Chapter 715: Clolind: It’s simply outrageous, such a scumbag! Funina: This person is really hopeless!

Heart sea:”(^) Kong, Keqing and Linghua are asking you, why don’t you tell them who is your real wife quickly?

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, there are actually masters?”

Captain:”High, it’s really too high!””

Eightfold God Son:”(^), haha, do you even need to ask? Of course Kong’s wife is me and Gan Yu.”

Gan Yu:”(*/ *)It’s not impossible for the three of us to be together. Anyway, Yae Kamiko and I are also good friends….”

Amber:”Gan Yu???”

Yula:”Gan Yu???”

Kuqi Ren:”Gan Yu???~?”

Condensing light:”(^), what are you talking about? As the bride-in-law of an empty child, I don’t understand very well.”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o, Barbara came first, so Barbara is Kong’s wife! Noelle:”

﹏, Noelle too!””

Falushan:”Oh my God, how many girls has this traveler brought trouble to? Arataki Yidou said:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuah, damn, Traveler, you really deserve to die!” Why are there so many beautiful ladies who like you and want to be your wife even though your deeds as a scumbag have been released?

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!”!! This must be fake, it must be fake!!!

Lei Ze:”It’s over, these two people started going crazy again.””

Mika:”Just get used to it….”

Falga:”If they don’t go crazy, they’re not them.”

Ke Qing:”(Ban) Kong, where are the people? Damn, you can’t scream, can you?”

Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, Even Ayaka will not allow you to pretend to be dead in this matter!!!”

Kujo Sora:”(.)Paimon, get that bastard out!”


Kong:”I just woke up, what happened?” Kaiya

:”Hahahaha, I really can’t stand it. When did I see the traveler say that he just woke up and couldn’t hold back his laughter?”

Kawei:”Hahaha, I didn’t want to laugh at first, but after seeing the traveler say this, I couldn’t hold back for some reason.” Zhong Li:”

Haha, it’s really hard to stretch.””

Mandrill:” Rock King…Miss Zhong Li has said this, so it seems that it is really difficult to hold back.”

Shadow:”丨丨Although I can’t understand it, I was shocked!”

Xiaolu:”Hahahaha, Traveler really likes to sleep. He always wakes up at the right time every time. I really want to cry to death!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san, you are the pistachio in our live broadcast room!”

Haoyou:”o(╥﹏- -)o, Zaoyu also wants to have such a physique that can sleep well!” null:”(:) It’s okay to be envious. After all, not everyone can eat well, sleep well, and be in good health like me.”


Paimon:”(⊙⊙), is this the time to say this?”

Zaoyou:”(⊙⊙)…Hayao finally understands why so many big sisters want to hit travelers, and Hayao’s fists feel harder now!”

Dardali Duck:” Silk, master, are you laughing? ? ? You can still laugh? ? ? Silk

:”Dardali Duck, I didn’t laugh. You saw it wrong. Also, I heard that you were defeated by a traveler, right?””

Dardali Duck:” Uh….Yes.”

Sikkik:”Why don’t you hurry up and train for me? Why are you still watching the live broadcast here, looking for death?”

Dadali Duck:”Oh…”

Keqing:”(Sara) Kong, I’m asking you, why are you rambling on?”

Kamisato Ayaka:”(^) Sora, if you don’t explain, Ayaka, I’m going to be really angry!

Sora:”What’s the explanation?” I just woke up and I don’t know anything!”


Tinari:”Hahaha, I really can’t stand it anymore. This guy’s shamelessness really has no limit. Just now he was awake watching the live broadcast room. Now he turns around and falls asleep across the room. He didn’t see anything, right?” ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Fei:”(Dan)? Kong, are you telling lies with your eyes open? Wait for me!”

Hutao:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about you. Paimon, please explain it to him. If you let me explain it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear it and go to Dao Wife to kill this guy right now!”

Paimon:”(^),clear! null,……%……%……%So the whole process is like this, you carry Keqing behind your back, and finally leave with Linghua, and then they start to quarrel!

Sora:”Oh, that’s it. It’s not a big deal. What’s the fuss about?””


Kaia:”Against the heavens!”

Diluc:”Against the heavens!”

Ping:”A man who knows how to change the world is a man who defies the heavens!”

Funina:”I can say that this traveler is really hopeless!”

Then Villette:”Indeed, this time I support Ms. Funina’s direct trial!”

Navia:”Hahahaha, even Ms. Villette said this, it seems that the traveler is really hopeless!”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼), it’s simply outrageous. How could there be such a scumbag in the world and actually say that this is not a big deal at all? It’s really hopeless!”

Linette:”() Indeed!”[]


Servant:”Hard to say otherwise!”

Puppet:”(^.^), I feel relieved when I see so many people agree!”

Ke Qing:”(Dan)? Kong, ah ah ah, I really can’t stand it anymore! They all ran away with other women, and you told me it wasn’t a big deal, right?”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^), what do you mean by other women? I am Kong’s wife. Isn’t it natural to leave with him? Keqing

:”(Dan)? Kamisato Ayaka, I am Sora’s wife, okay, you sneaky cat!””

Qi Liangliang:”(^.^),that…I am the cat, I also like eating fishy things, and I am also Sora’s wife~”


Kaia:”Hahaha, this one is even more heavyweight!”

Thomas:”Hahaha, a real fishy cat, right?”

Captain:”The body is indeed a cat, and cats do like to eat fishy food, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

Ping :”Hahaha, this traveler is the best if he really picks up a dirty cat.”

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