Chapter 660: Kong: I can’t control myself! Funina: You pervert, what do you want to do?

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Sora, even if you still have underwear, you shouldn’t just take off your pants first!”

Kujo Sora:”(Dan) I think he just wants to take it off!

Xinhai:”No matter how you look at it, it’s true!”

Sora:”I was wronged. I really didn’t think so.”~!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~Daily-Unjust +1!”

Dolly:”(^.^), the details are unfair!

Ning Guang:”Empty, oh?” Does that mean we have wronged you again? Sora:”

Yes!” Hutao

:”Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I really can’t stand it anymore, why do I have such a stupid boyfriend!””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, it’s your size, I don’t even want to scold you anymore!”

Qi Liangliang:”This Kong is really hopeless!”

Ms.:”(Dan)? In my opinion, it’s just a death sentence!

Ning Guang:”Wait a minute, everyone, don’t scold him yet. I want to see how he explains this time.”

Yelan:”Kong, aren’t you very good at explaining? Why did you take off your pants first?”

Kong:”It’s strange to say it just now. I found that I couldn’t control myself. It must have been controlled by the live broadcast room, so I had no choice but to take off my pants.””

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara knew that Sora definitely didn’t do it on purpose!”

Noelle:”(^.^), Phew, Noelle was finally relieved, as long as he didn’t take the initiative for nothing.”

Qin:”Barbara Noelle, you two are too naive. No matter how short you are, you are still lying!”

Barbara:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Really?”

Noelle:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! But didn’t the seniors say it was done in the live broadcast room?

Sora:”I’m not lying, everything I said is true!”

Funina:”(Sang) Kong, you are so big. I wasn’t even controlled and you were controlled?” What a lie! Navia

:”Pfft~ Hahahahaha, I’m really sorry for everyone. I really don’t want to laugh, but I can’t help it!”

Nilu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, Nilu and I are the same.”

Alice:”Pfft~ Hahahaha, you are really hopeless.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, everyone, listen to what the traveler is saying. I can’t listen to it anymore.” Arataki

Yidou said:”God is being controlled. How come I don’t feel that you are being controlled at all?” Xinhai

:”(Dan)? Kong, why don’t you pretend to be stupid for me?” Lord Water God is not under control, so you are the only one under control, right?”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼), this guy really should be put in jail and never come out!”

Leosli:”Hahahaha, this traveler is indeed defiant.”

Charlotte:””Shocked!” How could a traveler be so blasphemous? To actually take off his pants in front of the Water Goddess Funina and expose such things? Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality behind this? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily! 》”


Kaia:”Hahahaha, there are masters!”

Navia:”Hahahaha, this title is outrageous!”


Sora:”Charlotte, what the hell is that thing showing? Please explain it clearly to me!”

Charlotte:”(^.^), just say whether you said it wrong or not.”

Xiao Lu:”Hahaha, it seems that there really isn’t.

Navilette:”It’s not slander. It can indeed be published.” Sora:”

What about Villette?” ? ?”

Funina:”What about Villette? ? ?”

Xigwen:”Now the traveler still has a lot of clothes on him, but the punishment is not over yet. Doesn’t that mean that Lady Funina or the traveler will lose until one of them loses all their clothes?”

Funina:”(^.^), I won’t lose anyway!

Sora:”Funina, you won’t lose everything. How about I take it seriously?””

Funina:”(Mu) Kong, you, you, you…You promised to be a gentleman, you can’t go back on your word!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, haha, a gentleman? Lose quickly!”

Navia:”But if the traveler loses in the end, doesn’t it mean that he will be seen by Lady Funina?”


Xinhai:”Although I am reluctant, it is better than letting Kong see Lady Funina’s body.”


Servant:”No matter what, Lord Water God will not let you see the traveler. You feel shy because of your body.”

0 Asking for flowers

Fu Nina:”Then…Of course!”

At this time,

Sora also knew that it was time to end the punishment.

So he said directly to Funina like last time:

“End the punishment quickly”

“Next I throw the punch.”

Funina naturally won’t refuse. After all, she doesn’t want to continue to lose her clothes. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Think about it.

But even though she said this, her eyes were still tolerant. He kept looking at the traveler’s underwear from time to time, and his face became increasingly red with embarrassment.

I just thought this guy was so perverted!

“Rock paper scissors!”X2 this time.

Funina came out with cloth and fist. Kong lost even though there was no danger.

Funina breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she could react,

Kong took it off without hesitation. He took off all the clothes except his underwear.

Suddenly, his strong and slim muscles suddenly appeared in the eyes of all the audience.

After seeing it, Funina’s face turned red and she immediately covered her red face with her hands, feeling ashamed and angry. shouted:

“Traveler, you pervert, what are you doing?”

“Don’t you only take off one piece after losing once?”

“How could someone strip down to just their underwear?”

“Is this how you want to play wild ball boxing? He gave her a blank look and complained:

“I wonder if the live broadcast room did not say that this punishment can only be taken off one piece at a time.”

Not only Fu Nina couldn’t hold it any longer, but even the other viewers in the live broadcast room were confused.

But they all reacted quickly and sent barrage comments in the live broadcast room.

Fu Nina:”Song, even if it’s like this ,and you…Then you can’t do this either!” null:”(.), what, you want me to take off one piece at a time? Isn’t this just to end the punishment as soon as possible?”

Nilu:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It seems to be the same, this is indeed the fastest way to solve the punishment!

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, what the traveler said really makes sense.”

Thomas:”Traveler, he is really for Lord Water God, I cry to death!””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, why don’t you just take off your underwear? Wouldn’t that end the punishment faster?” null:”…….Billion”.

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