Chapter 650: Funina: Just accept the punishment honestly! Clolinde: My fist is hard too!

Momang Palace.

Top floor.

Most people in Fontaine know that this place is the room of Water God Funina.

But usually no one can enter this room at all.

After all, the security here is extremely tight.

But no one wants to break the law in Fontainebleau and come to this place.

Water Goddess Funina just finished telling the live broadcast room that she wanted to choose travelers to help her receive punishment.

But just after she finished speaking, she saw that she actually appeared in the punishment live broadcast room.

She couldn’t help but become a little nervous.

After all, appearing in the punishment live broadcast room means that all the viewers in Teyvat can see themselves from here.

Thinking that there are so many viewers looking at me.

Even Funina, who has lived for more than five hundred years, can’t help but feel a little nervous.

But when she thought about the travelers coming over later.

Funina didn’t know why, but she became more and more nervous.

Because the traveler is now a scumbag known throughout Teyvat!

Now it is a household name and everyone knows it!

So famous!

Maybe I, the water god, am not as famous as him.

And he is such a scumbag. What if he really falls in love with me?

Funina knew that she was very beautiful, but she was no worse than his girlfriends.

Traveler, a person who only likes pretty girls, will definitely fall in love with him, right?

And just when Funina was nervous and a little looking forward to it.

This is a room that only she can enter at will.

But suddenly an unexpected visitor came.

I saw the figure of the traveler slowly appearing from the void.

Although Funina had known before that the live broadcast room had the ability to teleport people instantly, she was a little surprised when she saw it with her own eyes.

Bits of light from the teleportation shrouded Sora’s body.

Not a moment.

Sora’s figure completely appeared in Funina’s room.

He has lips as beautiful as cherry blossoms and skin as delicate as porcelain.

The face is as clear as a sculpture, and the angular face is so handsome that people can’t take their eyes away.

When Funina had a clear look at Kong’s ethereal and handsome face, she couldn’t help but feel a little suffocated, slightly sluggish in place, and her face was a little red.

I just feel that it’s not without reason that the girls in the live broadcast room like travelers so much.

In all her years of living, she has never seen a boy as handsome as Traveler.

Although I thought it was very handsome when I saw it on the screen in the live broadcast room, I wouldn’t be so surprised.

But after actually seeing it with her own eyes, Funina realized that this guy was a hundred times more beautiful in person than in the live broadcast room.

Kong watched as he was suddenly teleported here by the live broadcast room, and he still had to play wild ball boxing with Funina, the water goddess of Fontaine.

He suddenly felt dumbfounded.

I couldn’t help but mutter in my heart, wanting to complain about something.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

You’re here now, no matter what you say, it’s impossible to be let go by the live broadcast room.

Funina saw the way the traveler was hesitant to speak in his clothes, and recalled the things he had done to her before. She couldn’t help but fold her arms around her chest, glared at him and complained:


“Looking unconvinced?”

“If it weren’t for the fact that choice B is definitely correct, I wouldn’t have given the wrong answer!”

Kong spread his hands, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, pretending to be the victim, and said with a smile:

“Haha, I didn’t say I would definitely do it.”

“I just said that if I succeeded in answering the question, I would definitely choose answer B.”

“I never asked you to choose from the beginning to the end!”

“If you are wrong, just blame me. How can this be reasonable?”

“Audiences in the live broadcast room, do you think this is true?”

The audience couldn’t hold back after seeing the traveler’s appearance.

Kaia:”Hahahaha, this traveler is so shameless!”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, this traveler’s expression is so deceiving. No matter how you look at it, he’s just out to trick people. Xinhai

:”Pfft~ Hahaha, this Kong is so bad, he even behaves like this in front of the Water God.””

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler is so badass, people like it so much!” servant:”???”

Miss:”???” puppet:”???”

Zhong Li:”Haha, looking at the traveler’s appearance, even I can’t help but feel that he might really know the correct answer.”

Xing Qiuzi:”o(╥﹏╥)o, woo woo~ He, a scumbag who understands women’s hearts so well, how could he not know the correct answer?

Chong Yunzi:”﹏That’s right!” It seems that travelers deliberately give wrong answers to mislead people!

Sora:”I was wronged. Am I like that kind of person?””


Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ +1 for daily injustice!”

Dolly:”Comfortable, comfortable!””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you really have no self-awareness at all, right?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, I can’t say.

Shadow:”() Kong, even I can see that you are really shameless!””

Kujo Sura:”(Sara) Kong, what you’d better say is true!”

Amber:”Hahaha, I didn’t believe it at first, but when I see you looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, I know that you must have come out to trick people!” null:”(:) I don’t, I really don’t know the answer. Funina gave the wrong answer, so you really don’t blame me!

Funina:”(Dan)? Kong, bah, bah, bah, only a devil would believe you!””(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler, but the pistachio in the live broadcast room can always do something that no one expects.

Charlotte:”Hahaha, the traveler looks so mean now!”

Clolind:”At first, I couldn’t understand why Lady Funina chose Traveler, but after seeing him like this, even I couldn’t help but want to teach him a lesson.””

Funina saw that he was like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water. She was furious. She gritted her teeth and her face was bulging with anger.

She wanted to refute the traveler.

But after thinking about it, she realized that she It’s not easy to refute.

After all, the traveler really didn’t say anything wrong. He really didn’t ask himself to choose this answer.

But even so, doesn’t this guy know that many people in the live broadcast room believe his answer?

Moreover, The most irritating thing is that this guy looks like he definitely knows the correct answer.

But instead of telling the correct answer, he tells some wrong answers to mislead people.

I was really obsessed at the time, how could I believe it? The traveler, a playboy, actually chose that answer!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, but she couldn’t think of what to complain about the traveler. After thinking for a while, she had to hold back a few words from Cherry’s little mouth and pointed. The traveler cursed:


“No matter what, you will definitely have to bear certain responsibilities this time!”

“So you give me a chance to accept the punishment here!”.

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