Chapter 661: Gan Yu: Kong is indeed very hard~! Keli: Keli wants to touch it too! walnut:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, that’s right. Wouldn’t it be better if you just take it off? Why not just take it off?”

Barbara:”Barbara is also very curious! Noelle:”

Noelle too!””

Yura:”Song, speak, why don’t you speak? Linnet

:”() Kong, you couldn’t have taken off your underwear on purpose just to tease Lord Water God, right?”

Servant:”I can’t say for other people, but the traveler must be!””

Lady:”Definitely!”” puppet:”(^.^),Definitely is!”

Funina:”O(Mouth)O, I knew this traveler must be coveting me, otherwise how could he do such a thing? Sora

:”Funina, I’m coveting your head, you fool””Four Zero Zero””!”

Funina:”Song, you are stupid, your whole family is stupid!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, this traveler really dares to speak.”

Clolind:”This traveler really has no respect at all. God!”

���Deer:”Hahaha, this traveler is truly incredible.”

Wendy:”(^.^),Yeah? I quite like it.”

Zhong Li:”6!”

Shadow:”丨丨Although I can’t understand it, I was shocked!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ You really deserve to be Lord Fengshen.”

Amber:”(.)Sora, what happens if you take off your underwear? You still want to continue guessing with Lord Water God, right?”

Qin:”Song, that’s right, so what’s your reason?” null:”(*/ *)Ahem, I would be shy if I asked them to take off their clothes all at once.”

Ke Qing:”(San) Kong, it’s already this time, you are so shy!

Arataki Yidou said:”What the hell, you are still shy as a traveler?”

Bennett:”I don’t believe it, this must be fake!” How could the most affectionate Patriarch of Teyvat be shy? If you want me to believe this, I would rather believe that I am the God of Fire!

Arataki Yidou:”I’m still the Rock God!””

Zhong Li:”6!


Ye Shenzi:”Haha, I can only say that it is indeed empty.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida knows that travelers can always make me shine! Nilu

:”Pfft~ Hahaha, I’m sorry traveler, Nilu, I really can’t stand it when I see this.” Yan

Fei:”Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I really can’t stand it. Why do I have such a stupid boyfriend!” Funina

:”(Dan)? Sora, are you still shy?” I’m the one who should be shy, okay?”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! The traveler was so outrageous that Zaoyou didn’t know what to say for a moment.”

Dolly:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Traveler Boss, you really slipped away.”

Ms.:”Song, if you are shy, pigs can still climb trees!

Servant:”Indeed!”” puppet:”(^.^)really!”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It’s really Sora, it really didn’t disappoint me!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^.^), as long as he didn’t see Lord Water God’s body, Linghua wouldn’t be able to accept it.”

Disha:”(*)Sora, I have to say that you have a good figure and your muscles look very hard. How about you, do you want to come to Xumi and be my boyfriend?

Candice:”Disha?” ? ?”

Falushan:” Disiya? ? ?”

Barbara:”(*/ *), indeed, the sky is indeed very hard.”

Qi Liangliang:”(*/ *), Qi Liangliang also thinks so.”

Gan Yu:”(*/ *),Yes.

Keli:”Brother Traveler’s penis looks really hard, Keli wants to touch it too.” Alice

:”Kelly, shush, stop talking, you silly girl. You can’t say such nonsense.””

Keli:”Keli just wants to be a silent traveler brother’s muscles, isn’t that okay?

Alice:”Ahem, if it’s just muscles, it’s really okay.”…”

Leosli:”The Traveler’s muscles are indeed very good, I agree!”


Arataki Yidou:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu How can someone just show off his muscles and be liked by so many people” Yes, I obviously have muscles, but why has no pretty girl ever said I want to touch them? Ooooh~ How can I fix it? I’m so envious, you bastard!”

Mamoru:”Arataki, boss, Is it okay for a man?”

Ahuang:”Arataki Yidou, boss, I have actually wanted to touch your muscles for a long time. 0.”

Bennett:”Ichidou Arataki, I’ll come too!”

Ichidou Arataki:”Since you think so, it’s not impossible.”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, incredible!”

Diluc:”Me too I don’t know what to say about these people.”

Xiaolu:”Haha, it turns out that excessive fitness will only attract the same sex.”

Leosley:”This is true, I have seen a lot of them in prison.” (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Paimeng:”(⊙⊙)?” at this time.

Kong took a deep breath, then looked at Funina again and said:

“Come on, I’m ready, next is the final guessing game!”

“I’ll still use my fist later, but remember to use the cloth!”

Funina’s beautiful eyes were twinkling and her face was extremely red. She didn’t dare to look at the traveler. After all, he only had his underwear on him now.

If he loses again later, it means that the clothes on the traveler will be There will be nothing left.

Doesn’t that mean that she will see the traveler later? The more Funina thought about it, the more shy she became, and suddenly she didn’t know what to do.

After all, if she won the traveler, she would see him all.

If you lose, you will be looked down upon by the travelers….

The more Funina thought about it, the more shy she became, but she didn’t lose at all.

He also knew that if the traveler hadn’t let him, he would be the loser now.

After thinking about it, Funina couldn’t think of any other solution, so she had to suppress her shyness and slowly stepped forward and said:

“Ahem, me…I am ready.”4.6

“open…let’s start!”

Although Funina was trying to hold back her shyness, she couldn’t help but look at the traveler’s body from time to time.



Free fist.

Fabric from Funina.

With the last guessing game between the two.

The outcome of this wild ball boxing match was also completely decided.

That was the triumph of Funina herself.

But even though she won, she didn’t feel happy at all.

Instead, his face turned red with embarrassment, his beautiful eyes twinkled extremely, and he didn’t say a word of celebration.

He just stood aside and sometimes looked at the travelers.

After all, she knew that if the traveler lost next, he would take off his last clothes.

This is the punishment that completely ends the live broadcast room.

Only then can the two of them be teleported back to their respective places..

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