Chapter 659: Funina: Sora, perverted, perverted, so perverted! Clolinde: Exhibitionist!!!

When the audience saw the traveler taking off his underwear for the first time, every one of them couldn’t hold back.

Fonina:”O(Mouth) O Kong, you pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert, you are so perverted!!!”

Tinali:”Hahahaha, it’s against the heavens, it’s too against the heavens!”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, you still have to look at the traveler!

Kaiya:”Haha, what is a master? This is a master!””

Kavi:”As expected of a traveler, he can easily do things that no one else can do!”

Kuki Shinobi:”(Mara)? Sora, are you sick? You took off your pants right after losing the first time in the wild boxing game. How can you be like this?”

Qi Liangliang:”(Sara) Kong, I know you are absolutely dishonest even if you take the initiative to waterproof!”

Kelly:”(*/ *), traveler…big…Big brother!”

Zaoyou:”(*/ *), the pervert traveler!”

Xigwen:”(*/ *), the traveler is really, really bad, how could this be possible!”

Leosley:”…Although the rule of wild boxing is to take off one piece of clothing at a time, don’t normal people just take off their shoes, socks, hats, etc. How can someone take off their pants directly?”

Navilet:”I don’t understand, but it’s obvious that travelers think differently from ordinary people….”

Clolind:”(Sara) Kong, are you really sick, right? How could anyone want to take off their pants in front of the Water God? If this wasn’t a punishment in the live broadcast room, and you were personally chosen by the Water God, I Now I wish I could go directly to Dao Wife and arrest you, a pervert!”

Yan Fei:”O(Mouth) O Kong, death penalty, death penalty!!! Servant

:”This traveler is really hopeless. This time he took off his pants in front of Lord Water God. Then next time, wouldn’t he take off his pants in front of other gods?””

Fa Lushan:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Oh my god, five of the current gods are female gods. Does that mean travelers still have four chances?”

Paimon:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Travelers feel like they can really do it.

Kaia:”Hahaha, Paimon said it directly without hesitation.””

Xeno:” What a traitor Paimon!”

Captain:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

Dardali Duck:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

The rich man:”Kong, I suggest that the third generation of Paimeng be investigated strictly!”

Empty:”Falushan Paimeng? ? ?”

Shadow:”()He dares?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^), I can’t say.”

Nasida:”(*/ *), it’s hard for Nasida to tell other people, but as for travelers, he really dares to do so.”

Funina:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you bastard, you dare to blind my eyes, you are dead!”

Wendy:”(^^)—Sora, you know!”

Zhong Li:”…….”

Kaia:”Hahaha, there are masters!”

Diluc:”Wendy, Lord Fengshen, I really beg you, please be more serious!”

Sora:”Wendy, I understand you*(……*……%……%!”

Skirmisher:”It’s easy to scold!”

Dain:”It’s easy to scold!”

Ningguang:”Song, you kid is playing wild ball boxing with the Water God, right? OK, OK, wait for me when you get back!”

Ye Lan:” Sora, if you like to take off your pants first, then you don’t have to wear pants anymore.”

Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”(^) Sora, although Ayaka asked you to waterproof yourself and took the initiative to let Lord Water God win, Ayaka didn’t seem to remember to ask you to take off your pants directly, right?”

Columbia (blackened):”Song, what on earth is going on? Why don’t you take off the blind man first? Explain it clearly to me, otherwise I will go to Dao Wife and chop you down right now!!!”

Ms.:”Columbia, don’t bother to explain, just chop it!

Servant:”Colombia, do it, this guy really deserves to die!”

Puppet:”Columbia, just leave the body to me!””

Barbara:”(﹏) Sora, how could you do this, Barbara is really angry!”

Noelle:”o(╥﹏╥)O Kong, seniors can obviously take off their shoes directly, why do they have to take off their pants directly?”

Amber:”(Dan)? Kong, take off your pants this time, next time you’ll take off your underwear, right?”


Kaia:”Amber, hahaha, it’s really possible for a traveler to do it!”

Xiaolu:”Based on my reasoning, it’s possible nine out of ten times!”

Elhaysen:”Indeed! Mandrill


Yora:”Sora, where are you? You’re still pretending to be dead, right? You really want to take off your underwear next time you lose, right?”

Clolinde:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, an exhibitionist, right? Just wait for me!

Keqing:”(Mu) Kong, you pervert, put it back on and take it off!” Sora

:”I’m wronged. I’m so perverted and exhibitionist. Don’t you still have underwear?””

Kuki Ren:”(.)Sora, is this how you play wild ball boxing?

Toma:”Hahahaha, I’ve never heard of a person taking off his underwear immediately after losing the first round of boxing in Inazuma.” Arataki Yidou said:”

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, why do you still have this method of playing wild ball boxing?” Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,, I this, I can’t stand it anymore, why can I only play with men, but Travelers can actually play with Lord Water God? Bennett:”


Kaiya:”Hahaha, it’s so outrageous!””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaolu:”There are still masters!

Lei Ze:”Bennett, you can go to Inazuma to play with Arataki Yidou.””

Mika:”Bennett, yes, Ichito Arataki should be willing!

Arataki Yidou:”Bennett, wuwu~ yes, good brother, you can come to me!”

Bennett:”Rezemika, will you come too?”

Lei Ze:”I won’t need it.”…”

Mika:”I’ve become a forest pig now….I’ll forget it……”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, I didn’t expect to bring up Lei Ze and Mika at all.”

Arataki Yidou:”Mika, I haven’t played wild ball boxing with Linzhu before. I think it’s quite interesting. You Really not coming?”

Mika:”Ah this….I thought that I had become a forest pig, and I couldn’t get out of rock-paper-scissors……..”

Xiaolu:”Haha, indeed!”

Thomas:”Hahaha, these two are getting more and more outrageous.”

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