
After giving the Teyvat audience some time to relax, Luochen continued to speak..

“After the previous three reviews, you now have a clearer understanding of the experience and wisdom of the Big Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King.”

“Next, let’s continue with the serious review!”

“The fourth item of serious comments – the merits and demerits of gods!”

“This is the last serious review!”

“As usual in the past, this is a simple summary and conclusion about the gods!”

“Similarly, it is also based on God’s”God loves people”!”

“I hope the audience will view it rationally!~”

“First is the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“The merits of the Great Merciful Tree King:”

“1. During the Demon War, Yu-Lin and Lanaro were created!”

“Let the people of Xumi live and work in peace and contentment!”

“2. Eliminate taboo disasters twice!”

“For the first time, thousands of years ago, he helped solve the mess left by the Red King and successfully saved Xumi!”

“And let the desert civilization survive in Aru Village!”

“For this reason, the Daci Tree King spent most of his strength and shrank his body to the size of a child.”

“The second time, during the disaster of Kanria five hundred years ago, the World Tree was saved and the continent of Teyvat was saved!”

“For this, she gave her life!”

“And the traces of his existence on the continent of Teyvat!”

“Let yourself be completely forgotten by the world!”

“3. Send down your wisdom!”

“During his lifetime, he founded the Order Council, bestowed wisdom on the people of Sumeru, and gave them the means to transcend freedom!”

“After death, the void is left behind, giving Sumeru a tool to quickly acquire knowledge!”

“4. Nasida!”

“At the last moment of his life, the Great Merciful Tree King broke off the purest branches of the World Tree and created Nasida”

“Not only to eliminate yourself and save the world tree!”

“It is also to find a new god of wisdom for the people of Sumeru!”

“Judging from subsequent deeds, her idea came true!”

“Then there is the fault of the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“1. The conflict between desert and rainforest!”

“Deserts and rainforests are both Sumeru territory!”

“So after King Daci Tree obtained the throne of Grass God, both places became her people!”

“As a god, she did not handle the relationship between the two parties well.”

“The conflict between the two sides has spread for thousands of years!”

“Just like the battle between Inazuma’s Umijima Island and Narukami Island!”

“The anti-sand wall that was once built to prevent sand and dust has also become a huge horizontal gap between the desert and the people of Sumeru!”

“2. The people of Sumeru are not led well!”

“People have infinite potential and infinite greed!”

“Among them, wisdom plays a big role in it!”

“After the Great Merciful Tree King sent down his wisdom, he failed to lead in a good direction.”

“So much so that the people in the Order became arrogant after gaining knowledge!”

“In disguise, the conflict between the desert and the rainforest has been intensified!”

“In the end, it went astray and almost caused Xumi to suffer a major crisis!”

“Of course, it is completely understandable if these two points are not done well!”

“Because the King of Daci Shu at that time was restrained by forbidden knowledge.”

“For the first time, my strength is exhausted, my body becomes smaller, and I have no time to manage it!”

“The second time, he fell directly and could not be managed!”

“So King Daci Shu is not unwilling, but unable!”

“Just like Baal from Rice Wife!”

“If both of them can survive the disaster”

“Maybe we can eliminate all the shortcomings of each other’s countries long ago!”

“If that’s the case, perhaps Inazuma and Sumeru now are the real ‘Eternal Paradise’ and ‘Land of Wisdom’!”

“I can only say it’s a pity~”

“Taken together, King Daci Shu has both merits and demerits, but his faults are excusable!”

“Overall, the merits far outweigh the faults, and he has made great contributions to Sumeru and the continent of Tevat!”

“This is a gentle and great god!”

“And such a god who has dedicated his life to the people, his last request is to completely forget himself!”

“So rather than saying that this is a God of wisdom, it is better to say that this is a God of mercy and love!”

“God loves the world more than this!”

“It is Xumi’s honor to have this god!”

“It is an honor for the entire Teyvat continent!”


After the previous comments, everyone has a clearer understanding of King Daci Shu.

I also know the deeds of this god.

So after hearing Light Screen’s comments, he nodded repeatedly.

Indeed it is!

They are all lucky to have such a gentle and great god!

But the Sumeru people are both proud and ashamed!

They are proud that they once had such a great god!

Shamefully, they failed to live up to the expectations of King Daci Shu!

They didn’t know how to face this god…

They were completely shameless!


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Wendy: The wisdom that creates rainforests and gives people transcendent freedom! Save Sumeru and the continent of Teyvat twice! Before his death, he also left hope for Xumi!】

【Wendy: King Daci Shu spent his life thinking about the people!】

【Wendy: Although I have said it many times, I still want to say, what a gentle and great God! (Sentiment.jpg)】

【Zhongli: Perhaps as Guangmu said, he should be called the God of mercy and love! Wisdom is just her means, life is the ultimate goal!】

【Zhen: Apart from the desert problem and the Order House, Buyer has really achieved the ultimate in what a god can do! But those two questions……】

【Shadow: Those two problems are not Buyer’s fault! If the Imperial Academy could have given a little help, we wouldn’t have reached this point now.】

【Shadow: Of course, I have no reason to say Xumi! Because I also dealt with it in a mess. (sigh.jpg)】

【Funina: God loves the world more than this! The Great Merciful Tree King deserves to be remembered by all of us forever! (seriously.jpg)】

【Nacida: That’s right! Such a god should never be forgotten! (seriously.jpg)】


After hearing this, other people in the chat group also nodded secretly.

The Great Merciful Tree King is Sumeru and has made great contributions to Teyvat!

Even at the cost of his life!

Everyone accepted her love!

In the original future, it was fine not to know the truth.

That is because there is no other way!

But now that I know the truth, I still forget it… isn’t that ungrateful?

Such a person is simply a shame to Teyvat!

At this time,

【Yingmei: Wait, I’ve been confused since the previous comment.】

【Yingmei: It’s that huge barrier between the desert and the rainforest. Why is it called the”sand wall”? Don’t you think it’s weird?】

【Desia: It’s a barrier to prevent sandstorms from the desert! Any questions?】

【Paimon: Yes, yes, what’s the problem? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Alice: Ahem, anti-sand wall! Anti-scratch pen! (dog head.jpg)]

Seeing this, everyone in the group was stunned for a moment.

Then his jaw dropped in shock.

Damn it?

Damn it?!!

How could it still be like this?

Anti-sand wall! Anti-scratch pen!

This naming…

King Daci Shu is really a genius~!

【Ke Lai: Ah this… I never realized before that it can be read with homophones like this.……】

【Tinari: Hey, I didn’t think there was anything wrong in the past, but now that I heard it, I suddenly felt a little unable to look straight… (Headache.jpg)】

【Keqing: As expected of a traveler! You can always find things that others can’t see! (Sentiment.jpg)】

【Yae Shenzi: Huh? Since the anti-sand wall is to prevent sandstorms in the desert, then the anti-sand pen is……】

【Arataki Yidou: Hahahaha, that’s a surefire way to prevent deserts!】

【Yae Kamiko: Hehe, I didn’t say anything~ (bad smile.jpg)】




Thank you~

I got the connotation again~

In the past, they didn’t like the sand wall!

It’s even more unpleasant now!

What kind of weird name is this…

Arataki Yidou also reacted at this time.

The smile on his face suddenly solidified

【Arataki Yidou: Oh no, I didn’t mean that! It’s this fox woman! She said it to seduce me!】

【Yae Shenzi: If you have the right, you can eat noodles randomly, but you can’t talk nonsense.~】

【Yae Shenzi: You said it yourself! I didn’t say anything~ everyone in the group can testify! (dog head. expression)】

【Arataki Yidou: You…you, you, you……】

Everyone in Arataki was numb!

He was obviously induced by Dan Fox!

Damn you damn fox!

Seeing this scene, Kuki Shinobi, Kamisato Ayato, Goro and others also sighed secretly.

Lord Gongji’s”revenge” has begun~

The life of the boss (Brother Yidou) is probably not going to be easy~

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help but show a hint of sympathy in their eyes

…… villa

“Sand wall? Anti-scratch pen?”

Seeing the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

Yingmei was right!

This name is indeed too weird!

When he was going through the plot, he also felt very weird.

There was a similar”click” Wanyi”!

Kavanyi! Kawaii!

Lao Mi’s cultural planning is really a damn talent~

After shaking his head in confusion, Luo Chen recovered his mind and continued to speak.

“After summarizing the Great Merciful Tree King, next is the Little Lucky Grass King Nasida!”

“Nasida’s achievements:”

“1. Compassion and kindness, God loves people!”

“Although imprisoned by her own people since her birth, Nasida has never dwelled on the past”

“There is no resentment or complaint at all”

“Instead, they only pursue the safety of the people and the stability of the world!”

“In the following five hundred years, while she continued to learn, she also worked hard to help the people.”

“Like making up fairy tales to comfort frustrated children!”

“For example, when the mad scholar and the desert people are in danger, use your power to protect them!”

“For example, when faced with a dangerous doctor, he still did not leave the people behind and escape alone!”

“For example, in the reincarnation of the Flower God’s Birthday Festival, he seeks every method to save his people!”

“Etc., etc~”

“2. Solve the God of Opportunities!”

“Nasida united the travelers and the wisdom of the people of Xumi to defeat the false god’s stragglers!”

·· ·········Asking for flowers···· ·····

“During this period, he reincarnated 168 times in his dream!”

“Not once!”

“What you do to my people, I will do to you!”

“The main theme is tit for tat!”

“This is the wrath of the God of Wisdom!”

“3. Weaken the Doctor!”

“Using the threat of destroying the Heart of God, and using the Heart of God as a means, he wiped out all the Doctor’s slices!”

“Let Xumi, the biggest enemy, live up to his previous strength!”

“4. Save the World Tree!”

“Nacida used the power of two divine hearts to successfully see the remaining consciousness of the Great Merciful Tree King.”

“Then the final disaster was eradicated and the World Tree was saved!”

“At this point, the dead zone in Xumi began to stop expanding! A patient with magic scale disease is completely cured!”

“5. Save Apep, the Dragon of Grass!”

“In the follow-up time of the original future, Nacida successfully eliminated the disaster in Apep’s body with the help of travelers.”

“At this point, all potential crises in Xumi have been eliminated!”

“After encountering two major betrayals, Nasida not only did not turn black, but continued to maintain a loving heart!”

“It’s not easy!”

“On the other hand, someone who often talks about”I have been betrayed three times”……”

“Without comparison, there is no harm~”

“Then there’s Nasida’s fault:”

“1. Too inferior!”

“When faced with the impious act of being imprisoned by the Ecclesiarchy, Nasida accepted it calmly.”

“In addition to the disappointment of the people of Sumeru, she believed that she could not match the glory of the Great Merciful Tree King.”

“So he compared himself to the moon!”

“But the light of the moon comes from the sun!”

“When the sun sets, the moonlight can still illuminate the way forward for the people on the ground!”


“But it’s a pity……”

“Under this low self-esteem, Nasida unconsciously condoned and encouraged the arrogance and ambition of the Order!”

“So much so that I got completely out of control!”

“It can be said that Nasida also bears a certain responsibility for Xumi to reach that step in the original future!”

“2. Not mature enough!”

“When I went to save Apep, the grass dragon in the future, a small accident happened.”

“As a last resort, Nacida was prepared to sacrifice herself in order to save Apep!”

“Fortunately the traveler arrived in time!”

“Otherwise, Meru will lose their god again!”

“In mortal dynasties, there is a saying that the son of a rich man will not sit down in court!”

“As a god of a country, Nacida has a greater responsibility! It’s a whole country!”

“It’s no longer appropriate to take such a risk!”

“And in the end, he actually had to sacrifice himself!”

“Even Xumi is entrusted to travelers!”

“As a god of a country and a god of wisdom, such behavior is really irrational!”

“If it were the Great Ci Tree King, there would definitely be a better way!”

“But comparing Nasida to King Daci Shu is a bit inappropriate!”

“After all, there is thousands of years of experience difference between the two!”

“Although these two mistakes are somewhat serious, considering that Nasida has been imprisoned and was only released not long ago,”

“That’s understandable!”

“I hope Nasita will learn from this and not make the same mistake again!”

“Always remember that there is someone behind you who loves you!”

“You carry an entire country on your shoulders!”

“Think before you act and don’t act impulsively!”


Xumi, Jingshan Palace.

Yingmei was listening to Light Screen’s summary of Nasida with great interest.

When she heard the mistake, she nodded secretly at first.

Isn’t it?

Nasida is too inferior and lacks confidence!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been imprisoned for so many years!

If they had figured it out earlier, where would the Great Sage and the others be so arrogant?

However, after hearing the second fault, Yingmei’s expression changed instantly.


Nasida wants to sacrifice herself?

Just to save that grass dragon?

Thinking of this, she quickly looked at Nasida

“Nasida, you…you……”

But when she saw Nasita lowering her head to admit her mistake, Yingmei swallowed the words of blame that came to her lips.

Finally he sighed and said helplessly

“Hey, Nasida……”

“It’s really irrational of you to do this!”

“Leave Xumi to me?”

“Although I know this is your trust in me!”

“But I am a traveler!”

“Have you never thought that I would leave Xumi one day?”

“If that’s the case, where will Xumi go from here?”

Besides, Paimon nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

“Yes, Nasida!”

“Ying is right!”

“And at that point in time, we had just solved the God-making incident in the Order Academy.”

“Many things are still confusing”

“If Xumi loses the control of your god at this time, it will be even worse in the future!”

“People like great sages and doctors might make a comeback!”

“If this is the case, wouldn’t it mean that nothing has changed?”

Obviously, Yingmei and Paimon also realized the seriousness of the matter this time!

As friends, they have the obligation to make Nasida realize this!

So they persuaded her one after another.

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