
Hearing Nasida’s request, the doctor laughed again.

“Do you use this method to limit me, the opponent who can threaten the Kingdom of Wisdom the most?”

“What you did is tantamount to taking away my eyes from all time latitudes!”

“Slices are very difficult to make and require extremely rare resources and a lot of effort and time.”

“You want me to destroy them all here……”

“God of wisdom, your choice is very clever!”

As he said this, the doctor’s tone became inexplicable.

“really interesting~”

“Can I think that you are already on guard against me?”

“Of all the ‘I’s, this slice is the most selfish you’ve ever seen!”

“If you change the slice and come in, haha, your idea won’t work~”

Having said this, the doctor paced twice again, and then glanced sideways at Nasida.

His voice began to grow deeper.

“What did you see when you were imprisoned?”

“Are you observing me?”

“So you know I’ve had enough of those slices questioning me!”

“You know I’m tired of all the arguing!”

After being told the unknown secret in his heart by the little grass god, the doctor at this time could no longer live up to his previous calmness.

To this, Nasida also responded lightly.

“You said it, making peace with yourself… is a difficult thing!”

“You are smart, have you done this?”

The doctor was silent.

At this point, the offensive on the scene was completely reversed!

Nasida, who was originally weak, began to take the initiative!

The doctor, who was previously arrogant and confident, gradually became weak.

After a moment, he looked at the little boy with his back turned. The Grass God spoke softly.

“I see!”

“If you think that many slices are worth a heart of God……”

“Then it’s a deal!”

Nascida turned around again after hearing this.

“You don’t seem to mind that much?”

“Is the relationship between you really that bad?”

“I don’t think this is something to mind.”

The doctor smiled slightly.

“Excess self can be exchanged for the Heart of God……”

“Do you think anyone can offer themselves a higher price?”

“Besides, with my ability, sooner or later I will find a better perspective”

“So…it’s better to say that you are temporarily ahead!”

Speaking of this, he hugged his arms again

“But I want to know, how can you be sure that I actually erased them?”

Hearing this, Nasida took two steps forward and walked in front of the doctor.

“I’ll see what’s left of your honesty!”

After saying that, she stretched out her hand and used her power to explore the doctor’s heart.

The doctor snorted coldly when he saw this.

873 did not cheat and directly deleted and erased those slices.



The doctor said softly.

Nacida did not reply, but directly handed over the Heart of Thunder God

“take it.”

At this point, the video ends


The video is very short, there is no fighting, only a battle of words.

But because of the different identities and strengths of the two parties, it seems extremely thrilling!

While watching, everyone was worried.

I’m afraid that the little grass god is in danger!

But in the end, the little grass god used his own wisdom to reverse the situation and successfully gained the upper hand!

Everyone enjoyed watching it!

Xumi, the border

“I see!”

“First, use the laws of heaven to intimidate me from moving, and then use the heart of God in exchange for slice erasure!”

“It seems that I have underestimated this God of Wisdom!”

After reading the content of the light curtain, the doctor’s eyes showed some admiration.

The former is not taking the usual path!

The latter is prepared early!

In order to weaken him as much as possible, who is the biggest threat to Sumeru. enemy!

It seems that this little Lucky Grass King is really not that simple~

Although he is not as good as the Great Merciful Tree King yet, he can indeed be called the God of Wisdom!

But slice it…

Thinking of this, the doctor held it in his hand Chin began to ponder.

He didn’t expect that he would erase these things in his original future!

But he has no regrets!

Just like what the light curtain said!

There is nothing better than being able to trade the extra slices for the Heart of God. A higher price!

So here’s the question!

Since he has erased everything in the future, what about now?

Should he erase it?

After all, he hates the other slices!

The doctor’s eyes flickered.


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Tsk tsk, top-notch pulling and mutual testing! A textbook example of the weak defeating the strong! Another high-end game!】

【Jean: No! Most people, or basically no one, can learn this!】

【Qin: First of all, you must have a strong psychology, so that you can calmly face the Doctor, this foolish executive!】

【Qin: Then you have to have enough courage and unexpected means!】

【Qin: After all, who in the right mind would think that the God of Wisdom would gamble? The bet is whether the Heart of the God of Destruction will disturb the heavens! So exciting~!】

【Qin: Then you have to prepare in advance and use all means to observe the enemy and detect his weaknesses!】

【Jean: But this is the Doctor!】

【Qin: Although we in Mondstadt don’t like the doctor, we even have a grudge against this man! But I also know how powerful he is!】

【Qin: How can ordinary people be able to see through this doctor’s weaknesses?】

【Qin: And only by doing these three things at the same time, can you be like the God of Grass and defeat the strong with the weak!】

【Yingmei: Summary: Nasida is so handsome~ (Cheers.jpg)】

【Paimon: Ahhh, Nasida is great~ (Cheers.jpg)】

【Nilu: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is so awesome~】


Others in the group also nodded secretly after seeing it.


This is really not something ordinary people can do!

After all, that one is a doctor!

Not only is he ranked second among the Fools’ Executive Officers, but he is as powerful as a god.

He also has the high IQ of a scholar!

That’s why he met the God of Wisdom, the God of Grass, and threw a weapon against him!

Otherwise, I would have successfully regained the Heart of God long ago.

As for why the doctor threw the rat weapon and why he didn’t dare to gamble…

After what happened in the previous countries, people in the chat group could more or less guess it.

After all, this is a rebellion!

It’s a real gamble, even if there is only a slight chance that Heaven will wake up!

That is also fatal!

So it’s best not to bet!

Because it concerns the person on Sky Island, for the sake of safety, everyone tacitly agreed not to mention this topic.

Dawn Winery

“Erase the slice?……”

At this time, Diluc frowned deeply.

He doesn’t have the means like His Excellency Xiaocao Shen.

But it is impossible to give up!

Because he and the doctor have a bloody feud~!

So no matter how difficult it is, you can get it!

Compared with the previous lack of solutions, now His Excellency Xiaocao Shen’s method finally allowed him to see a glimmer of possibility!

What he needs to do now is to conduct research on this method!

Then find a revenge method that suits you!

At this time,

【Keqing: Wait! It seems that Your Excellency Xiaocao Shen has two divine hearts, right?】

【Yae Shenzi: Yes~ If nothing else happens, the other one should continue to trade with the doctor】

【Nasida: Yeah! The Heart of the Grass God was originally used to maintain the operation of the void】

【Nasida: But after this incident, I will definitely close the void in the future, and then let the people’s thirst for knowledge and curiosity dominate the academic area again.】

【Nasida: So the Heart of the Grass God doesn’t have much effect!】

【Nasida; but this is the heart of God after all! So the doctor must be able to afford the corresponding price!】

【Nasida: I just don’t know what it will be.】

【Navia: Is it something like a slice? (curious.jpg)】

【Doctor: No no no! Nothing else can compare to the Heart of God! If nothing else, it should be knowledge!】

【Doctor: For the God of Wisdom, there should be nothing more suitable than trading knowledge!】

【Nilu: It always feels weird to exchange knowledge for something belonging to the God of Wisdom…】

【Nasida: Yes, somewhat! However, the God of Wisdom is not omniscient and omnipotent! There’s always something she doesn’t know】

【Funina: What could interest the God of Wisdom? (curious.jpg)】

【Doctor: Haha~]

The doctor did not speak this time.

But according to his understanding of himself.

The knowledge used in exchange should be the rumor – the void in Teyvat is false! ~

There are secrets about the entire world hidden by the World Tree!

Only this has value!

But there is no need to say it in the group.

I just don’t know if the light curtain will be exposed one day…

Seeing that the doctor didn’t speak, the people in the chat group started discussing among themselves.

But no one discussed the reason.

Seeing the light screen flashing again, they quickly looked over


In the light curtain,���The face continued to flash.

Video 2:

This time the video is playing Nasida’s legendary mission one.

The content is also very simple.

After the Xumi people gained the ability to dream, they began to organize an event called”Dream Appreciation Moment”.

But something unexpected happened later!

For the sake of his lover, a scholar borrowed the power of the closed void to enchant other people in their dreams.

After Nasida and the traveler discovered the matter, they successfully solved the matter!

Later, in the form of a speech, Nacida gave the wisdom of dreams and reality as the god of wisdom.

“Hello everyone who has just woken up!”

“I’m very sorry for disturbing your sweet dreams.”

“The way it was handled in the dream may be a bit cold, and I also express my apologies.”

“Dreams have a very magical power. For those who are determined, they can inspire people and give wings to their ideals.”

“But it may also sneak in, confuse cognition, and confuse right and wrong.”

“Unfortunately, you were chosen as prey earlier.”

“As I said before, I am still learning, and I can’t say that I can empathize with the pain of separation.”

“But if you look around you will see that there are not many people who have experienced similar experiences.”

“You should be proud that you can get together and stand here, looking into the distance together.”

“The road of life is very long, and it is difficult for us to see the end”

“So we may have a lot of problems”

“For example, what is the meaning of my life?”

“For example, what is my goal?”

“Like why do I keep going through pain?”

“It is true that stopping, giving up thinking, and repeating familiar practices is the easiest choice”

“But whenever you have such thoughts, just look at the people and things around you.”

“Some people work hard all day so that their family can have a hot meal at night”

“Some people travel across the country to create works of art that resonate throughout Teyvat.”

“Some people explore the secrets of the world in order to prevent approaching and unspeakable disasters.”

“Self is not the whole meaning of life!”

“Every action shapes oneself and the world!”

“Your friends and family will remember what you do!”

“Strangers may also benefit from your actions!”

“For this reason, many people have to open up a new path even if they endure pain.”

“But as you walk down the same path, the answers to those questions will slowly emerge.”

“At the same time, it becomes no longer important”

“But if you think life is nothingness, then it will gradually move towards nothingness!”

“You have the freedom to choose how you live!”

“But as God, I need to wake you up first!”

“it is my responsibility!”

“It’s up to you whether you want to embrace your dreams at the expense of reality in the future.”


Video 1 shows the battle of wits between Nasida and the Doctor, with the weak defeating the strong with wisdom and courage!

Video 2, showing Nasida���For the wisdom and love that God comes to give people answers to their questions!

Two videos, two different ways of expressing wisdom.

After the broadcast, many Teyvat people in front of the light curtain were also amazed.

Although this little grass god is not as good as the Great Merciful Tree King, he is still smart enough!

It even has its own special features in some aspects!

Like a gamble that destroys the heart of God!

If it were the Great Ci Tree King, he might not be able to come up with this method.

Even if you figure it out, you may not do it!

It can be said that these two videos have vindicated Nasida’s name!

Even though she is still weak, even though she is only five hundred years old, she is not without merit!

She has the potential to rival or even surpass the Great Ci Tree King, the first-generation God of Wisdom!

As for the Sumeru people… at this time, they were silent.

The eyes looking at the light curtain were extremely complicated.

In the past, after the death of King Daci Shu, they always lamented the loss of the God of Wisdom.

But they didn’t expect that the God of Wisdom was beside them!

But they didn’t find it!

It’s just that they were too eager for success and didn’t give the little grass god enough time to grow!

Facts have proved that she is qualified to be the God of Wisdom of Xumi!

On the contrary, they are not qualified to be the subjects of Little Lucky Grass King……


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Wow, what Nasida said is really good! This scene fits the sentence”Wisdom is only a means, life is the goal””!】

【Paimon: Hum, two videos, light curtain certification! Do you still dare to say that Nasida is not worthy of being the God of Wisdom after seeing the Ecclesiastical Council?】

【Alice: Morax really has no Mora, but the God of Wisdom is really wise! (dog head. expression)】


【Zhen: It’s a pity that he has been imprisoned for five hundred years! If Nasida had been allowed to come out earlier, maybe she would have grown faster!】

【Funina: That’s right! Even after being imprisoned for five hundred years, he is still so powerful! If he had come into contact with the outside world earlier, then at least there would be the Great Cishu King or even surpass the level of the Great Cishu King!】

【Wendy: If that were the case, perhaps the Order and Sumeru would not have reached this point!】

【Zhongli: This miss lasted five hundred years.……】


The people in the group didn’t blame Xumi that much this time, after all, they had blamed him so many times.

It just feels like a pity.

What a pity for Nasida!

What a pity for Daci Shuwang!

What a pity for the people of Sumeru!

It was clear that King Daci Shu had sent the future God of Wisdom to them, but they abandoned it themselves!

There is a saying that you can do evil if God does it, but you cannot live if you do evil on your own!

Over the past five hundred years, the Dead Zone has been deteriorating, the number of people suffering from Demon Scale has been increasing, the conflict between the rainforest and the desert has intensified, and we have gone astray in the pursuit of wisdom!

This is the consequences they reap!

Tinari, Seno, Kelai and others couldn’t help but sigh after seeing this.

How could they not know?

But unfortunately it’s too late!

If God gives them another chance, they will definitely beat up the great sage of that year.

Then he will say enthusiastically to the little grass god,

“God, I have found you!”

Everyone is looking forward to meeting you!

Then hold a grand Flower Goddess Festival for her!

This is the treatment she deserves!

…… ps: The matching desktop is finally here ~ woo woo hoo ~ I can finally abandon the core display!

Finally, I no longer have to play with Yun Yuanshen!

Too expensive…….

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