Chapter 652: Funina: Hahaha, just a bunch of fish! Sora: Haha!

“Anyway, just accept my punishment honestly!”

Funina said with her hands on her hips.

Kong was dumbfounded.

Why do you think you should blame him if you answered wrongly?

And isn’t this your punishment?

Why now it seems that he will be punished for answering wrongly.

But Sora knows that the done deal is now.

No matter how much he refutes, there is no way to escape from this punishment.

If there is only one way to leave, that is to complete the punishment honestly.

Otherwise, there is no way to leave.

But think of the punishment that awaits. It will be about playing wild ball boxing with Funina.

Kong is also a little embarrassed.

After all, he doesn’t care about wild ball boxing.

Anyway, he is a grown man, and he doesn’t have to care about taking off his clothes.

But Funina If he lost, he would definitely lose his temper.

In order to avoid this, Sora had to remind him in advance:

“If you lose the guessing game later, don’t be angry. Funina laughed heartily, pointed at the sky and said:

“Hahahahaha~ I will be angry?”

“What a joke!”

“This water god will never lose in guessing games!”

“Do you think you can beat me with your guessing skills?”

“If you want to win against me, traveler, you are still ten thousand years too early, hahahaha!”

After Kong heard this, he spread his hands and sighed:

“You said it”

“Just don’t cry if you really lose later!”

Funina covered her little cherry mouth and said with a mocking smile:

“Puff puff~ It seems that someone doesn’t know that he is about to lose to this water god.”

“Even if you lose all your clothes later, this Water God will never feel sorry for you!”

She knows that she has the ability to increase luck.

It is absolutely impossible to lose in guessing games.

So now it is a certainty that the traveler will lose in wild ball boxing.

By then he will definitely fall to his knees. On the ground, while feeling annoyed that he shouldn’t have misled her into choosing the wrong answer, she also begged herself to let him go, right?

Funina couldn’t stop the corners of her mouth from rising when she thought of what was about to happen.

“Haha~” Sora smiled and said nothing when he saw her dancing face.

The audience in the live broadcast room were a little nervous when they heard the conversation between the two.

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what kind of trash talk before the game?.”

Xiaolu:”Now the pre-match trash talk between the two sides seems to have ended. Judging from the looks of the two of them, they are afraid that no one will accept the other, and they don’t look afraid at all.”

Zhong Li:”Well, the two of them are very angry now.”

Navilet:”The strength of both sides in guessing is still unknown, but seeing how confident Lady Funina is, I’m afraid there may be some secret secret to winning.”

Leosli:”Hahaha, this battle looks a bit anxious. Even I don’t know who will win next?”

Xigwen:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I hope Lord Water God can win.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I don’t know why, but Nasida wanted to laugh when she saw the traveler and Funina saying these words together.”

Shadow:” ()Funina, win the traveler for me and help me vent my bad breath!”

Charlotte:”Funina, Lord Water God, by the way, you also helped me get revenge. Win over this scumbag Traveler, and I will fight CA11 for you!”

Funina:”Hahahaha, of course, I have seen the death omen star above the traveler’s head shining!”

Fischer:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! What a great line!”

Albedo:”The traveler looks very calm, maybe he has some secret to victory? Sora:”



Navia:”Hahaha, that traveler is finished. He will definitely be severely humiliated by Lord Water God this time!”

Clolind:”Isn’t it natural for Lord Water God to win? And this traveler has long been He should be taught a lesson, and now it is Lord Water God’s turn to teach him a lesson, which is already the best punishment for him.”

Xigwen:”(^.^), I support Lord Water God!” servant:”(*), I am from Fontaine, and I also support the Water God!” puppet:”(^.^), although I am not, but I also hope that Lord Water God can win this time.”

Ms.:”I don’t care about that, as long as I can see the travelers being deflated, I’ll be happy!”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I also support Lord Water God!

Captain:”Columbia, shouldn’t you support the travelers?””

Cock:” Woohoo~ I’m so touched. It seems that Columbia has finally come to his senses and finally knows that the Traveler is not a guy he can like!”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Not really, I just think it’s right not to support travelers! If he wins, he will feast his eyes on it. If he loses, it will be my turn to feast his eyes on it!

Captain:”Nothing wrong.”…”

Ning Guang:”Although you are the executive officer of the Fools, what you said is quite right. You think the same as me……….”

Qingqing:”(*), it would be best if everyone is like this.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^), it seems that we all have the same ideas. Ayaka also supports Lord Water God this time.”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara originally thought that she should support Sora, but after listening to her sisters’ explanation, I also felt that it would be better to support Lord Water God.”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noelle thought so too.” null:”(⊙⊙)you…”

Dadari Duck:”Quack, quack~ I don’t understand what you girls are thinking, and it feels so scary.”

Paimon:”(^.^)Sora, don’t be afraid, Paimon will support you!

Sora:”Paimon, are you serious? I’ll cry to death!””

Wendy:”(▽*)o Kong, 嘤嘤嘤4.3~I am different, I don’t support my colleagues, I support you, I will fight CA11 for you forever!”

Funina:”Wendy? ? ?”


Zhong Li:”6!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ He really deserves to be the god of wind.”

Kaia:”Hahaha, there are still masters!”

Empty:”Wendy, I will only recommend you.*……*%*%……%……!”

Dyne:”It’s easy to scold!”

Skirmisher:”It’s easy to scold!”

Tvarin-chan:”(^^)—Kong, curse more, I like to hear it.”

Wendy:”Tvarin-chan? ? ?”

At this time, the live broadcast room ignored the two people’s mutual complaints.

Another announcement was sent

【The punishment begins! 】.

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