Chapter 653: Funina: This is luck based on strength! Sora: Live broadcast room, I will report this guy for cheating!

Sora:”I’m really not a foot control. What are you all talking about?”

Kujo Sora:”(.),hehe!”

Ke Qing:”(.),hehe!”


Kaiya:”Hahaha, the traveler’s girlfriends personally came out to refute the rumors.””

Funina:”Σ(⊙▽⊙Traveler you…”

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, Lord Water God has met a pervert!”

Candice:”This guy really likes the jailer!”

Nasida:”(*/ *), Nacida knew that travelers liked this very much….”

Clolinde:”(Dan)? Sora, don’t look at Lady Funina’s jailor anymore!”

Dadali Duck:”Sora: Just look!”

Fawn:”Sora: Just look!”

Puppet:”Sora: Just watch!”


Charlotte:”Funina, Lord Water God, didn’t you say you have a secret weapon? Why are you still losing now?”

Shadow:”() I’m curious too.”

Yae Shenzi:”(^) Funina, did the Lord Water God lose on purpose and show it to the travelers?”



Chiori:”This…This is impossible!”

Funina:”(▼ヘ▼)Of course it’s impossible! Ahem, I just let the traveler play one game specifically, so as not to let him lose consecutively and not win a game, which would cause him to cry and cry. Of course, I will not lose a word from now on, and I will go straight to the top, so you just have to keep an eye on me!”

Charlotte:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh, Lord Water God, she actually plans to let Traveler play a game or something, I really want to cry to death! Clolind :

“() Kong, did you hear that? Our Lord Water God will not lose a single round and become a super god.”

Navia:”(^^) Sora, hahahaha, did you hear that? You may lose all your underwear next!”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ The traveler has lost all his underwear? Is there such a good thing?”

Wendy:”o(▽), that picture is so cool!

Diluc:”Wendy?” ? ?”

Lady:”Columbia?” ? ?”

Tewarin-chan:”() Columbia Wendy, why do you two always covet my space?”

Funina:”(*^▽^*)Wendy Columbia, don’t worry, I will make the travelers lose their pants, so you can watch it carefully!”

Charlotte:”(^^)—Sora, did you hear that? How dare you trick our Lord Water God? I will definitely not have any juice for you now!

Clolind:”(), Sora, you don’t have any juice to eat!””

Charlotte:””Shocked!” Fontaine Water Goddess Funina actually publicly announced that she would strip the traveler, and she would definitely lose all her underwear? How big of a secret is hidden behind this? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily!””

Funina:”Charlotte?” ? ?

Sora:”Charlotte?” ? ? Charlotte

:”Hahaha, Lord Water God, I’m really sorry. I’m used to writing titles for travelers as a professional habit.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what a fucking professional habit.”

Sora:”Charlotte, hey, where’s my apology?””

Charlotte:”(^^) You still have my photo on you, what do you think? Sora:”

Oh, that’s okay.””

Zhong Li:”6″

Naxida:”(*/ *), Nacida still remembered that the traveler had hidden photos of Miss Charlotte….”

Yaoyao:”(^.^), and Yaoyao’s.”

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, this traveler is so perverted!”

Ms.:”This damn scumbag deserves to die!”

Funina:”I can’t stand it anymore, I want to represent this guy next to Fontaine! Leosley:”


Dardali Duck:”Okay!”

Kamizato Ayato:”Okay!”

After Funina took off her shoes, her little feet wrapped in thin socks were gently stepped on the floor.

She didn’t look like she had just lost. Instead, she raised her head proudly and pointed at the journey. The reporter groaned:

“Humph, I just gave you one round!”

“Now let’s see who is the god in the guessing game world!”

After saying that,

Funina immediately closed her eyes and clasped her hands together.

After a while, the water elemental power in the air began to surge slowly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Lucky blessing!”

Funina fell with a sound.

As if she felt something, the water elemental power poured into her body and became her lucky protection.

Kong was stunned for a moment, then pointed at her and complained loudly:

“Hey, aren’t you the God of Justice?”

“Too despicable!”

“You actually use elemental power to improve your luck. How disdainful of you!!!”

Funina smiled with her hands on her hips and hummed:

“(^^)—, He’s anxious, he’s anxious!”

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t hold back when they saw this.

Navia:”Hahaha, no wonder Lady Funina is so confident. This turns out to be the ability to improve her luck. Clolind

:”After improving my luck, I’m afraid Lady Funina won’t be able to lose no matter how messed up she is!””

Charlotte:”(^.^), now the traveler will lose everything!”

Paimon:”?`?, despicable, so despicable, how could this be possible? This is obviously a fair guessing game!”

Funina:”(*), Hahahaha, how can you call it despicable if you rely on strength and luck?”

Navilet:”It’s true (Nuo’s Zhao))!”

Leosli:”Haha, I didn’t expect Lord Water God to have such a method. Now the traveler is probably going to lose.”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), The world of adults is so scary!”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), it turns out that guessing can still be played like this, Keli understands!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nacida knew that Funina must have some winning tricks, otherwise how could she choose the traveler to take revenge?

Zhong Li:”Now the travelers may be in danger.””

Shadow:”() I actually think this is a good thing!”

Wendy:”(^.^), it’s really good.

Kaiya:”Hahaha, the happiest person is none other than Master Fengshen!””

Kong saw Fu Nina’s confident look on her face, and he shouted to the live broadcast room without hesitation:

“In the live broadcast room, I report Fu Nina for cheating!”.

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